World | Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged the public to follow the rules.

Tory MPs curb Johnson's ability to order a second national lockdown

The virus is not yet spreading with the same speed as the first wave but hospital admissions are increasing, particularly among the elderly.

  • by Bevan Shields

Opinion & Perspectives


North America

A protester carries a Proud Boys banner in front of the Oregon State Capitol in Salem.

Proud Boys organiser celebrates Trump endorsement

Joe Biggs, a Florida-based organiser for the male-only group known for street violence, spoke with relish of his group's role.

  • by Richard Read
Facebook has expanded the range of election ads it has banned.

Facebook bans ads calling US voting fraud widespread or election invalid

The social media platform has also identified an "uptick" in content related to the far-right Proud Boys, after President Donald Trump declined to condemn the group during the first presidential debate

  • by Joseph Menn




China has announced a target of net zero emissions by 2060.

'Our own targets': Businesses press ahead as China pushes zero emissions

Australia's top agricultural bodies are moving ahead of the federal government on climate policy to shore up their lucrative export interests.

  • by Mike Foley and Eryk Bagshaw
Sinovac's candidate, CoronaVac, is being tested in Brazil and Indonesia in the final-stage human trials.

'Going well': Indonesia lays ambitious COVID-19 vaccine start date

Indonesia hopes to begin mass production of a China-developed coronavirus vaccine by January 2021, but some key questions remain unanswered.

  • by James Massola and Karuni Rompies

Also in World

Mourners pray over the coffins of civilians killed by a Katyusha rocket attack near the international airport in Baghdad on Tuesday.

Missiles targeting airport in northern Iraq intercepted

US threatened last week to close its Baghdad embassy unless decisive action was taken to reign in Shiite militias suspected of launching attacks in the city.

  • by Samya Kullab

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