Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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Global suffering

Global movement

Raul Vaneigem: Here we are! At the beginning of everything!

17 November 2019 (The text published in french language at “A contretemps” at 17 November 2019). The sudden attacks of freedom on the suffocating capitalist hydra, constantly make the epicenter of the seismic disturbances fluctuate. The territories of the whole world affected by the system of private benefits are exposed to the outburst of insurrectional movements. Consciousness is forced to run after successive waves of events, reacting to constant, paradoxically predictable… …


SOS Kurdish Revolution Needs Us and We Need the Kurdish Revolution

“This US decision to let Erdogan invade Syria will have disastrous consequences not only for the Kurds but for the entire international community. They authorize the Turkish state to invade a peaceful, secure and democratic area that has driven out all jihadist terrorists at the cost of the lives of 12,000 martyrs. They now leave the Kurds at the mercy of the Turkish army and its jihadist allies. We will… …

EXARCHIA: Solidarity to squats and all spaces of struggle- ASSEMBLY Announcement

The state and capital always attack the freedom of the social base, steal its labor and resources. In recent years we have experienced one of the most violent attacks through the massive impoverishment of people who are already oppressed and exploited. On the other hand, there has been widespread social resistance and solidarity. People have created a variety of self-organized spaces such as housing infrastructure, social medical centers, community kitchens, open parks and public spaces… …

Global movement

ARGENTINA: The Consequences of Mr Macri- by LUCIANA ZORZOLI

Mauricio Macri came into office promising to stem corruption and bring down inflation. But his austerity policies have left Argentina’s economy in shambles. Mauricio Macri–  the businessman-turned-politician about to complete his first term as Argentina’s president, is up for reelection later this year. But the economy is in shambles.The austerity policies his administration has implemented have given the lie to his coalition Cambiemos’s 2015 campaign promise to reach “poverty zero.”… …

Global movement

West Papua: The genocide continues

The word genocide is simple enough to understand, whether in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, Palestine, Pol Pot’s Cambodia or in West Papua. The stories and intent are the same, a policy to annihilate the people considered the enemy of those in authority. Describing the horrifying methods used in these countries to eliminate people by state-sponsored activity is mind-boggling. The genocidal activities of the colonial government of Indonesia against the people… …

Global movement

March Against Racism- SUN. 5/5/2019 Limassol Cyprus

Void Network expresses solidarity for all comrades and friends fighting against fascism in Cyprus and invites all to participate in the march at 5/5/2019 at Limassol as also all other antiracist and antifa actions in Cyprus. Following the tragic events of the recent murders of 7 immigrant women in Cyprus we are calling for a March on Sunday 5th of May 14:00 starting from GSO Molos to the centre of… …

Global movement

Haiti: Prelude to a Revolution-Mass Protests, Like in France, Threaten Modern Oligarchic Structure

VOID NETWORK express solidarity to the people of Haiti in revolt. Their struggle is our struggle, their passion for freedom and end of inequality and exploitation resonates all around the world. SLAVES BREAK OFF YOUR CHAINS- WE ARE EVERYWHERE- WE ARE READY TO EXPLODE   Jovenel Moïse, the corrupt US backed president of Haiti, is faced with a rapidly spreading insurrection. The population had resoundingly rejected his claim to authority… …

Global movement

“Smash Brahminical Patriarchy” Poster Draws Wrath of Patriarchal Brahmins

Rights group: “Outrage of upper-castes only emerges in response to anti-caste action” NEW DELHI: Nov. 21, 2018 — After Twitter CEO and Co-Founder Jack Dorsey was pictured in India holding a poster reading, “Smash Brahminical Patriarchy,” pundits across the internet exploded with comparisons of anti-Brahminism to anti-Semitism. Last week, Dorsey attended a meeting with female journalists, activists, and writers in Delhi. During the meeting, Dalit activist Sanghapali Aruna gifted him the… …


Survival of the Richest- The wealthy are plotting to leave us behind- Douglas Rushkoff

Last year, I got invited to a super-deluxe private resort to deliver a keynote speech to what I assumed would be a hundred or so investment bankers. It was by far the largest fee I had ever been offered for a talk — about half my annual professor’s salary — all to deliver some insight on the subject of “the future of technology.” I’ve never liked talking about the future. The Q&A sessions always… …

Global movement

Tunisians rise up against austerity!

By Fathi Chamkhi | Amandla! magazine Issue 57 | 6 July 2018 Seven years after the revolution of 2011, which toppled the dictator, Tunisia is going from bad to worse! All key economic and social indicators are at their lowest levels. The economy continues to idle, fueling the crisis in all sectors. Deficits and underperformance are beating all previous records. The index of industrial activity, the budget deficit, the government… …

Global movement

Nazi Govern USA: 10,000 migrant children at 100 concentration camps in 14 states

We try to follow the news but its not easy. Nazi govern USA and the federal government using police and the army for building concentration camps all over AmeriKKKa. For one more time in history as in in previous decades in Africa, in Australia (with the Aboriginals) and in Europe (with Roma, communists, anarchists, disabled people and Jews)  the USA government take the kids of the people in custody, steal… …

Global movement

Tracking the battles for environmental justice: here are the world’s top 10

Environmental justice activism is to this age what the workers’ movement was for the industrial age – one of the most influential social movements of its time. Yet, despite its consistent progress since the 1970s, environmental justice protests seem to get lost in the morass of information on broader environmental issues. In contrast, labour conflicts, including strikes and lock-outs, carry such gravity that the International Labour Organization tracks these on a systematic… …


What would an Anarchist society look like? – from Anarchist FAQ

So far this FAQ has been largely critical, focusing on hierarchy, capitalism, the state and so on, and the problems to which they have led, as well as refuting some bogus “solutions” that have been offered by authoritarians of both the right and the left. It is now time to examine the constructive side of anarchism — the libertarian-socialist society that anarchists envision. This is important because anarchism is essentially… …

Global movement


FLORIDA PRISONERS ARE calling for a general strike to start this week — marking the third mass action over the course of a year in protest of inhumane conditions in the state’s detention facilities. Detainees in at least eight prisons have declared their intention to stop all work on Monday — Martin Luther King Jr. Day — to demand an end to unpaid labor and price gouging in prison commissaries, as well as the restoration… …

Global movement/Theory


After the initial wave of terror and fury, my post-election tactic has mostly been dissociation. Out of safety, out of self-protection. I know that ignoring these truths won’t save me- that I need to engage, to stand in solidarity with the homies- with the scientists- with the immigrants and children of immigrants- with the Muslims- with the Mexicans- with the queers- with the artists.. but something about the way the… …

Προβολή ντοκυμαντέρ για την Εξέγερση των Ινδιάνων στo Standing Rock ΤΡ.28/11 BLACK SNAKE KILLAZ (USA)- documentary show at EMBROS- athens

Black Snake Killaz is a feature-length documentary film about the resistance  to the Dakota Access Pipelinein Standing Rock. This film explores actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and highlights actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest. Black Snake Killaz timelines the historical events that unfolded in Standing Rock throughout 2016 and brings you the raw experience… …

Global movement

S.O.S. Help Puerto Rico

MESSAGE from our PuertoRican comrade Frank Lopez: Quick update about the situation in Puerto Rico for all of those who have asked. Spoke with my folks this AM, and well, shit’s bad, really bad. Hospitals will be the first to get power restored… in about 3 weeks! There’s long gasoline lines, and things are tense, as gas stations run out of gas. One man killed another when he was told… …

Global movement

Sea Sorrow, the Rohingya refugee crisis: From Myanmar to Bangladesh

Refugees face brutal miseries. When we talked to some of Rohingya refugees, they have revealed more painful truths about the refugee crisis and the atrocities encountered by them by their homeland rulers and their mango-twigs. “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel article written by Anwar A. Khan… …

Not a struggle for the refugees, but with the refugees: Anarchism at work in Greece.

Live from Athens, cultural activist Tasos Sagris from Void Network discusses with Chuck Mertz from the radio program THIS IS HELL (U.S.A.) the political and social work of anarchists in austerity-era Greece – to provide support and mutual aid to the victims of capitalism and war, to defend the people from fascist and state violence, and to build and occupy the framework for a new, horizontal society, against capital, and for each… …

Κοινωνικη Ανυπακοή- οικονομική αυτοοργανωσή στην πράξη-ομιλία / Civil Disobedience and active Self Organization of the Economy- Occupied theater Embros Wednesday 21/6 at 21.00

** [text: Eng./ Ελλ.] Η ομιλία θα είναι στα αγγλικά με ομιλητές από την Ισπανία και την Κένυα και μετάφραση στα ελληνικά. ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 21/6 ώρα 21.00 Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ (Ρ.Παλαμήδη 2 – Ψυρρή) Τhe talk will be in English with activists from Spain and Kenya at Occupied Self Organized Free Theater EMBROS (Riga Palamidi 2- Psiris Area Athens Το Grassroots Economics Foundation (Ίδρυμα Οικονομικών Από Τα Κάτω) είναι μία… …

Local movement


[text: Eng./Ελλ.] O Hussein Haniyeah, 22 ετών, Παλαιστίνιος πρόσφυγας από τη Χάμα της Συρίας ξεκινά σήμερα 16/6/2017 απεργία πείνας μέχρι να γίνουν δεκτά τα αιτήματα του, ενώ διαμένει σε χώρο φιλοξενίας γνωστής Μη Κυβερνητικής Οργάνωσης σε τραγικές συνθήκες. Το μήνυμα του είναι: ‘’Θέλω να ζω με ειρήνη, να συνεχίσω της σπουδές μου, να ενωθώ με τους συγγενείς μου και να έχω μια ήσυχη ζωή’’. Το μήνυμα αυτό εκφράζει τον πόνο… …

ΚΑΤΩ ΤΑ ΧΕΡΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ!- SOS Κόψανε το νερό από το Εμπρός! Κάλεσμα Αλληλεγγύης / PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN FROM EMBROS ! SOS- State cut water supply from Occupied Theater Embros- Call out for Solidarity

ΚΑΤΩ ΤΑ ΧΕΡΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΕΜΠΡΟΣ! Αυτή η εικόνα με το σκαμμένο πεζοδρόμιο και την ασπροκόκκινη κορδέλα είναι μια συνηθισμένη εικόνα για το Εμπρός. Την είδαμε όταν μας έκοψαν το ρεύμα τη βλέπουμε ξανά από χθες που μας ξανα-έκοψαν για πολλοστή φορά το νερό! Είναι η εικόνα της κρατικής καταστολής. Η εικόνα της “ασφυξίας” που μας επιβάλλεται ξανά και ξανά από το κράτος και την, κατ’ ευφημισμό αριστερή, κυβέρνηση. Την… …


Was the Rise of Neoliberalism the Root Cause of Extreme Inequality?- by George Monbiot // Ήταν η άνοδος του Νεοφιλελευθερισμού η πρωταρχική αιτία της ακραίας ανισότητας;

[English+Ελληνικά] Imagine if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name. Mention it in conversation and you’ll be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your listeners have heard the term before, they will struggle to define it. Neoliberalism: do you know what it is? Its anonymity is both a symptom and cause of its… …

Local movement

ΠΟΡΕΙΑ Aλληλεγγύης ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 30/09 -18.00 ΠΡΟΠΥΛΑΙΑ // Demonstration in defense of refugee children

Five children 12 to 14 years old and two children 20 to 22, on their way to take part at a theatre play in Athens centre, has been arrested from police and then tortured and abused at the Omonoia police station. The Assempbly of the Exarchia Occupied Spaces for immigrants and refugees and the self-organization of the solidarity invites ALL at the demonstration at Friday 30/9 at 18.00 from Propylaia… …

Global movement

Paranoia and Terror as Models of Governance- by Alèssi Dell’Umbria

2010 was going to be an exceptional year, to judge by the public relations billboards the government erected along the highways: a modern Mexico was going to celebrate the Bicentennial of its War for Independence and the Centenary of its Revolution at the same time. And it certainly was an exceptional year. Every year, on January 6, the children who gather at the feet of the Angel of Independence, in… …


“Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us”, Paul Verhaeghe

We tend to perceive our identities as stable and largely separate from outside forces. But over decades of research and therapeutic practice, I have become convinced that economic change is having a profound effect not only on our values but also on our personalities. Thirty years of neoliberalism, free-market forces and privatisation have taken their toll, as relentless pressure to achieve has become normative. If you’re reading this sceptically, I… …


“Gated Communities for Rich and Poor” by Zaire Zenit Dinzey-Flores

  Sociologist Zaire Zenit Dinzey-Flores discusses how the concentration of class and racial privilege in gated communities takes place alongside the spatial concentration and confinement of the poor. She argues that gates help sort and segregate people, physically and symbolically distinguish communities, and cement inequality. “You drive to the gate. The community is in the shape of a U. You come in one gate and leave through the other. When… …


Deep Anger! We need to rediscover something we lost along the way. — by Darren Fleet with Stefanie Krasnow (Adbusters mag.)

In a better world, there’d be no reason to write this. In that world, plastic bags would be outlawed, rednecks would voluntarily stop driving those obnoxious Ford F-350s and the yogis in yuppie neighborhoods would stop believing that a hybrid SUV could save the planet. But that’s not the world we live in. In this world, when push comes to shove, most of us are too comfortable to care, too… …


Ukrainian anarchist dispels myths surrounding Euromaidan protests, warns of fascist influence

Asheville Fm radio, based in western North Carolina, aired a fascinating interview with an anarcho-syndicalist named Denys, from the Autonomous Worker’s Union in Ukraine. In the interview, Denys debunks many of the myths surrounding the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, and explains motives behind the stories and propaganda being circulated around the protests. Why is the Free Association Agreement with the EU (which would mostly benefit the ultra-rich oligarchs of Ukraine)… …


10 Outrageous Reasons Black People Were Lynched in America

For years the U.S. government allowed racist white lynch mobs to murder Black men, women and children for practically nothing. The lynchings were so absurd one could argue that Black people’s lives were little to no value at all.  In fact, between 1882 and 1930 in just the 10 southern U.S. states of Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, and South Carolina, 2,500 black people were lynched.… …


S.O.S. International Call Out for Solidarity to Guarani -Kaiowa Tribe from Brasil!

Letter of the Community Guarani-Kaiowá of Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay-Iguatemi-MS for the Government and Justice of Brazil We (50 men, 50 women and 70 children) Guarani-Kaiowá communities originating from tekoha Pyelito kue / Mbrakay, we write this letter to present our historical situation and a final decision before the dispatch order expressed by the Federal Court of  Navaraí MS, as Case No. 0000032-87.2012.4.03.6006, on 29 September 2012. We received information that our… …


# 77 years old man commit suicide at #Syntagma sq. Athens Greece. Last Words: “I don’t want to leave debt to my children”!

Τhat’s Enough! Α 77-y.o shot himself in the head in full view of passersby at Syntagma square,  across Parliament in Athens Greece.  #Greece has seen suicide rates rise  by 40% in past 2 yrs,  apprx. 2000 people took their own lives. The 77 years old man walked  down the steps that lead to the square where during  all summer of 2011 millions of people demonstrated  and revolted against Ιnequality,  Totalitarianism… …

Global movement

Keny Arkana – Cinquième Soleil (The Fifth Sun)

Keny Arkana – Cinquième Soleil (The Fifth Sun) My species has lost its way, the mind overheating people hate each other, war of egos Twenty-first century, cynicism and mistrust Abuse of the Earth, guts full of madness borders, barricades, riots and screams, cries and blood baths, bombs exploding politics of fear, immoral science insurrection of a people, arms market New World Order, fusion of terror human the most predatory animal… …

Global movement

The Shock Doctrine a film by Alfonso Guaron & Naomi Klain directed by Jonas Guaron

This important video is based in the book of Naomi Klain  The Shock Doctrine and in this edition the film is with Spanish subtitles  [please share and distribute this film] In THE SHOCK DOCTRINE,  Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is… …

Global movement

Landless People’s Movement in South Africa Calls for Solidarity

As a single mother of five and a prominent activist who has come under threat by the police, government and now even the middle-class in her own community, Maureen Msisi asks for solidarity and advice to give her more courage to push forward the struggle of the poor. This is not the first time that Maureen’s life and family has been in danger because of her campaigns for the interests… …

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