Reuben Binns


associate professor , fellow . Data protection, ML, HCI, regulation of/with technology. (formerly ) he/him

Csatlakozott 2009. július


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  1. 9 órával ezelőtt

    ML systems often don't generalise. Even worse, they never particularise.

  2. 17 órával ezelőtt

    “My view is that an independent regulator shouldn’t be in a position where the governments of the day can actually influence the appointments of that body to support a particular ideology.”

  3. retweetelte
    jan. 17.

    Let's discuss the environmental cost of bitcoin. Because despite all the push for sustainable and green investment in the tech sector, there's a giant smoldering Chernobyl sitting at the heart of Silicon Valley which a lot of investors would prefer you remain quiet about. 🧵 (1/)

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  4. retweetelte
    jan. 14.

    In a new paper, , Mihir Kshirsagar, and I investigate a question that has been challenging researchers and policymakers: what makes a dark pattern, well, "dark"? [thread]

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  5. retweetelte
    jan. 14.

    “Algorithmic content moderation: Technical and political challenges in the automation of platform governance” by , and published in the special theme The Turn to AI:

  6. jan. 14.

    Some fascinating work presented by my colleagues about logic and logical methods in computer science, as part of

  7. jan. 13.

    This group (Spurs Against the Nazis) came up in the special branch report on the 1981 Anti-Nazi League conference, published in November as part of the undercover policing enquiry: I want one of those pin badges!

  8. jan. 13.

    Well worth reading the paper cited in this thread, exploring fandom, platform governance, feminist HCI in the development of the fanwork archive AO3. "The GeoCities exodus wouldn’t happen again, because the servers would belong to us"

  9. retweetelte
    jan. 12.

    Whenever class & economics are admitted as factors driving bad behavior, there are always a few who object it's "letting bad actors off the hook" to suggest individual material gain is a big part of the reason some are happy to oppress & violate others. Never understood this.

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  10. retweetelte
    jan. 13.

    Incredibly good news. The campaign has gotten approval for its European Citizens' Initiative (ECI)! We will be looking to gather 1 million signatures to call for a ban on biometric mass surveillance in the EU We need to ban this to protect fundamental rights!

  11. retweetelte
    jan. 12.
  12. retweetelte
    jan. 11.

    For the last few months, I've been working with some amazing colleagues to plant the seeds for a new research network looking at issues relating to platform governance, regulation, and power. We're very excited to announce our first conference in March:

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  13. jan. 11.

    Cautiously encouraged by the number of friends and family spontaneously talking about moving from Whatsapp to as a result of the Whatsapp > Facebook data-snaffle

  14. jan. 11.

    Ahh, the black box problem of inherently unexplainable a̶r̶t̶i̶f̶i̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶e̶l̶l̶i̶g̶e̶n̶c̶e̶ spreadsheets "even the people who make a spreadsheet can’t always explain what’s happening in it"

  15. jan. 10.

    Lateral flow tests are like bloom filters, where one type of result (positive) can be interpreted as a yes, but the other (negative) needs to be interpreted as a 'maybe'. Hope this is communicated to recipients of negative results

  16. retweetelte
    jan. 8.

    If it took an actual coup attempt to persuade you to move off WhatsApp to a better product, you're just Signal virtualling.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  17. retweetelte
    jan. 7.

    Would you like to do a PhD with me? Fully-funded ESRC CASE joint MA and Doctoral Award to be held at Lancaster University and the University of Liverpool, in conjunction with LJMU and National Museums Liverpool, beginning in October 2021.

  18. retweetelte
    jan. 6.

    *Job opportunity - deadline extended* Ada is looking for a researcher to join the team and help develop cutting-edge research on the UK Government’s approach to algorithm auditing and impact assessments. Deadline: Thursday 14 Jan. More 👇

  19. retweetelte
    jan. 6.

    Pleased to launch a new working paper on identification and . stresses that A11 now requires that individuals are actually identified (not just identifiable) before many duties apply. But A11 is much less sweeping than suggested:

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  20. retweetelte
    2020. dec. 14.

    The virtual Fifth Workshop on Tech and Consumer Protection (, w/ ) will feature short papers and research ideas (even wild ones!) that advance consumer protection. Submit by Jan. 21:


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