Devendra Pai


Course Director at RMP's . Swayamsevak, Teacher, Die-hard fan, and co-founder of **Views are personal

Amchi Mumbai
Se unió en julio de 2009
Fecha de nacimiento 1988


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  1. Tweet fijado
    31 ene.

    Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

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  2. hace 3 horas
  3. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    This is so amazing, a making of single piece of bangle required so much skill, hardwork & devotion . And we simply bargain for such difficult art , without realizing the efforts behind it .. This is truly an incredible India ..

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  4. retwitteó
    hace 20 horas

    Per this report, atleast 6/9 arrested terrorists were in Murshidabad during Dec-Jan and participated in the violent anti-CAA/NRC protests. Documentary evidence corroborates. They were apparently asked by their handlers to increase traction with local youth through these protests.

  5. retwitteó
    hace 21 horas

    This ain't alarmism. In our lifetime Hinduism could be effectively outlawed if there is no pushback.

  6. retwitteó
    hace 22 horas

    Final orders will be interesting and have a bearing on whatever little remains of in . A time will soon come when someone who endorses hate and bigotry as a way of life will take offence at your wishing him or her 'Namaste' or 'Ram Ram'.

  7. hace 23 horas
  8. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    : - From the eyes of , & . Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, popularly known as Veer Savarkar was an Indian patriot, independence activist, poet, writer and a social revolutionary. (1/21)

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  9. retwitteó
    21 sept.

    Very good proposed amendments on FCRA :: Genuine NGO’s will use 80% for development purposes, cannot fund other NGO’s (web of downstream donations) and transparent money flow.

  10. retwitteó
    21 sept.

    FCRA Bill will spell doom for conversion factories in TN. A good part of these NGOs benefiting so far has also left social reforms ineffective. Good to weed them out. This is a masterstroke, in my opinion.

  11. retwitteó
    21 sept.

    शेतकऱ्यांसाठी काय पण!!! Anything For Farmers!!! Am I right Mr. ?? 🙃🙃🙃🙃

    , , y 7 más
  12. 21 sept.

    Whom does this guy from Nayak remind you of when you watch proceedings?

  13. 21 sept.

    Education can't defeat Jihadi Terrorism

  14. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    Retweet if you agree that Derek O'Brien is the most arrogant and foul mouthed Member of Parliament.

  15. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    BIG : Sanjay Singh strangling a marshal in Parliament संसद में मार्शल का गला दबाकर मारते संजय सिंह , बाद में घूंसों से मार्शल पर हमला किया

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  16. retwitteó
    19 sept.
  17. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    Watch how Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjay Singh created a ruckus inside the parliament over pro-farmer . He was later joined by others in the opposition including Congress' Digvijaya Singh.

  18. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    It was & his gang of who was responsible for riots out on the streets of Delhi & it’s who has done the same inside the parliament.

  19. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    A video of Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjay Singh strangling a marshal in Parliament! Wah ! Beyond shameful.

  20. retwitteó
    20 sept.
    En respuesta a

    Shameful conduct by but the irony is that he will never feel it. His Rajya Sabha membership must be immediately revoked.

  21. retwitteó
    20 sept.

    वाह के संस्कार!!


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