Open Data Day 2021 will take place on Saturday 6th March

We are pleased to announce that Open Data Day 2021 will take place on Saturday 6th March. Open Data Day is the annual global celebration of open data facilitated by the Open Knowledge Foundation. The Open Data Day website is Groups from around the world create local events on the day where they will […]

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Goodtables: Expediting the data submission and submitter feedback process

by Adam Shepherd, Amber York, Danie Kinkade, and Lilly Winfree This post, originally published on the BCO-DMO blog, describes the second part of our Frictionless Data Pilot collaboration.     Earlier this year, the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) completed a pilot project with the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) to streamline the data curation processes for oceanographic […]

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National Data Strategy

The UK’s National Data Strategy: first impressions and observations

After years of promises, the UK Government has finally announced the launch of a ‘framework’ National Data Strategy. The aim of the strategy is to “drive the UK in building a world-leading data economy while ensuring public trust in data use” and the government has set out five missions for this work: Unlocking the value […]

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Frictionless Data Monthly Virtual Hangout – 27 August

Join the Frictionless Data group for a virtual hangout on 27 August! These monthly hangouts are a casual opportunity to meet other Frictionless Data users and the main contributor team, ask questions, and learn about recent developments. We will spend extra time during this call discussing the newly-released Python code Frictionless-py and would love […]

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Our Open Future

A closed future where knowledge belongs to the few; or an open future where knowledge is shared and used by everyone so that we can live happier and healthier lives. Our work has never been more important. And we’d like you to join us. The Open Knowledge Foundation has launched a new campaign for Our Open […]

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An open future for every child

An estimated 1.5 billion children worldwide have had their learning disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This global emergency is far more than a public health crisis: it has stalled educational progress in every nation, with economic consequences that could last for a generation. Throughout the pandemic, which saw lockdowns in most countries, Open Education […]

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The UK must not be left behind on the road to a more open society

The United Kingdom still doesn’t have a National Data Strategy. The idea has been stuck in development hell for years, and the delay has already had an impact. Had a strategy been in place before the coronavirus pandemic, there would have been rules and guidelines in place to help the sharing of data and information […]

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Exposing legacy project datasets in Digital Humanities: King’s Digital Lab experience

This is a repost of a blog published by Arianna Ciula on Kings Digital Lab Blog on July 7, 2020 In this blogpost we share our experiences at King’s Digital Lab (KDL). While we can call the process a success overall (and you can read more about it in this article and in the summary of our […]

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Clarifying the semantics of data matrices and results tables: a Frictionless Data Pilot

As part of the Frictionless Data for Reproducible Research project, funded by the Sloan Foundation, we have started a Pilot collaboration with the  Data Readiness Group  at the Department of Engineering Science of the University of Oxford; the group will be represented by Dr. Philippe Rocca-Serra, an Associate Member of Faculty. This Pilot will focus […]

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Adapting with the changing times: A way forward for WEData Nepal

This blogpost was jointly written by the project leads of Women Entrepreneurship Data (WEData) Nepal. Women’s role inside the family in Nepalese society has evolved in recent decades with an increase in levels of education and the need for income in families to sustain the growing inflation. But women are not equally participative, due to […]

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WANTED: Open Knowledge Foundation seeks visionary leader to steer the world towards a free, fair, and open society

You are a charismatic, innovative champion of openness, and a strategist with leadership skills and experience of engaging highly motivated teams and funders. We are the Open Knowledge Foundation, building a better future where knowledge is shared so all can live happier and healthier lives. Together, we will spread the global message of openness and […]

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