Alice Clarke


Freelance journalist, game reviewer, producer, presenter, & script writer. TV lover, PAX Aus Diversity Lounge co-curator, & frozen pea fan.

Melbourne, Australia
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@Alicedkc blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @Alicedkc desblokeatuko.

  1. Duela 44 minutu

    Turns out that reason is because Woolworths didn’t put holes in the bag on the Australian. Not sealing frozen veg properly leads to them drying out a bit. Now the cheap peas are artificially not as good as the more expensive ones. I wish was still a thing.

    Erakutsi haria
  2. Duela 44 minutu

    I also noticed there were little holes in the back of every Essentials bag, but assumed I just hadn’t noticed on other bags. Because of covid shortages, I’ve had to start occasionally buying the more expensive Australian Peas, and for some reason they’re way juicer.

    Erakutsi haria
  3. Duela 44 minutu

    I eat a lot of peas. I have them with lunch and dinner at home every day. When I started shopping at Woolies I noticed that the peas were less juicy than I was used to, and assumed it was because they were grown in Spain or something.

    Erakutsi haria
  4. Duela 44 minutu

    Here’s a story of how makes their cheaper Essentials brand just a little bit unnecessarily worse for profit. It’s not exactly watergate, but it’s unethical and just weird to sabotage the quality of a product.

    Erakutsi haria
  5. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 9 ordu

    Google makes a lot of big claims in its warning to users about the ACCC news code. I checked them against the draft law to find the truth (fun fact: YouTube doesn't actually fall under the code):

  6. Duela 18 ordu

    The new ep of was the wrong thing to watch right before bed in complete darkness. Oh no. Everything seems extra bad in Purgatory and I am never sleeping again.

  7. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 23 ordu

    As someone who is both a journalist and a fan of Google's many nifty products and services, it would be super neat if Google didn't try to mobilize Australian consumers against the ACCC

  8. abu. 17

    Wow, what a nice kitchen Big bathrooms I love the light in the upstairs area Laundry is a bit weird, but that’s fine Wait… What?

  9. abu. 16

    Every time I get an email about some new event or show opening later in the year

  10. abu. 16

    Someone is playing haunting violin music outside, just loudly enough to lightly waft into my apartment, but not so loudly that I can identify a source and not be completely creeped out.

  11. abu. 16

    You just know that the folks who grab people at the finish line in Fall Guys are working class Republican/Liberal voters. Like, sure their actions screw them over completely too, but at least they’ve stopped others from succeeding, too.

  12. abu. 16

    What an excellent burn.

  13. abu. 16

    The city’s birds want blood.

  14. abu. 15

    (Twitter video length limits left off the really cool outro, but it’s really cool so here it is)

    Erakutsi haria
  15. abu. 15

    One thing I really love about Pvris’ song Dead Weight is that it really takes advantage of an electric kit, and I’m pretty sure it uses the sounds of the Retro House kit on the Roland TD-17. Plus I love the pattern of it.

  16. abu. 15

    . is my drumming hero, and one day I hope to be half as talented and have a quarter of her endurance… here’s my of Sleater-Kinney’s song Jumpers.

    Erakutsi haria
  17. abu. 15

    Had some fun with drums today! Here’s Can I Go On by Sleater-Kinney (aka the official anthem of 2020).

  18. abu. 15

    Pick up a copy of the Herald Sun/Daily Tele/Courier Mail/Advertiser or other paper with the Weekend Hibernation liftout today to see my review of Fall Guys!

  19. abu. 15

    Perfect Saturday morning

  20. abu. 14

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
