don't need luck

Ashley, 33, exhausted video game gif/mod maker. I also like tea and cats.
pfp commisioned from isa.b.e.e. on insta!

001. about
003. tags
004. my mods
005. my ocs

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The Light is with me, even here.


visited Moon Island this morning, a dream address i found on reddit. 10000% recommend a visit for some fall vibes. the whole island feels HUGE, and i kept getting lost and turned around. 10/10. go visit!!

DA: 7867-3773-5204


fallout chalenge: [1/1] Radio Station → Galaxy News Radio


The Heleus Cluster

For Chris’ birthday I decided to give his room a make over! It took me a lot of hours and hard work(I fell and hurt myself lmao I’m old) and the room has gotten a few finishing touches since(curtains! books in the shelves!). But he loved it a lot and has decided he wants us to go room by room and do this for the whole house, really deep cleaning with updates making the space more of ours and something we want to spend time in rather than just a room that exists.

But it also ties into my previous recovering hoarder update. This is his space and normally I wouldn’t feel comfortable touching it, but I’m finally getting more comfortable with the idea that its our shared space and he’s down with it.

tag yourself: autumn edition

tagged by @vaniccio tysm!!

tea or hot chocolate? cozy books or halloween movies? plaid or corduroy? foggy mornings or twinkly nights? orange or black? pumpkin or apple pie? wool or velvet? picking fruit or carving pumpkins? libraries or coffee shops? cinnamon or peanut butter? spooky or cozy halloween? candles or fairy lights?

tagging @utopianoverlord @sephirona @honeyside 


“All those little blue children will be disappointed I didn’t have a speech.”
“We’ll make up a good story for them.”

tagged by @utopianoverlord top 7 albums at the moment (

  1. Not Shy - ITZY
  2. Dystopia: Lose Myself - Dreamcatcher
  3. High Road - Kesha
  4. -77.82 x -78.29 - Everglow
  5. Heaven and Hell - Ava Max
  6. It’s Me - ITZY
  7. The Album - Blackpink

tagging: @lesbrarian-1995 @phoenixfg @lady-z13 and? anyone? else? 


the outer worlds scenery [2/?] — R O S E W A Y  


Storm Coast


#블랙스완 1st Full Album [Goodbye RANIA] 

Concept Image 2020.10.16. 18:00 (KST) 



Pinewatch Treasure