
In the past ten years, the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation has provided more than $300,000 in financial aid to ventures that support our mandate: promoting education and research into social democracy.

We have helped to fund the publication of biographies of Tommy Douglas, Stanley Knowles, Clairie Gillis and Grace MacInnis. The biography of M.J. Coldwell commissioned by the Foundation, and written by well-known Canadian author Walter Stewart was published by Stoddart Press in the spring of 2000. 

The Foundation has also made substantial financial contributions in assisting the publication of a number of books and magazines concerned with current and important issues from a different perspective.

How to apply for a grant

(currently our grants total up to approximately $25,000 annually)

Please note that due to the volume of requests we receive, we unfortunately cannot commit to all proposals. At each Board Meeting, grant proposals are reviewed and voted upon for approval. Our larger grants are generally approved at the Fall Board Meeting for the upcoming year and the remainder of any grant funds will be approved at the Spring Board Meeting. For the date of our next Board Meeting please click here. All grant requests must be received FOUR WEEKS prior to the next meeting to allow time for review.

  • if you are applying for assistance with scholarships/thesis work, please see our Scholarships web page on our available scholarships and how to apply for them.
  • submit your proposal by email or regular mail to our office (please do not fax your proposal as we need a clear copy for reviewing)
  • Project submissions should include a detailed description of the project, its annual budget, and background on key individuals. Any letters of support from external sources as part of your submission would also be great appreciated. Please also state the amount of the grant you are requesting.
  • if you are applying for assistance with publications, we ask that you secure a publisher and the funds for publication grants will be dispensed to the publisher on your behalf.

    * please note that the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation does not fund honorariums as part of Grant requests.

We'll Keep you in the loop!