Ahora se ha liberado: 325 #12 – ‘Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial’ (ACN)

September 24th, 2020

ES | PDF: 325 #12 – ‘Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial’

EN | PDF: 325 #12 – ‘Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’

Descargue la portada de alta resolución aquí.

Presentando 56 páginas de anarquía anti-organización, insurrección y anti-civilización del siglo XXI. Una colección de textos y cartas críticas desde el punto de vista anarquista que examinan los nuevos cambios en la producción y el control social provocados por las nuevas tecnologías que están marcando el comienzo de un mundo carcelario totalizante y el avance de máquinas más inteligentes que las humanas.

CONTENIDO : 325#12

3. Editorial
4. Automatización, robótica y mano de obra en la 4ta y 5ta revoluciones industriales
8. Desde la revuelta a la insurrección – Extracto
9. Una pequeña crítica a la ciencia y su mundo
10. Mundo COVID-19: Las epidemias en la era del capitalismo
12. Las fracturas del Dominio
13. Ataques incendiarios coordinados contra antenas de retransmisión en Grenoble, Francia
14. La cuarta y quinta revoluciones industriales
17. La reproducción artificial de lo humano: El camino del transhumanismo
24. Psicología de la máquina: una ley de desaparición
26. Mirada oblicua
30. Teléfonos inteligentes, tonos, Capital
31. Sociedades sin dinero en efectivo y criptomonedas: fin de la era tradicional de la banca y las finanzas
34. Contribución a la reunión internacional contra las tecnociencias del anarquista encarcelado Dino Giagtzoglou
40. La sociedad cibernética y su mundo
52. Contra starlink
54. Espacio : parte 1
55. Pronto, cerca de tu casa
57: Cronología de acción directa


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France: Vincennes (Val-de-Marne) – Fire at night in front of Vincennes Castle – EN/FR

September 24th, 2020

The world has heard, through their direct consequences and through worried voices in the media, of a large number of arson attacks on communication infrastructure. Independent and biased demands have long since drawn the image of clandestine rebel activities, not only on French territory, against a society of organized putrefaction. These activities are always thought of as complementary, never as a substitute for more visible, more reachable and yet equally radical struggles.

And now the state is trying, with a repressive blow against a few revolutionaries, to lighten the darkness a little. 14 people are accused of having organized themselves to systematically sabotage the relay antennas (https://attaque.noblogs.org/post/2020/09/10/haut-rhin-quatorze-mises-en-examen-pour-neuf-incendies-dantennes-relais/). We are far from giving credit to the information from the police, because it is a common practice of the oppressors to project their fantasies and fears onto a few officially elected ones and to brand them with the violence of justice. This is done in order to make examples at any cost. This method is called terror.

Although we may not believe in the propaganda of the State, we are sure that the practice and organization of violence from below has once again become a reality and a necessity. Mass gatherings of people in the struggle against the state and capitalism and their dynamics are necessarily subject to fluctuations. We have seen how the state apparatus as a whole can be shaken by a wave of collective rage when it underestimates its enemies. And we have seen and experienced in our own flesh and blood what this state has done when it has observed the problem and tackled it with scientific precision: it has invested money in its forces of law and order and freed them from almost all control, until they are once again in a position to massacre the population. Many of them have, unfortunately but with good reason, been taken off the streets for the moment. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘The Rebellions of Misery’ by Gustavo Rodriguez

September 24th, 2020

The rebellions of misery

“All control systems are based on the punishment/award binomial. When punishments are disproportionate to rewards and when employers no longer have any rewards left, uprisings occur.”

In the second decade of this century, urban revolts are becoming more frequent throughout the global geography, with subtle variations in duration and intensity. Hong Kong, France, Algeria, Iraq, Haiti, Lebanon, Catalonia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Sudan, Chile, Belarus, and now the United States of America, have been the sites of massive protests widely reported in the means of mass domestication. As I have pointed out on other occasions, these demonstrations have very particular motivations that explain them; however, it is indisputable that they all possess an intangible link that serves as a common denominator of most of these mobilizations: the weariness and rage of despair.

Far from the leftist rhetoric that insists against all evidence that “as long as there is misery there will be rebellion”, what has really motivated the recent rebellions has not been “misery” but the conjunction of weariness and despair. These two factors – which drive the nostalgia for the “devil you know” and yearn for the return to the welfare state, to industrial capitalism and to the society of labour – are the causes of the widespread unrest that has led to the global revolt of our days.

It is increasingly axiomatic that “misery” only produces “misery”. That is to say, servitude, begging and even the loss of all dignity. As the proverb goes, “hunger is a bad counsellor”. She is the mother of all those specimens that hang a sign around their neck that says “I will do any work” (even for the SS, as George Steiner reminds us). Therefore, instead of creating rebels and refusers, misery breeds disease, malnutrition, mortality, fear, sexual exploitation, corruption, soldiers, police, informants and voters: human misery. Read the rest of this entry »

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Poster: Fire to the Cybernetic Prison

September 24th, 2020

PDF to print (11 x 17)

Poster text:

Fire to the Cybernetic Prison
It’s never too late to resist

Artificial Intelligence
AI labs, recipients of several $100M in government funding, are working to put “machine learning” algorithms in the service of a long list of industries. Under an “ethical” facade, some applications will simply allow well-placed capitalists to further enrich themselves. Others aim to reinforce repression, whether detecting shoplifters at the supermarket with automated video surveillance, developing facial recognition tools that work even on partly covered faces, or “predicting” crime or the probability of a prisoner re-offending.

5g Wireless Networking
The unprecedented bandwidth of 5G technology enables the deployment of AI on the scale of a city in real time. Every movement becomes trackable thanks to thousands of cameras integrated into a centralized surveillance apparatus. This vision is already in practice in more than one European “smart city”. Countless sensors dotting public spaces, in businesses, cars and public transit, and worn on our bodies aim to make every action the object of calculation, prediction and control, all under an eco-friendly label. By its pervasiveness, a web of algorithms is made invisible and therefore impossible to resist.

Robotics and Automation
Self-driving cars. Robotized warehouses. Cashierless stores. Delivery robots that call the cops when they are attacked. An infrastructure is being deployed that will change the world of work and our living environment permanently. We don’t mourn the disappearance of back-breaking and boring jobs. A dehumanizing pace is imposed on the remaining workers, who must keep up with the machines and productivity software or be shown the door. Meanwhile, what measures of social control and what exploitative schemes await the new excluded masses of an age of technological unemployment?

Life in Front of a Screen
Possibilities for authentic relations between humans and with our surroundings are increasingly erased in service of a virtual hyper- connectivity. Understanding, discovery, and the search for meaning are reduced to production of data. Attention deficit, memory problems, loss of emotional skills and imagination, disrupted sleep, musculo-skeletal pain, anxiety, loneliness, depression: the symptoms of addiction to online technologies are worsening as the proportion of the population that has spent their entire lives immersed in touch screens grows.
For free and full lives, open to the unknown

Be the outage in their network!

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

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È in uscita il numero 5 del giornale anarchico Vetriolo – Speciale edizione murale (Italia)

September 24th, 2020

Il numero 5 del giornale anarchico “Vetriolo” uscirà in un’inedita edizione murale, online e cartaceo. Una scelta, la nostra, che non rappresenta un mutamento editoriale definitivo, rispetto alle solite lunghe analisi critiche, di attualità e teoriche. Con ogni probabilità, “Vetriolo” tornerà nel consueto formato. La scelta di una edizione murale nasce nei mesi di prigionia di massa disposta dallo Stato con il pretesto dell’emergenza Coronavirus. Abbiamo sentito in questi mesi l’esigenza di una comunicazione in grado di rompere il distanziamento che le autorità vorrebbero interporre tra ciascuno di noi. Abbiamo sentito il desiderio di vedere appesi nei muri nelle nostre città le nostre e le vostre «grida» contro la repressione, tanto più in un momento a nostro avviso importante per l’anarchismo tutto, rappresentato dal processo d’appello dell’operazione «Scripta Manent», nonché dalle innumerevoli inchieste che le procure d’Italia continuano a indirizzare contro il movimento anarchico. Un’edizione murale vuole anche essere uno strumento in mano a quei refrattari che volessero sfuggire a futuri scenari autoritari, come l’antico gesto di appendere un manifesto. Divulghiamo, come anticipazione, il nostro articolo sul processo «Scripta Manent». Un contributo in vista del prossimo fine settimana di mobilitazioni.

A breve gli altri scritti e il manifesto murale. Per richieste di copie e contatti: vetriolo[at]autistici.org.

* * *

Un contributo per il processo d’appello dell’operazione «Scripta Manent».

In alto la mente e i cuori!

Quanti esseri hanno attraversato la vita senza mai svegliarsi!
E quanti altri si sono accorti che stavano vivendo solo per il monotono tic-tac degli orologi!
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[Difundir] Sale Rebrote nº 06 (septiembre 2020) – $hile

September 24th, 2020

Palabras previas

Compañeres, luego de un par de meses llenos de actividad y contratiempos, con gusto podemos compartir con ustedes un nuevo número del boletín anticarcelario Rebrote.

Con un estado de «excepción” extendido hasta el mes de diciembre, una vez más el gobierno y empresariado en Chile pretenden contener la rabia y el carácter que lleva impregnado desde hace muchos años el mes de septiembre. Un mes lleno de memoria y lucha, que históricamente se ha visto marcado por la acción subversiva e insurrecta en las calles, y que desde hace ya un buen tiempo no se vivía con un toque de queda ni la presencia de miserables militares.

Además de tener excusas para la vigilancia durante este mes en particular, entendemos que parte de la estrategia del poder también es poder prever lo que ocurra en el próximo octubre, cuando se cumpla un año del inicio de la revuelta y se realice también el circo constituyente. Read the rest of this entry »

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Chile: A 1 año de la revuelta ¡todxs a la calle!

September 24th, 2020

A todes/a/o.

La lucha subversiva autónoma contra el capital, el estado y todos sus órganos, continúa. Han sido años de conflicto y violencia política con distintos niveles de intensidad, marcando un precedente con la revuelta que inició en octubre de 2019.

Actualmente en tiempos de pandemia la lucha sigue viva, sigue la organización, siguen activándose grupos y sigue habiendo acciones múltiples con los autocuidados que amerita la situación -pero es inevitable- queremos ver arder nuevamente la ciudad, sus símbolos y queremos seguir atacando con fuerza a lxs bastardxs que defienden con sus armas a lxs ricxs y poderosxs de este país, queda mucho por cobrarles a lxs pacxs, milicxs, ratis, gendarmes, etc.

Sabemos que la lucha es cotidiana y que cualquier día es propicio para la acción, pero aquellas fechas que han quedado marcadas en las conciencias de todxs son también instancias para seguir practicando lo curtido.

Por eso es importante que conspires, que te organices y salgas a la calle con tus afines, tus vecinxs, en tu barrio, en la pobla, en el centro de la ciudad, cuidándote y cuidando a lxs tuyxs, siempre atentx, sal a la calle con todo lo que puedas y quieras este 18 de octubre a 1 año de la revuelta en el territorio chileno.

Por todxs lxs muertxs, desaparecidxs, mutiladxs, violadxs
Por lxs compañerxs en prisión de ayer y hoy que resisten dignamente
Por una vida distinta y mejor
Sal y prende la calle
Mientras exista miseria habrá rebelión

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$hile: Desde algún lugar: Programa número 6 de Negras Tormentas Radio

September 23rd, 2020

Programa #6 de Negras Tormentas Radio

Programa internacionalista realizado el martes 25 de agosto del año 2020 como especial de música en el marco de la “Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con lxs Anarquistas Encarceladxs”. En este se compartieron textos del compañero Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda (prisionero de la guerra social) y se destaca la participación de manera conjunta con la Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo.

Para ver más visita: //www.facebook.com/sinfronterasninaciones/

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September 22nd, 2020




Para descargar el texto para imprimir, pincha aquí.

Viernes 2 de octubre.

18:30h. “Actualización de los casos represivos del estado e internacional. Caso Bankia.”

19:00h. Charla: “Herramientas de control social que nos ha traído la COVID-19, la distancia social y el confinamiento.”

Local Anarquista Motín C/Matilde Hernández, 47 Vista Alegre u Oporto.

Sábado 3 de octubre.

13:00h. “Presentación de la revista “Libres y Salvajes”, n.º 5.

17:00h. “Actualización de casos represivos a nivel estatal e internacional. Operación Arca.”

18:00h. Mesa redonda: “La anarquía frente al Tecnomundo: Debate sobre cómo afrontar la situación actual.”

EOA La Emboscada, C/Azucena, 67. Tetuán.

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

An update from the No TAV campaign and thoughts on its relevance for Stop HS2 (Italy/UK)

September 22nd, 2020

The No TAV campaign in northern Italy has been fighting an expensive, unneeded and corrupt high speed railway link for over three decades. The proposed mafia-linked freight train service from Turin to Lyon has been repeatedly exposed for its fantastical predictions and is slated by local people who see no reason to leave their homes for a white elephant. If you are already thinking about the similarities to HS2 here in England then you are in the right place. I will start by giving a very brief history of No TAV, then an update on recent events. In the second half, I will concentrate on what the Stop HS2 movement can learn from No TAV.

For those who have never heard of the No TAV movement, it is a campaign born thirty odd years ago to resist the construction of a 270 kilometre long high speed railway (Treno di Alta Velocita) between Turin (in Italy) and Lyon (in France). There is widespread opposition on both French and Italian soil, since the railway is a corrupt scheme proposing to transport freight based on fantasy figures and the people who live along the route see no benefit (the train won’t be stopping there). They argue that the already existing railway infrastructure should be improved instead. The resistance is greatest in the breathtakingly beautiful Val di Susa (Susa Valley), which stretches from Turin to the Alps for fifty kilometres. In summer, the valley is bright with colours, the blue sky and green grass bisected by the snow on the mountains. It has a unique environment, since one side sees the sun and the other does not. The train line would rip straight through it before entering a tunnel of 57.5 kilometres to France. This tunnel would be longer than the Chunnel and in fact would just squeeze in as the longest rail tunnel in the world, if it ever gets built. Local people are concerned that drilling into the mountains will disturb uranium and asbestos deposts, that mafia construction will lead to health hazards and that the overall economic case for TAV no longer stands up. Read the rest of this entry »

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Weapons and Ethics

September 22nd, 2020

The ethical question is not about weapons, but about which ones.

by Adrian Wohlleben

There is no such thing as a peaceful insurrection. This is America; there is no imaginable scenario in which social conflicts will continue and people will not be armed, on all sides. Whether weapons are necessary is an open question, but in any case, they are inevitable. However, as friends noted some time ago, there is an important distinction to be made between “being armed and the use of arms”. If guns are an inevitable feature of any American insurrection, it is a question of doing every­thing possible to make their use unnecessary.

For participants and observers of this summer’s uprisings, the clashes in Kenosha following Jacob Blake’s shooting have dragged the question of armed violence to the forefront of debates. Does the presence of guns on ‘our side’ offer any sense of relief from danger? Do they make anything possible that isn’t otherwise? Can we imagine them being used in a way that would open the situation up, and made people feel more powerful?

In his “Critique of Violence” (1921), penned in the immediate aftermath of a defeated communist insurrection in Germany, Walter Benjamin attempts to bypass sterile oppositions between violence and ‘nonviolence’, legitimate and illegitimate force, instead directing our attention to the more decisive difference between modes and manners of violence. By suspending the question of the ‘aims’ or goals of violence—which, on Benjamin’s view, quickly devolves into myth and metaphysics—and instead differentiating between its means and uses, we shift the problem from an instrumental or technical register to an ethical one. Instead of asking, “for the sake of what end does this act occur?”, we should ask, What is this act like from the inside? What does it do to us, and those around us? How does it activate, or deactivate, our capacity to fully participate in existence? In this way, Benjamin is able to reframe the problem of revolutionary violence: its difference from state violence resides not in the ‘tasks’ or agenda it claims to serve, but first and foremost in the relation to the world, to oneself, and to others that it engenders. Read the rest of this entry »

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Chile: Fuerza y solidaridad concreta con los compañeros Juan Aliste y Marcelo Villarroel

September 22nd, 2020

Las cárceles son las estructuras que buscan inhibir el acto de cualquier persona que salga de las conductas propias del Estado, el castigo, la imposición y la disciplina es el régimen que tiene que vivir cualquier cautivo/a, buscando en ellos/as anular sus acciones, ideas y convicciones. Estas acciones pueden ser “delictivas” como quienes desafían el orden bajo una opción política revolucionaria.

Es por eso que hoy, a través de estas letras, queremos apoyar a unos compañeros que resisten con dignidad en la Cárcel de Alta Seguridad en Santiago de Chile, nos referimos a Juan Aliste Vega y Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda, prisioneros subversivos autónomos y libertarios. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Las rebeliones de la miseria’ de Gustavo Rodriguez

September 22nd, 2020

Las rebeliones de la miseria

«Todos los sistemas de control se basan en el binomio castigo-premio. Cuando los castigos son desproporcionados a los premios y cuando a los patrones ya no les quedan premios, se producen las sublevacionesi


En esta segunda década del siglo cada vez son más frecuentes las revueltas urbanas a lo largo y ancho de la geografía global, con sutiles variaciones en cuanto a su duración e intensidad. Hong Kong, Francia, Argelia, Irak, Haití, Líbano, Cataluña, Ecuador, Bolivia, Sudán, Chile, Bielorusia y, ahora, Estados Unidos de Amérikkka, han sido sede de multitudinarias protestas ampliamente reseñadas en los medios de domesticación masiva. Como he señalado en otras ocasiones, éstas manifestaciones tienen motivaciones muy particulares que las explican; sin embargo, es indiscutible que todas poseen un vínculo intangible que funge como denominador común de la mayoría de estas movilizaciones: el hartazgo y la rabia de la desesperanza.

Lejos de la retórica izquierdista que insiste contra toda evidencia que «mientras haya miseria habrá rebelión», lo que en verdad ha motivado las rebeliones recientes no ha sido la «miseria» sino la conjunción del hartazgo y la desesperanza. Estos dos factores –que impulsan la añoranza por lo «malo conocido» y anhelan el retorno al Estado benefector, al capitalismo industrial y a la sociedad del trabajo–, son los causantes del malestar generalizado que ha desembocado en la revuelta global de nuestros días.

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RIP Pong (Gutson Heyres): A Passionate and Dedicated Anarchist

September 22nd, 2020

by Bandido
September 2020

I first knew Pong way back in 2004. I saw them in a punk gig with a full battle gear street punk look alongside his friends Tonton and other Makati punks. I visited them in their hang out place in Makati, and then I knew that Pong lived in a jeepney and sometimes he stayed in university rooms or friend’s house in Makati. When his family moved into the relocation site in Cavite, Pong and his older brother still stayed in Makati. Pong was literally a nomad, moving from place to place. When I was working as a tricycle driver, Pong and others would visit me in our terminal hang out and eat together after I finished my work. If we wanted to visit the anarchist space in Cubao, we would go together and sleep outside on the streets at nighttime.

Pong did not finish his graphic design study and instead lived as a street punk and artist. He was actively the one who was making posters, flyers for gigs and events, doing banners for any political activities like demonstrations, banner-hanging actions, etc. His forte was a black and white drawing using a ball pen. The images of his artwork related to anti-war (Food Not Bombs), anti-civilization, counter-culture punks and anarchism. He was inspired by the Black Bloc, anarchist personalities and Zapatistas. You would see that in his sketch book, zines or recycled bond paper. Pong stayed updated with socio-political events happening globally, and you noticed it with his drawings. I can say that he was an internationalist because of his concern with the situation around world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Frankfurt/Main, Germany: We are all 129a!

September 20th, 2020

§129a Investigation in Frankfurt/Main, Germany

17.06.2020, 6.00 a.m., windows break. The residents of the shared flat jump out of the bed because they think Nazis are smashing the windows, but the loud shouts, and hooded people with flashlights leave no room for discussion until all residents of the living community are already in pain on the floor. It takes a while for the excitement to subside and they realize that there are more than twenty Federal Police BFE cops in the little apartment. Others are waiting in the entrance and have positioned themselves around the house. It takes even longer until a search warrant is finally handed out and the lead management is handed over to the investigating BKA. They try to act formally legally correct, their goal is to work legally clean. These are the different sides of the repression, the hooded thugs are supposed to intimidate, the jovial BKA cops collect everything they can get and organize the whole thing.

The accused’s room and common rooms are officially searched, and the rooms of the other residents are filmed.

The search warrant is issued by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on January 20th, 2020. They are investigating against the person concerned and at least two other unknown perpetrators for being part of an alleged “terrorist organization”. On New Year’s Eve 2018/2019, they and many others allegedly attacked the BGH branch in Leipzig. DNA finds on clothing and camera recordings are brought forward. The police are looking for certain clothing, communication media, other references to this alleged association. 3 laptops, a USB stick, papers and small items such as a balaclava were confiscated. Read the rest of this entry »

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