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Displaying 1 - 50 of 301781
Project Title Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Config Overlay Remove workaround for broken ExtensionInstallStorage::createCollection() Needs review Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 2 16 sec 7 min 19 sec
Views Role Based Global Text Drupal 9 readiness Active Normal Feature request 8.x-1.1 1 1 min 44 sec 1 min 44 sec
Drupal core Clean up the "Sidebar" component in Bartik Needs work Normal Task 9.1.x-dev 52 2 min 4 sec komalkolekar 5 years 2 months
Coral Empty Repository. Active Critical Bug report 1 3 min 29 sec 3 min 29 sec
Drupal core [ignore] Patch Testing Only Needs work Normal Task 9.1.x-dev 48 7 min 6 sec chandrashekhar_srijan 1 month 2 days
Require on Publish Untranslated string Field \"%field_label\" is required when publishing. Active Normal Bug report 8.x-1.2 1 7 min 48 sec siva01 7 min 48 sec
Config Overlay Incompatible with Config Ignore Needs work Major Bug report 8.x-1.0-alpha3 3 9 min 35 sec 1 year 1 week
ACL acl_save_form insert query optimization Fixed Normal Task 7.x-1.x-dev 15 10 min 28 sec 4 years 8 months
Drupal core \ReflectionParamter::getClass() is deprecated in PHP 8.0 Needs review Normal Bug report 9.1.x-dev 23 10 min 55 sec 2 months 4 weeks
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Critical error when using CDN module Needs review Critical Bug report 8.x-3.x-dev 14 12 min 53 sec 10 months 2 weeks
CookiePro by OneTrust Remove the deprication function drupal_set_message() Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 8.x-1.0 17 15 min 49 sec 6 months 4 min
CookiePro by OneTrust Automated Drupal Rector fixes Needs review Normal Task 8.x-1.0 4 17 min 1 sec 4 months 1 week
Drupal core Replace `throw` statement `Drupal.throwError` Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Task 9.1.x-dev 16 17 min 13 sec 4 years 5 months
Workflow State "creation" is missing in Views filter widget options list Needs work Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 5 4 min 43 sec 1 hour 2 min
ACL Make PHPUnit test file system layout more conventional Active Normal Feature request 8.x-1.x-dev 2 23 min 20 sec 1 day 19 hours
Varbase Commerce (Merchandise) Initial structure for [Varbase Commerce (Merchandise)] module Active Normal Task 2 27 min 10 sec mhawwari 2 years 1 month
Drupal core Drupal main javascript file can't be loaded with "defer" attribute after upgrade to 8.8.1 Active Major Bug report 8.9.x-dev 7 33 min 48 sec 8 months 3 weeks
Drupal core Break long text strings in layout edit Needs review Normal Bug report 9.1.x-dev 43 34 min 28 sec msuthars 1 year 10 months
Taxonomy Manager JSMinPlus had a possible error minifying: modules/contrib/taxonomy_manager/js/tree.js. Using uncompressed version. Error: Parse error: Missing ; before statement in file '[inline]' on line 67 Active Normal Bug report 2.0.1 1 35 min 38 sec 35 min 38 sec
Drupal core Upgrade symfony/phpunit-bridge to 5.1.6 to fix badly formed deprecation error message Fixed Normal Bug report 9.1.x-dev 17 36 min 29 sec 2 months 21 hours
druparcheky_theme Links colors are different. Needs review Normal Bug report 1.2.5 3 37 min 11 sec 45 min 31 sec
ACL Project does not pass PHPUnit tests Needs work Major Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 9 37 min 29 sec 1 year 2 weeks
Commerce Cart Flyout No add to cart button shown when using "flyout add to cart form" Active Normal Support request 8.x-1.x-dev 3 38 min 35 sec 1 month 2 days
Paragraphs asymmetric translation widgets Support experimental widget Needs review Normal Feature request 8.x-1.x-dev 10 38 min 49 sec 1 week 3 days
Matomo Analytics Visits dropped dramatically Active Major Bug report 8.x-1.10 2 39 min 52 sec 42 min 40 sec
Audit Log Documentation? Active Normal Task 7.x-1.x-dev 10 41 min 8 sec 5 years 6 months
Drupal core CKEditor widgets that do not implement the editor.ui.addButton() method in the plugin.js file do not show the icon on the WYSIWYG editor Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Support request 9.1.x-dev 24 42 min 46 sec Wim Leers 4 years 2 months
Drupal core Remove uses of t() in assert[No]FieldBy*() calls Needs work Normal Task 9.1.x-dev 34 43 min 45 sec 3 months 1 week
Entity Export CSV How to import data provided by this module ? Active Normal Support request 8.x-1.x-dev 1 44 min 33 sec 44 min 33 sec
Concurrent Queue D8 port Needs review Normal Task 7.x-2.x-dev 7 39 min 44 sec 4 years 5 months
Transform uploaded image README updates Needs review Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev 6 52 min 25 sec 3 months 3 weeks
Flag Destination URL not set when deleting flag through Field Entry Form Needs review Major Bug report 8.x-4.0-beta2 3 54 min 26 sec 1 month 2 weeks
Drupal core Drop PHP 7 support in Drupal 10 Active Normal Plan 10.0.x-dev 1 54 min 27 sec 54 min 27 sec
Drupal core Allow multiple vocabularies in the taxonomy filter Needs review Normal Bug report 9.1.x-dev 150 55 min 6 sec 4 years 1 month
Icon Select Icon select widget broken with Claro Active Normal Bug report 2.0.0 2 56 min 34 sec 2 hours 13 min
Date range formatter Rename "Date range (without time)" formatter Active Normal Bug report 8.x-3.x-dev 4 57 min 14 sec 2 years 7 months
Drupal core Views argument - Provide default value - Content ID from URL not working on ajax requests Needs work Normal Bug report 9.1.x-dev 3 58 min 39 sec kiseleva.t 2 hours 1 min
PDF Tools Handle render array headers/footers and allow print stylesheets Needs review Normal Feature request 8.x-1.x-dev 4 1 hour 17 sec 1 week 6 days
Twig Tweak {{ drupal_view('who_s_new', 'block_1') }} how to add exposed views filter parameter Active Normal Support request 3.0.0-rc2 3 1 hour 48 sec 1 hour 17 min
Sitemap Fix config schema Needs review Normal Bug report 8.x-2.x-dev 15 1 hour 3 min 3 weeks 23 hours
Drupal core Allow menu items which link to unpublished nodes to be selected in the parent item selector Needs work Normal Feature request 9.1.x-dev 25 1 hour 5 min 4 years 2 days
Drupal core [backport] Block visibility node type not working on preview/revision routes Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Bug report 9.0.x-dev 81 1 hour 8 min 3 years 3 months
Pathauto Alter update_action to optional variable for AliasStorageHelper::save() Active Normal Support request 8.x-1.6 2 1 hour 9 min 1 hour 10 min
SMTP Authentication Support Unable to debug Needs review Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev 44 1 hour 15 min 1 year 3 months
Entity Share Call to a member function getAlias on null Active Major Support request 8.x-3.0-alpha1 17 1 hour 18 min 8 months 2 weeks
Drupal core External Javascript API not invoked Fixed Normal Support request 9.0.x-dev 4 1 hour 20 min 8 hours 6 min
Commerce Shipping Add condition based on item quantity Needs work Normal Feature request 8.x-2.x-dev 7 1 hour 21 min khiminrm 1 year 5 months
myTinyTodo Fix or remove link to screencast on project page. Active Normal Task 7.x-1.1 1 1 hour 22 min 1 hour 22 min
Drupal core Installing a module causes translations to be overwritten Needs work Critical Bug report 9.1.x-dev 53 1 hour 22 min 4 years 4 days
Drupal core Various methods of \Drupal\Core\Database\StatementInterface have changed their signature for PHP 8 Needs review Normal Bug report 9.1.x-dev 35 1 hour 23 min 2 months 3 weeks


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