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Teachers unions stifle opposition to Louisiana school reopenings

After receiving widespread complaints from teachers across East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, about the conditions in their schools, the teachers union organized a one-day “day of action” sickout strike on Monday in an effort to let off steam among educators.

Emma Arceneaux

Trump breaks off talks on pandemic stimulus bill

Trump’s announcement is a savage attack on the working class under conditions of a worsening pandemic, a rising tide of permanent layoffs, soaring hunger and tens of millions of looming evictions and home foreclosures.

Barry Grey

US safety agency undermines federal oversight of COVID-19 workplace spread

The workplace safety agency revised wording on its website to state that employers must only report a hospitalization if it occurs within 24 hours of exposure, a near impossibility that effectively abolishes any requirement that companies notify OSHA of severe cases.

Shannon Jones

Trump copies Hitler

A video tweeted by President Trump depicting his return to the White House on October 5, 2020 after being hospitalized with COVID-19 was clearly modeled after Hitler's arrival at the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in the Nazi film Triumph of the Will.

The way forward for NYU graduate students

The IYSSE at NYU fully supports the fight of graduate student workers for better living and working conditions. This struggle, however, has to be based on an understanding of the socioeconomic and political crisis unfolding in the US and around the world.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality at New York University

COVID-19 infections on the rise in Germany

The age of the infected, for both mild and severe cases, has been decreasing as infections rise. The average age of those hospitalised has dropped to 37 years.

Marianne Arens

Transit union shuts down job action by Detroit bus drivers

The memorandum of understanding signed by the Amalgamated Transit Union does nothing to seriously address the needs of drivers, let alone resolve the deplorable state of public transit in the most impoverished big city in America.

Shannon Jones

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Ecuadorian unemployed workers and supporters marched through the capital last week while food delivery workers pledged to join an international strike on October 8.

UK plans to detain refugees on prison ships

Repressive anti-immigration policies, in Britain and Australia alike, have been built up over decades by all political representatives of the ruling class.

Robert Stevens

Trump’s illness and the Democrats’ call for unity

The response of the Democratic Party to Trump’s illness is determined, as always, by the class interests that it represents and its fear of working-class opposition from below.

Joseph Kishore, David North

This week in history: October 5-11

On October 10, 1995, workers in France went on a national general strike. The walkout brought nearly all the public sector to a standstill, exacerbating the political crisis of the government of President Jacques Chirac less than six months after taking office.

Foreword to 30 Years of War, the German edition of David North’s A Quarter Century of War

After three decades of US-led wars, the outbreak of a third world war, whichwould be fought with nuclear weapons, is an imminent and concrete danger. Based on a thorough understanding of the wars of the past three decades and the socioeconomic and political processes in which they were rooted, this book develops a socialist perspective for the struggle against war.

Johannes Stern

Free State of Jones available again on Netflix

This important film from 2016 is now available again on Netflix. It is a rebuke to the racialist politics of the New York Times and the Democratic Party and to the 1619 Project in particular.

Joanne Laurier

IMF issues debt warning

More than half of low-income countries and several emerging market economies face the high risk of a crisis amid “alarming” increases in debt levels.

Nick Beams

Wildfires continue to rage across western United States

The raging wildfires in the western part of the United States continue to threaten the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands, while setting the stage for an even greater crisis of homelessness.

Alexa Castro

30 years of German unity

As German political leaders commemorate the dissolution of East Germany and its incorporation by West Germany 30 years ago, the earlier promises of freedom, democracy, and prosperity are being refuted daily by reality.

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei

Drop in September job growth shows slowdown in US recovery

The September employment report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the economic recovery—largely based on the CARES Act infusion of government money into Wall Street and corporate America—is stalling, as millions of workers remain unemployed and a new round of corporate layoffs is being carried out.

Kevin Reed

COVID-19 rampaging across the US Midwest

Wisconsin infection rates are rising sharply, placing hospitals at risk of being overwhelmed, while Missouri hit a record rate Friday after schools opened to in-person instruction.

Kristina Betinis, Cole Michaels

Cost cutting and council’s austerity measures led to Grenfell tragedy

The role of JRP, the company overseeing onsite safety at Grenfell, mainly consisted of walking around, getting “a general feel for what the client has asked us to do” and asking the questions “have you guys checked that it’s compliant and have building control approved it?”

Charles Hixson

Russia prepares health care cuts as COVID cases rise

The Kremlin’s proposed budget axes spending on health care and allocates 27 percent of all federal expenditures to the army, national guard and security forces of the interior ministry.

Andrea Peters
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