Owen Williams   Hitelesített felhasználó


Kiwi in Canada • Content design manager dev platform • Read my weekly tech column

Toronto, Ontario
Csatlakozott 2008. május


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    2019. nov. 14.

    the only answer to "wow i follow you on twitter" is saying sorry

  2. 3 órával ezelőtt

    Big Netgear Energy

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  3. 3 órával ezelőtt

    why does the PS5 look like someone took a Netgear router and was like "make it 100x bigger"

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  4. 17 órával ezelőtt

    anyone interested in how ~tech platforms~ affect our lives should read the full report. it's wild to see a government committee really dig into Big Tech at this level of detail

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  5. 17 órával ezelőtt

    Reading this, it sure feels like Apple will eventually be forced to 1) allow sideloading on iOS or 2) allow competing app stores or 3) spin out the app store into an independent business

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  6. 17 órával ezelőtt

    really surprised to see the antitrust report actually grasp how problematic it is that every browser on iOS is secretly WebKit – which allows them to force developers into building native apps by avoiding implementing web standards

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  7. 17 órával ezelőtt

    google basically tried to drown prosecutors in 1.1 million documents and the government did not appreciate it

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  8. 17 órával ezelőtt

    ruh roh "Apple’s dominance in this market [...] has enabled it to control all software distribution to iOS devices. As a result, Apple exerts monopoly power in the mobile app store market"

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  9. 17 órával ezelőtt

    the antitrust report basically outright calls for companies like Apple and Google to have their app stores broken up, operated separately from the rest of their businesses ⚠️

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  10. 23 órával ezelőtt

    One-click deployment and management of web apps on DigitalOcean is huge, excited to use this ♥

  11. okt. 6.

    imagine doctors being like "side project checkkkkk 🥼😷👩‍⚕️"

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  12. okt. 5.

    “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes.” The Norwegian idea of 'friluftsliv' could help Canadians this winter, and in particular this concept is useful for reorienting our thinking about winter cycling.

  13. okt. 6.

    time to switch from work mode to game mode

  14. okt. 5.

    unexpectedly got into reading magazines to wind down and unsure if it's pandemic or getting older

  15. okt. 5.

    still pretty bummed that it's impossible to go home to NZ and see family for the summer, making it more than 2 years now 😿

  16. okt. 5.

    New Zealanders have a rare chance to vote on legalizing cannabis this month! Kiwis, please consider voting YES regardless of if you're personally interested, because *regulating cannabis* is a net positive for everyone ❤️

  17. okt. 5.

    the city of toronto coming out with pretty straight advice on Canadian thanksgiving: do not have thanksgiving with people outside your household, so that we can *maybe* have a normal christmas

  18. okt. 5.

    slack being down is the WFH snow day

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  19. okt. 5.

    Being able to get real-time captions/transcriptions of a call on a Pixel is so useful

  20. okt. 4.

    It's a shame this kind of thing is so hard to reliably get in Ontario. Have to jump on it when you see it here or it's gone forever 🥺

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  21. okt. 4.

    These natural wines from Kindeli in New Zealand are just so delicious it's insane 😍

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