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The following are the strategic initiatives for Drupal core, in alphabetical order.

For more details, and a full list of all high-priority efforts going on in Drupal core, see

See How are strategic initiatives chosen? for details on the selection process.

Drupal 9 Initiatives #

Preview of admin UI redesign

Admin UI and JavaScript Modernisation #

Drupal's default administration experience was last overhauled in Drupal 7; we're working to bring it into the modern age of design.

Status: Claro admin theme in beta; other improvements under development

Drupal 8 in the centre, talking to other services

API-First #

Integrate with other systems, bring your content anywhere, display it as you wish.

Plan#2757967: API-first initiative

Status: JSON API in core (stable); Other improvements in development

Druplicon + Arrow

Automatic Updates #

Updating a Drupal site can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. While implementing an automatic updates system is a difficult problem, and not without its risks, it is a problem that has been solved by other platforms, and that Drupal can address.

Plan#2940731: Automatic Updates initiative

Status: Under development (contrib: Automatic Updates)

Drupal <3 Composer

Composer Support in Core #

While many Drupal 8 sites are already being managed via Composer, this initiative aims to introduce "first-class" support for Composer right in Drupal core.

Plan#2958021: Composer Support in Core initiative

Status: Composer support in core (stable); migration tool under development

Drupal config symbols

Configuration Management 2.0 #

Now that Drupal 8's configuration management system has been out in the wild, this initiative aims to include core support for extended workflows.

Plan#2957423: Configuration Management 2.0 initiative

Status: Under development

Proposed mockup of docs landing page

Documentation and Help #

The goal of this initiative is to improve the Drupal evaluator, developer, and site builder experiences through improved documentation on, and improve in-application help via a new topic-based help system.

Status: Help Topics module in beta

Drupal 9 EOL timeline

Drupal 10 Readiness #

The goal of this initiative is to release Drupal 10 in 2022, providing adequate time to update sites while keeping Drupal secure and up to date..

Status: Working on PHP 8, Symfony 6 compatibility. Planning.

Proposed media bulk upload screen

Media #

Authors and editors need simple drag-and-drop media and asset handling. Targeted features include WYSIWYG integration to easily select from existing media library that supports multiple upload and expanded media formats (video, social media).

Plan: #2786785: Media in Drupal 8 Initiative

Status: Media entities stable; Media Library in beta.

Druplicon + Arrow

New Front-End Theme #

This initiative seeks to create a new default front-end theme with a modern look and feel.

Plan#3088378: Designs for new front-end theme for Drupal 9

Status: Under development (contrib: Olivero)

UI for content staging functionality

Workflow #

Bring major improvements to Drupal’s content workflow, preview and staging capabilities to provide authors and editors with the tools to share, review, and collaborate on content before it's live.

Plan: #2721129: Workflow Initiative

Status: Draft functionality stable; expanded revision support stable; content staging in beta.

Completed Initiatives #

The following initiatives have completed in Drupal 8/9, and are now part of the core code base!

Drupal 9 Coordination around Drupal 9 readiness.
Configuration Management Allow deploying configuration between environments.
Extended security coverage Extended security coverage from one month after next minor release to six months.
HTML5 Change Drupal's default markup to conform to HTML5 standards, including new semantic elements.
Layout Site builders need intuitive tools to build pages, change layouts, and add & rearrange blocks with live preview.
Migrate Provide a solid base for content and configuration migrations from older Drupal versions and third party systems.
Mobile Make Drupal 8 a first-class mobile platform.
Multilingual Incorporate multilingual capabilities into Drupal core.
Out of the box Add a demonstration of Drupal's capabilities that helps evaluators experience Drupal out of the box.
Outside-In Allow content authors and site builders to configure basic settings from the front-end of your site.
PHPUnit Convert all legacy SimpleTest tests to the standard PHP testing framework, PHPUnit.
SCOTCH Provides the underpinnings for the new Layout system in Drupal 8.
Spark Improve Drupal 8's experience for content authors through improvements such as WYSIWYG editing, a mobile-friendly toolbar, and in-place editing.
Twig Translate Drupal's themeable output to the Twig system.
Views in Core Put the Views module into core to allow for configurable content listings.
Web Services Transform Drupal from a first-class CMS to a first-class REST server with a first-class CMS on top of it.