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Adrian • he/him • 19 • Brazil

WaT Discography Download - Koike Teppei and Wentz Eiji - Masterpost


WaT (pronounced “Watto” ワット, for Wentz and Teppei) was a Japanese pop duo composed of singers/songwriters Eiji Wentz and Teppei Koike. They met each other in 2002 and formed WaT, playing live street performances with their guitars.

I really love WaT, that’s why I decide to share my collection with all of you.

So here is their discography! Enjoy!!

P.S. Please keep supporting the artist by buying the originals here.

Placing everything under a cut for easy editing purposes.

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  • Dazai: Why are you doing this?
  • Fyodor: Because I’m bored, it’s funny, and I hate you. There you are, the holy trinity of ‘why’.


Fyodor: If you had to choose between Dazai and all the money I have in my pocket, which would you choose?

Chuuya: That depends. How much money are we talking about?

Dazai: Chuuya!?

Fyodor: 62 cents.

Chuuya: I’ll take the money.

Dazai: CHUUYA?!?!?


Fyodor: You know, if the whole ‘villain’ shtick doesn’t work out, I think I have a career as a pastor or a priest.

Dazai: Yeah?

Fyodor: Yes. For some reason, people get awfully religious when they’re around me.

Dazai: Would that be 'oh my god, please don’t kill me’ religious or 'oh my god, yes, harder’ religious?

Fyodor, smirking: Wouldn’t you like to know?


Fyodor: My therapist told me that a great way to get rid of my anger is to write letters to the people I hate and then burn them.

Dazai: And?

Fyodor: I did that, and now I don’t know what to do with the letters.
