Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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SOS Kurdish Revolution Needs Us and We Need the Kurdish Revolution

“This US decision to let Erdogan invade Syria will have disastrous consequences not only for the Kurds but for the entire international community. They authorize the Turkish state to invade a peaceful, secure and democratic area that has driven out all jihadist terrorists at the cost of the lives of 12,000 martyrs. They now leave the Kurds at the mercy of the Turkish army and its jihadist allies. We will…


Πανελλαδικό κάλεσμα για την απεργία στις 17/5/2017 | Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία- Call Out for the national general strike in Greece- 17 May 2017 ANARCHIST FEDERATION

ΟΛΟΙ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΔΡΟΜΟΥΣ ΑΘΗΝΑ 10:30 ΠΟΡΕΙΑ, Μουσείο, στηρίζουμε τα μπλοκ των σωματείων βάσης ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 9:00 ΑΠΕΡΓΙΑΚΗ ΠΕΡΙΦΡΟΥΡΗΣΗ, Τσιμισκή με Αριστοτέλους 10:00 ΠΟΡΕΙΑ, Καμάρα, στηρίζουμε τα μπλοκ των σωματείων βάσης ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ 9:00, ΠΟΡΕΙΑ, Άγαλμα Βενιζέλου Μια απο τα ίδια ή μια καινούρια αρχή; Το χειρότερο που μπορεί να σου συμβεί με τις αλυσίδες είναι να τις συνηθίσεις. Ηδη, εδώ και 7 χρόνια, ανά τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα κράτος και κεφάλαιο “δαγκώνουν” κι…


“Η εποχή είναι ντεκαυλέ. Και δεν μιλάμε για το σεξ” – Έφη Αλεβίζου

Η ντεκαυλέ εποχή έχει έρθει να ντύσει τα ντεκολτέ, να σιδερώσει τους τρόπους, να καλύψει τα ρωμαϊκά γυμνά αγάλματα, να ακονίσει την απορριπτική διάθεση. Ένας χλωμός ήλιος ξεπροβάλλει πίσω από τη λέξη ντεκαυλέ, η οποία ριμάρει με το ντεφορμέ και το ντεπασέ και όλους τους επιθετικούς προσδιορισμούς αρνητικής χροιάς. Το ερωτικό ξενέρωμα είναι εδώ και είναι παντού. Απλώνεται σαν τον μύκητα στο κεφίρ. Σαν το μέλι στην κερήθρα. Επιπλέει στον…


Ukrainian anarchist dispels myths surrounding Euromaidan protests, warns of fascist influence

Asheville Fm radio, based in western North Carolina, aired a fascinating interview with an anarcho-syndicalist named Denys, from the Autonomous Worker’s Union in Ukraine. In the interview, Denys debunks many of the myths surrounding the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, and explains motives behind the stories and propaganda being circulated around the protests. Why is the Free Association Agreement with the EU (which would mostly benefit the ultra-rich oligarchs of Ukraine)…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Public comment by Raul Vaneigem for Occupied Theatre Embros // Σχόλιο του φιλοσόφου ΡΑΟΥΛ ΒΑΝΕΓΚΕΜ για το Κατειλημένο Αυτοδιχειριζόμενο Θέατρο “ΕΜΠΡΟΣ”

“When a government represses the freedom of art and the freedom of expression, it no longer has the right to usurpate the name of democracy, it becomes the expression of totalitarianism that is legitimate to fight. The arrest of the members of EMBROS Theater reveals the intention of an obscurantism incompatible with the right we all have to education and culture. It is a concern of everyone to oppose and…


Russian Art Anarchists explain themselves from prison / Banksy’s new favourite group Voina (WAR)

Last week Banksy declared that all profits from his current print sale would be gifted to Russian art anarchist group Voina. Known for drawing an enormous cock on a bridge opposite the ex-KGB offices, and instigating asex party in a museum (see above). We spoke to the group (half of which were replying from prison). Voina (or “War” to give them their English name) are a radical art group concerned with challenging the Russian establishment on important…


“Michel Foucault: Free Lectures on Truth, Discourse & The Self” from Open Culture

Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was an enormously influential French philosopher who wrote, among other things, historical analyses of psychiatry, medicine, the prison system, and the function of sexuality in social organizations. He spent some time during the last years of his life at UC Berkeley, delivering several lectures in English. And happily they were recorded for posterity: Four Lectures on Truth and Subjectivity (1980) Six Lectures on Discourse and Truth (1983)…


8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance

Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans…


ANTIGROUND FESTIVAL II Σαββατο 30.3.2013 @ Nosotros Social Center [Θεμιστοκλέους 66, Εξάρχεια]Προβολή ταινίας [20:00]: “If….” Lindsay Anderson (1968) Live Act [22:00]Rita Moss Σύντομο Τέλος Intravenus Frequency oN GrainΛέξεις||Εικόνες Void LaboratoryΤόσο μακριά…Σε κάθε πράξη μας κρυμμένη βρίσκεται η στιγμή της ελευθερίας μαςΤόσο κοντά…Κάποιοι γέροντες άρχισαν να βγάζουν από τις τσέπες τους λουλούδια και πέτρες από ξηλωμένα πεζοδρόμια Κοιτάξαμε οι μεν τους δε, στα μάτια βαθιά Εκστασιασμένοι από τον πυρετό της στιγμής Και την προσδοκία…Προσμονή..Κάποιος φώναξε τότε δυνατά καθώς τα πρώτα φώτα…


Letter to the Egyptian Black Bloc from U.S.A. anarchists

We present here, in Arabic and in English, an open letter from participants in black bloc actions in the United States to participants in the Egyptian black bloc, aimed at initiating a dialogue beyond the exchange of youtube videos. This is of interest to everyone around the world struggling for liberation, so please print and distribute widely:pamphlet in English: in Arabic: emergence of the black bloc in Egypt at this…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

VOID NETWORK: Total Freedom World Tour 2013: GATHERING OF THE SPACE TRIBES: SUNDAY 03.03.2013 // MONDAY 04.03.2013 GOA INDIA


Uncategorized/Void Network News

“Koυλτούρα / Αντικουλτούρα / Υποκουλτούρα” (προδημοσίευση από την μπροσούρα: Aντίσταση! Στρατηγική της Σύγχρονης Αντικαθεστωτικής Κουλτούρας)” // Resistance! Strategy of ContemporaryCounter-Culture / a Greek translation on a Crimethinc text by Void Network

Κουλτούρες σε Αντίσταση Υποκουλτούρες Αντίστασης This text is a Greek translation of the chapter “Culture and Subculture” from the last part of the Crimethinc Ex.Workers collective book WORK  (Capitalism.Economics.Resistance)  The complete translation of all the last chapter of the book will be published in April 2013 in Athens by Void Network and Voidness publications titled “Resistance / Strategies of Contemporary Counter Culture) and will be distributed as a free pamphlet…


Leave your myth in Greece (a peculiar junta)

After June’s 2012 elections, a three-party coalition between the two former big corrupted governmental parties (neo liberal right wing “New Democracy” and neo liberal ex-social democrats PA.SO.K.) and a third social-democratic puppet (reformist left DIM.AR) has led the country into a peculiar coup regime with constitutional facade. Although elected by the people the three together marginally pass 48% of total voters and also each one of them pledged not to…


“Wrong to work! Two perspectives on the abolition of work” by Joseph Kay

ALL MUST WORK! declares the cabinet of millionaires. ‘Workers not shirkers!’, they implore. ‘Strivers not skivers!’ The divide-and-rule rhetoric trying to pit those in work against those without is as relentless as it is transparent. But what’s so good about work anyway? Junge Linke’s short piece nicely skewers how attempts to mobilise resentment of claimants and the unemployed undermine even those in work who aren’t claiming benefits. What I’d like to focus…


India Gang-Rape protesters clashed with Police in Delhi / International Solidarity Message from Void Network

Void Network [Athens, London, New York, Rio De Janeiro] expresses international solidarity for all girls and boys of India fighting for the end of patriarchic opression and medieval gender inequality and erotic supression in India. We express our demands for change of social morals all over this world, we demand social equality, gender equality, freedom of expression, freedom of Love, end of supression of diversity, freedom for all beings in…


Hungry Men | A Short Film by Yiorgos Bakalis

Capitalism has collapsed, and fat people have been driven out of society… a few of them,all living in the same house, form a revolutionary group without meaning. An anonymous, fat man lives above them. Their rent is collected by Nancy, a beautiful state official who has a double role. Everything changes when the leader of the group decides to eat the state officer for the cause of the revolution. Only…

Uncategorized/Void Network News


KENO DIKTYO Void Network [Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts] presents Psychedelic Trance Experience!Grec [Progressive]Journey of the Soul [PsyTrance]Wingman [Amorphia/ Psy Trance]Baliou [Amorphia/ PsyTrance] Multimedia Visuals by: Void Optical Lab | Global Eye SATURDAY 1 DECEMBER 2012 Κato Leshi (Houtos) | ΚOMOTHNH suggested donation: 3€ party is taking place during 8th Αntiauthoritarian Festival Social Resistances in period of Crises Time: from 22:30 until 6:00 next morning supported by: Α.Κ. Κοmotini…


History: The Namibia Genocide.The first genocide of the 20th century. Horrifying Secrets of Germany’s Earliest Holocaust.

When you hear of Death Camps and Genocide, Nazi Germany and world war two come to mind. But Germany had practiced it’s murderous craft over sixty years before WWll. Before the Armenian Genocide, before the Jewish Genocide over 150,000 Herero and Nama peoples of modern-day Namibia were murdered by the order of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany between 1904 and 1909.  Along the coastline of Namibia runs the Namib desert, a 1,200 mile long strip of unwelcoming…


“Beyond the Impossible” by Raoul Vaneigem 2012

“To deny society, one must attack its language.” – Guy Debord. The impossible is a closed universe. Nevertheless, we possess the key to it and, as we’ve suspected for millennia, its door opens on a field of infinite possibilities. More than ever, this field belongs to us, to explore and cultivate. The key is neither magic nor symbolic. The ancient Greeks called it “poetry,” from the verb poiein, to construct,…

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Void Network presents the Painting Exhibition “Black Stars” by Theofano Melliou // Έκθεση Ζωγραφικής “Μαύρα Αστέρια” της Θεοφανώς Μέλλιου/ Εγκαίνια-Συναυλία Σαββ. 03.11.2012

Το ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ  παρουσιάζει  στον κεντρικό χώρο του  κοινωνικού κέντρου Νοσότρος Θεμιστοκλέους 66 / Εξάρχεια  την ατομική έκθεση Ζωγραφικής  της ΘΕΟΦΑΝΩΣ ΜΕΛΛΙΟΥ  «ΜΑΥΡΑ ΑΣΤΕΡΙΑ»  από τις 3 Νοέμβριου 2012 έως τον Φεβρουάριο 2013                 Ένα παραμύθι από εικόνες για την πορεία του ανθρώπου από το σκοτάδι στο φώς, για το Φόβο, για το Ψέμα, για τα Όνειρα, για τον Δαίμονα Εαυτού, για την Αγάπη και για το ροκάνισμα του Χρόνου που…


S.O.S. International Call Out for Solidarity to Guarani -Kaiowa Tribe from Brasil!

Letter of the Community Guarani-Kaiowá of Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay-Iguatemi-MS for the Government and Justice of Brazil We (50 men, 50 women and 70 children) Guarani-Kaiowá communities originating from tekoha Pyelito kue / Mbrakay, we write this letter to present our historical situation and a final decision before the dispatch order expressed by the Federal Court of  Navaraí MS, as Case No. 0000032-87.2012.4.03.6006, on 29 September 2012. We received information that our…


Creating Common Wealth and Cracking Capitalism: A cross-reading by John Holloway’s, Michael Hardt / Tony Negri’s books

In the first of a two part correspondence, John Holloway and Michael Hardt discuss some common themes that have emerged from their most recent books “Crack Capitalism” and “CommonWealth” and touch of the topics of organisation, democracy and institutionalism. The second part of the exchange will be published in Issue 15 of Shift magazine. July 2010 Dear John,One of the things I love about ‘Crack Capitalism’, which it shares with…


“War is here, if you want it. (On the 1st anniversary of Occupy)” by Eskl8trs

WAR, IF YOU WANT IT / War is warWar then, if that’s what you wantIntroductionNext time, when you’re still standing around commemorating something that you’ve lost, and all you see around you are the walking wounded and a fading brand struggling to stay relevant, hopefully there will come a point when you realize that whatever it was that started last fall, it wasn’t a movement. A year without follow-up, of…


Call for an Open Meeting Say “NO” to the Neo-Nazi “Golden Dawn” in New York City

Void Network invites all friends and comrades to participate on this Open Meeting and organise collective power: Call for an Open Meeting Say “NO” to the Neo-Nazi “Golden Dawn” in New York City Golden Dawn, G.D. (in Greek, Chrysi Avgi), the neo-Nazi, ultra-nationalistic party, which was recently elected to the Greek Parliament under the pretext of concern over unemployment, austerity and the economy, and while engaging in virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric…


“Democracy kidnapped” in Spain

   Thousands marched yesterday in Spain near the parliament building, demanding the resignation of Mariano Rajoy’s government as well as the rewrite of constitution. The police have fired rubber bullets and baton-charged protesters. Spanish media reported that at least 32 people were detained and more than a dozen injured. The protesters dispersed after MPs left the building. A demonstrator, Montse Puigdavall spoke at BBC: I’m here because of all the social…


Delta squat (Thessaloniki/Greece) eviction letter from the imprisoned comrades before the trial takes part. The trial finished today. 9 comrades released with accusations and 1 probably will be deported from Greece… please send us translations in your languages or links with actions of solidarity. We all live in an economic politic system, tightly closed and illiberal, which defends with every way the interests of the bosses, every kind, of overhead. On the other side of the scale, there are…

Void Network public talk in Montreal Canada: Neighborhood Assemblies: Community projects against the establishment and social revolt in Greece and Barcelona 08/26 – 12 h (Canada time)

photo from the assembly of the Neighborhood Assemblies in Athens Neighborhood Assemblies: Community projects against the establishment and social revolt in Greece and Barcelona 08/26 – 12 h a public talk in Montreal through skype connection  by Tasos Sagris and Sissy Doutsiou from Void Network and a comrade from Barcelona Sunday 26th, Noon (12h)[in English with translation to French] Three anarchists, one from Barcelona and the others from Athens, will share…


“The 2012 Strike in Québec: Full Report” by Crimethink

– In February 2012, as the Occupy movement tapered off, a strike broke out against austerity measures in the Québécois higher education system. Prevented from occupying buildings as it had in 2005, the student movement shifted to a strategy of economic disruption: blockading businesses, interrupting conferences, and spreading chaos in the streets. At its peak, the resulting unrest surpassed any protest movement in North America for a generation. To counteract the…


“Elements of a Barricade” by Moments of Isurrection

Myth of the Barricade: The barricade is the myth of insurrection. To look back at past revolt is to reflect on the use of barricades. To see struggle today is to watch the burning barricades of the Paris banlieues, the walls of flame in Athens, the camp fires of the Native roadblock. A barricade consciousness was born in myth and spread as a symbol. Anticipation of the future takes the…

GLOBAL SOLIDARITY CALL FOR ACTION for the imprisoned comrades from 12 Feb. 2012 Social Revolt in Greece

photo from Creta: thousands of people at all countryside cities On Sunday, February 12, day of  vote of Memorantum 2 of Economic and Financial Policies (MEFP) that outlines the economic and financial policies that the Greek Government and the Bank of Greece will implement during 2012‒2015 in the Parliament House of Greece, held in Athens one of the biggest protests in years. The clashes that broke out lasted until the…


“How is it to be Done?” by Tiqqun

Don’t know what I want but I know how to get it. -Sex Pistols, Anarchy in the UK I TWENTY YEARS. Twenty years of counter-revolution. Of preventive counter-revolution. In Italy. And elsewhere. Twenty years of sleep surrounded by fences, populated by security guards. Twenty years of the sleep of bodies, under a curfew. Twenty years. The past does not pass away. Because the war continues. Branches out. Drags on. With a global networking of local apparatuses. With…


Όλες οι παραλίες, οι θάλασσες, τα βουνά, τα δάση, τα ποτάμια, οι ουρανοί αυτού του κόσμου ανήκουν σε όλους εμάς και όλοι μαζί θα διεκδικήσουμε παντού την ελευθερία να απολαμβάνουμε την ζωή χωρίς περιορισμούς και χωρίς απαγορεύσεις. Σκοπός του«Κινήματος Για Την Ελεύθερη Κατασκήνωση»είναι να διδάξουμε ο ένας τον άλλον την Αγάπη, τον Σεβασμό και την Προστασία  της Φύσης και να υπερασπιστούμε την απόλυτη Ελευθερία της διαβίωσης στην απέραντη αγκαλιά της Γης και…


Video essay with uk subs: Spanish Miners Battle Police Over Austerity / a call out for Global Solidarity

VIDEO ESSAY: Spanish miners in the northwestern provinces of Asturias and Leon, armed with homemade rockets and slingshots, have been battling police in protest against government cuts, including a slashing of subsidies in their industry. (July 9)Void Network express solidarity to the struggles of people all around this planet against austerity measures, against exploitation, against misery for a life with dignity, Global Solidarity, Real Equality and Total Freedom


“Invisible Politics – An Introduction to Contemporary Communisation” by John Cunningham

In the wake of the organised left and the demise of working class self-identity, communisation offers a paradoxical means of superseding capitalism in the here and now whilst abandoning orthodox theories of revolution. John Cunningham reports from the picket line of the ‘human strike’.As we apprehend it, the process of instituting communism can only take the form of a collection of acts of communisation, of making common such-and-such space, such-and-such-machine,…


Limits of Terror: On Culture Industry, Enforcement and Revolution by Gene Ray

Excerpt: These reflections suggest that a break with the master logic of accumulation entails disarming the technocratic national security-surveillance state, and above all the US war machine that is the main enforcer of the global imperialist process. To put it more pointedly: without disarmament, the prospect of emancipating system change is nill. Possibilities for transformation would increase in pace with progressive disarmament, however, and indeed the latter would measure the…


“Power, Propaganda, and Purpose in American Democracy” by Andrew Gavin Marshall

One central facet to the development of the modern institutional society under which we live and are dominated today, was the redefining of the concept of ‘democracy’ that took place in the early 20th century. This immensely important discussion took place among the educated, elite intellectual class in the United States at that time, and the consequences of which were profound for the development of not only American society and democracy,…


Void Network [ Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts ] presents RAVE AGAINST THE MACHINE AUTONOMOUS ECSTATIC PUBLIC ZONE ELECTRO ACID PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE FRIDAY 06 JULY 2012 AT THE  BEACH AGIOS KOSMAS ATHENS GREECE Urban TRAM for the beach: from Syntagma sq. and N.Kosmos (metro station)TRAM stationAG.KOSMAS 2 turn at the rightall the way to the beach! 24ωρο ΤΡΑΜ για Αγ.Κοσμά  από Σύνταγμα( και από στάση μετρό Ν.Κόσμο)ΣΤΑΣΗ ΤΡΑΜ: ΑΓ.ΚΟΣΜΑΣ 2μετά δεξιά στον δρόμο προςτην παραλία! BEACH…


“Digital Culture and Sustainability” by Michel Bauwens

The Rio+20 mandate recognizes three pillars of sustainable development – the economic, the social and the environmental. However, the process does not challenge the fundamental toxicity of the current operating system, and ignores that such a ‘faulty’ DNA has strong culture roots.What do we mean? The following is not based on the stated ideals of Rio+20 but rather on the actual practice of the really existing economic system.The current global…

“Το μόνο χρέος είναι η ανθρωπιά μας”, του Τάσου Σαγρή / Κενό Δίκτυο // “Οur Humanity is the only Debt” by Tasos Sagris (in Greek language)

  Δυστυχώς για τους έμμισθους αναλυτές αλλά ευτυχώς για κάθε είδους τυχοδιώκτες, αριβίστες πολιτικούς και τεχνοκράτες καριερίστες κανένας δεν μπορεί να προβλέψει προς τα πού βαδίζει αυτή η κοινωνία… Καθώς αυτή η χώρα χάνεται όλο και περισσότερο μέσα στα παγκόσμια οικονομικά συμφέροντα, τις τεράστιες διεθνείς αγορές και τα επιχειρηματικά σχέδια απάνθρωπων μηχανισμών, το πολιτικό πεδίο της Αντιπροσωπευτικής Δημοκρατίας δεν μπορεί να αντιπροσωπεύει κανέναν πλέον και οι κυβερνήτες μοιάζουν περισσότερο από…


An Open Letter to Everyone who Thinks I’m a Worthless Lazy Bastard

First of all, don’t be so harsh.  There’s a lot of terrible things in this world and someone not working isn’t one of them.  Actually, you’ve got to be a hard worker to accomplish anything really bad.  The Nazis were hard workers.  And hardcore criminals doing all that running around, I don’t have the nerve for it.  I’m simpler than a bump on a stump but I took a test…

Αποχή από τις Κάλπες – Οργάνωση της Κοινωνικής Αντεπίθεσης / Αbstention from Elections- Organizing of Social CounterAttack

Void Network participating for the last two years in the “Anarchist’s Assembly for the Self-Management of the Society”, a weekly general assembly of political groups and people publishes here the communique against the voting in Greek elections and for calling of Direct Action, Self-Organization, Horizontality and participation at the social struggles for Social Revolution (there is no English translation of the text) To Κενό Δίκτυο συμμετέχοντας εδώ και δύο χρόνια…


Adorno, Brecht and Debord: Three Models for Resisting the Capitalist Art System by Gene Ray

This essay outlines three modes or models of radical cultural practice. Each begins with a critical appropriation of the traditions of art and aims at resisting the social power that passes through art, as an institutionalized field of production and activity. Each of the three modes establishes a set of productive strategies. Together, they are the three historically demonstrated and available models for resisting the political neutralization of art and…


The State, Capital and Representation* by kpbsfs

Occasionally, the liberal-democratic system nobly affords us the chance to select our representatives from a shallow gene-pool of political management professionals. Save for this transient moment in the ballot booth, we’re separated from the exclusive franchise of governance altogether – voting is our only momentary and tenuous connection to the establishment. Best to leave power and responsibility up to the professionals; the experts, the think-tanks, policy-wonks, lobbyists and journalists. Just…


8ο ΑΝΤΙΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΤΙΚΟ  ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ ATHENS LEGALIZE  PROTESTIVAL 2012 ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 11  & ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 12 ΜΑΗ ΧΩΡΟΣ  ΠΡΩΗΝ ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟΥ  ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ (είσοδος  από Λεωφόρο Ποσειδώνος,  στάση τραμ 2η Αγίου Κοσμά) ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΣΤΕ ΤΙΣ ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΣΕΙΣ για την μείωση της βλάβης από τις εξαρτήσεις για πιο δίκαιες και αποτελεσματικές πολιτικές περί “ναρκωτικών” ουσιών Το 8ο Αντιαπαγορευτικό Φεστιβάλ της Αθήνας θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 11 και το Σάββατο 12 Μάη, στο χώρο του πρώην αεροδρομίου Ελληνικού (είσοδος από Λεωφόρο Ποσειδώνος, στάση τραμ 2η Αγίου Κοσμά), σε μια συμβολική επανάκτηση του…


John Holloway: Of Despair and Hope

To the misfits of the world, to all of us who do not conform to the closing of humanity: Now, more than ever, the world looks two ways at once. One face looks towards a dark, depressing world. A world of closing doors. A closing of lives, of possibilities, of hopes. These are times of austerity. You must learn to live with reality. You must obey if you want to…

ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΑ ΛΕΞΕΩΝ [multi media δρώμενο ποίησης) ΠΕΜ. 3 ΜΑΗ 2012 ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ / Word’s Environments (multi media poetry action) in Thur. 3 May 2012 / Thesaloniki

Κενό Δίκτυο [Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες] παρουσιάζει ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΑ ΛΕΞΕΩΝmulti media δρώμενο ποίησηςΠΕΜΠΤΗ 3 ΜΑΗ 2012ώρα έναρξης 22.00στο αυτοδιαχειριζόμενοκοινωνικό κέντροΒΟΥΤΥΡΟ ΚΑΠΕΛΟβαλαωρίτου 20 στον 6ο όροφο – ταράτσαΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ Ποίηση:Τάσος Σαγρής & Σίσσυ Δουτσίου(Κενό Δίκτυο) Γιώργος Αλισάνογλου (εκδόσεις Σαιξπηρικόν) Γιώργος Γιαννόπουλος (περιδικό Ένεκεν) Αmbient Soundscapes: d.j. Crystal Zero Sissy Stardust + progressive trance late night session: Junior X + special guests visual art by: VOID OPTICAL ART LABORATORY Τα Περιβάλλοντα Λέξεων  είναι…


VOID NETWORK[Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts]ΚΕΝΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ [Θεωρία, Ουτοπία, Συναίσθηση, Εφήμερες Τέχνες] TRIBES FESTIVAL*2 stages underground dance cultureΛΟΦΟΣ ΣΤΡΕΦΗ / ΕΞΑΡΧΕΙΑSTREFIS HILL-EXARCHIA AREA-ATHENS GREECEΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 28 AΠΡΙΛΗ 2012SAT. 28/4/2012Για την οικονομική ενίσχυση φυλακισμένου συντρόφουfor solidarity and financial help of imprisoned comradeSTAGE 1: PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE23.00-12.30 SISSY STARDUST12.30-01.30 ENTON01.30-02.30 SIAM02.30-03.30 CONFO03.30-05.00 MINDPHASER05.00-06.00 CRYSTAL ZERO06.00-end CACTUS ARISINGSTAGE2:DUBSTEP/BREAKS/DRUM & BASS23.00 – 01.00 REGGAELIZE DUB @ DUBSTEPCannibal Radio – 02.30 OZE @ BREAKSUrban Danja, Vim Breaks –…


# 77 years old man commit suicide at #Syntagma sq. Athens Greece. Last Words: “I don’t want to leave debt to my children”!

Τhat’s Enough! Α 77-y.o shot himself in the head in full view of passersby at Syntagma square,  across Parliament in Athens Greece.  #Greece has seen suicide rates rise  by 40% in past 2 yrs,  apprx. 2000 people took their own lives. The 77 years old man walked  down the steps that lead to the square where during  all summer of 2011 millions of people demonstrated  and revolted against Ιnequality,  Totalitarianism…


America: A Global Serial Killer by Solomon Comissiong

The United States is a bizarre and dangerous country, a nation with “sociopathic tendencies riddled throughout its institutionally racist society.” Like a psychopath unfazed by other people’s pain, the general American (white) population appears “completely desensitized to what should be seen as a massive, one sided, blood bath” committed in their name.“They expect the majority of us not to connect crimes like the murder of Trayvon Martin to the crimes…

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