Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | WA Today


Climate change

China’s carbon pledge leaves Australia isolated and economically vulnerable

China’s carbon pledge leaves Australia isolated and economically vulnerable

A former climate diplomat warns Australia will miss opportunities that dwarf coal exports if it doesn't take seriously the net-zero carbon ambitions of China and other major trading partners.

  • by Thom Woodroofe


China's push puts end of fossil fuels in sight

China's push puts end of fossil fuels in sight

Floods in China, heat in the Himalayas and political currents in the United States will all play a part in how the Morrison government's energy plans play out.

  • by Nick O'Malley
We don't have to choose between the economy and lower emissions

We don't have to choose between the economy and lower emissions

There are people who think we can’t focus on reducing emissions because the only thing that counts is the economy, and there are those who think the opposite. But this is a false dichotomy.

  • by Alan Finkel
Exit from fossil fuels quickens after California, China signal shift
Paris Agreement

Exit from fossil fuels quickens after California, China signal shift

California's plan to ban new sales of fossil-fuel cars and China's first net zero target show that climate action is beginning to accelerate, analysts say.

  • by Peter Hannam
There are more horses in the energy race, but are they fast enough?

There are more horses in the energy race, but are they fast enough?

The ideas outlined in the energy road map may well one day reduce Australia's carbon emissions, but critics say the plan lacks the urgency crisis required.

  • by Nick O'Malley
'Of one thing we can be certain, the fires will return': Greg Mullins' global warning
Good Weekend

'Of one thing we can be certain, the fires will return': Greg Mullins' global warning

Australia’s unprecedented summer of hell was barely over when California was ablaze. As experts warn of worse to come, one of our most outspoken former fire commissioners reflects on a new age of overlapping catastrophes.

  • by Greg Callaghan
Union boss and environmentalist bury the hatchet in the Hunter
Trade unions

Union boss and environmentalist bury the hatchet in the Hunter

Burnt by an election loss some blame on Labor's efforts to win over city voters on environment issues one union is taking environmentalism right into the heart of coal country.

  • by Nick O'Malley
An old flame: Scott Morrison pushes his plans for gas

An old flame: Scott Morrison pushes his plans for gas

Scott Morrison has turned his attention from his old fossil-fuel friend coal to another with his new energy plans.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Cowardice: what Morrison and Albanese have in common on climate
Political Leadership

Cowardice: what Morrison and Albanese have in common on climate

The climate emergency won't wait for half-measures. Our political leaders let us down this week.

  • by Sean Kelly
Australia cannot wait for climate decision to save Reef: foundation
Great Barrier Reef

Australia cannot wait for climate decision to save Reef: foundation

Practical steps to regrow coral and save threatened ecosystems must take place while the world decides how to reduce warming oceans, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation argues.

  • by Tony Moore
When investors won't back gas, why should taxpayers?

When investors won't back gas, why should taxpayers?

The federal government's commitment to build a new gas plant is a high-risk strategy that will lumber taxpayers with a white elephant.

  • by Bruce Robertson