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If Netflix is an employer of choice, we have it all wrong

The streaming giant's co-founder, Reed Hastings, should spend more time on his tax return and less on distorting the English language.

  • Angus Grigg

Meeting with South32's CEO? Bring your walking shoes

For Graham Kerr, one-on-one catch-ups are the perfect opportunity to head out of the office for a walk and a proper conversation.

  • Sally Patten

Why John Mullen changed his tune on pandemic response

Six months ago, the Telstra chairman warned about pandemic panic. Now, he's more likely to err on the side of caution.

  • Sally Patten

What business can learn from sport and the military

Swimming Australia took lessons from the military about performing 'when it really counts under enormous pressure'.

  • Sally Patten

Why advice is better than feedback

Feedback is common practice in most workplaces, but studies have shown it is less helpful than we think. There is a more effective way to improve performance.

  • Aytekin Tank


New formula needed for soured China relationship: a2 Milk boss

With relations between Australia and China at a fresh low, Geoff Babidge says more thought needs to go into what governments and business leaders say publicly.

  • Carrie LaFrenz

The tech companies that think it's time to end working from home

Whether it's building relationships to increase revenues or learning from leaders, some things can only be done face-to-face.

  • Sally Patten

Virtual board meetings set to become an occasional affair

More than half of company directors expect virtual meetings will replace face-to-face meetings only occasionally.

  • Sally Patten

How KFC rode out the coronavirus lockdown

With Collins Foods one of Australia's biggest employers of teenagers, chairman Robert Kaye realised his young workforce needed moral as well as practical support.

  • Sally Patten

If there's one thing to upskill in, make it this

Within the next two years AI will change recruitment processes, how bosses engage with employees and even how key performance indicators are set, say experts.

  • Natasha Boddy

Hard lessons for boards on who really calls the shots

Shareholder reactions to dramas at AMP, QBE and Rio Tinto have reinforced a small but growing shift in the power balance between directors and investors.

  • James Thomson

Did you know you could be a ... head of engineering capability?

In the AFR BOSS series that explores careers that have evolved or enjoyed growth, Rodney Marsh, who works in the wealth division at IRESS, explains his role.

  • Sally Patten

'We're absolutely paranoid about this virus'

Qantas chairman Richard Goyder fears an obsession with COVID-19 numbers is masking the emotional toll it is taking on millions of Australians facing an uncertain financial future.

  • Sally Patten

Why leaders need to think about who could do their job

Succession planning is more than an exit strategy – it demonstrates good leadership and is a valuable part of career advancement.

  • Charlotte Rimmer

The quick trip home that stretched into six months

Stuck in Australia since March, Scott Russell, Asia-Pacific and Japan president for SAP, has been spending his days on video calls and honing his barista skills.

  • Sally Patten


'Clearly what we've been doing hasn't worked'

Company responses to sexual harassment need an overhaul, says a report from Male Champions of Change. For a start, treat it as a health and safety issue.

  • Sally Patten

Shotguns and CO2: how Andrew Bolt was right all along

Nose breathing has become the new mindfulness, so tape up your mouth and get more carbon dioxide into your life.

  • Angus Grigg

How to get the hiring process right

Employing the wrong person can make a leader's job harder and affect a team's productivity. Here are seven tips to ensure you make the right choice.

  • Karen Gately

Companies should come clean on sexual harassment NDAs: super funds

Super funds want to know how many confidentiality agreements companies sign and how they are resolved.

  • Sally Patten

'Every day is like Christmas' at Australia Post

Australia Post chief executive Christine Holgate says enormous postal volumes show no sign of slowing as Australians continue their love affair with online shopping.

  • Patrick Durkin

Why boards should be reviewing non-disclosure policies

Some experts warn that in cases of sexual harassment, prohibiting someone from sharing information can protect the perpetrator and silence the victim.

  • Sally Patten

How to create a great place to work during COVID-19

The uncertainty and anxiety generated by the pandemic have sapped employee engagement. Here are four ways to get it back.

  • Amantha Imber

How to future-proof your career

Young professionals may be facing one of the most turbulent job markets of their lives, but experts say it's not too late to start building income resilience.

  • Updated
  • Natasha Boddy

Further hefty insurance premium hikes for directors on the horizon

The securities class action environment has reached a 'crisis point' and needs to be fixed, companies directors have said in a roundtable discussion.

  • Sally Patten

Employers exposed to work-from-home injury claims, say lawyers

Ominously, early warning signs are already there, as physiotherapists are reporting more complaints of sore backs and necks due to poorly set up home offices.

  • Sally Patten