Economic Development Heterodox Economics Presentations SDGs Video

A New International Development Paradigm (video)

I had the pleasure and honour of debating ‘A New International Development Paradigm. Do the Sustainable Development Goals Drive Global Progress?’ with Dr. Fred Muhumuza (Makerere University) and Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai (University of Kassel) at the Online Summer Academy for Pluralist Economics, August 2020.

The blurb for the panel:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are considered a universal benchmark for development around the world. But is it realistic to have such a benchmark for countries/regions whose societies are structured within different local contexts? During this discussion, the panelists will share their perspectives on what development is, on the relevance of the SDGs, and on what a new development paradigm could look like in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Events In the media Presentations SDGs Video

Keynote on the political economy of the SDGs, Rio de Janeiro (video)

I was invited by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) to give a keynote on the political economy of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at their annual conference, which was organized in collaboration with the IAP Science for Poverty Eradication Committee. You can view the keynote presentation in the video above. Here is my presentation and here is a news article on the event (in Portuguese).

Economic Development Presentations Rethinking Economics Norway Video

The Tyranny of Metrics – Panel Discussion

On February 9th 2019, I presented on a panel with Desmond McNeill (Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo) and Morten Jerven (Norwegian University of Life Sciences). I presented specifically on the politics of GDP measurement (based on this recent working paper I co-authored with Jacob Assa). The panel was a part of the Rethinking Sustainability conference organized by Rethinking Economics, Norway. My slides can be found here. [Note: the video is in Norwegian]

Economic Development Video

Short videos on development

At IGDC, we ask the big questions! Check out some of these short videos, where I try to answer what development is, what the future of global development holds, and why the IGDC values matter.

You can see what my colleagues answered here.


Economic Development Video

A Critical Approach to Development Economics (Video)

The Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre (IGDC) recently filmed a snippet about one of my current research projects (with my colleague Collin Constantine). Check it out below.

Events Video

New School Economic Review Celebration (video)

After a ton of work over the span of a year, the editorial team of the New School Economic Review (which I am a part of) launched the 10 year anniversary issue and had a launch event at The New School. NSSR Dean Will Milberg, Abid Khan, Alexandria Eisenbarth and I made the introductions, while Professors Anwar Shaikh and Ben Fine presented their work. You can read about the event here and download the journal here.

Watch the video here: