Category Archives: Fanzines

[Fanzine]: Un mar de posibilidades en el desierto de hormigón territorio ciudad e insurrección [CAS]

Esta publicación es una recopilación de textos que surge de los debates y el trabajo que comenzamos a raíz de las jornadas «Un mar de posibilidades en el desierto de hormigón, Territorio, ciudad e insurrección» que sucedieron en Madrid durante … Continue reading

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Barcelona: Manual de Okupación – Vol.1 Despegando [CAS]

Oficina per l’Okupació de Karcelona Tienes aquí un breve manual para okupar en Barcelona elaborado a par- tir de experiencias personales, recursos legales y textos de l’Oficina per l’Okupació. L’OfiOk es un espacio donde tratar cuestiones técnicas y le- gales … Continue reading

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[Fanzine]: Black Vests, Yellow Raincoats – Interviews with anarchists about Gillet Jaunes Movement [ENG, FRA, CAS, ITA, PT]

Introduction This booklet originated in the initiative of a Brazilian anarchist magazine, Crônica Subversiva, from Porto Alegre. In January 2019, they wanted to interview a few anarchists about the Yellow Vests movement. Bits of these interviews have been published in … Continue reading

Posted in Campaña, Castellano, English, Fanzines, Français, Gilets Jaunes, Italiano, Noticia, Portugues, Publicación, Reflexión | Comments Off on [Fanzine]: Black Vests, Yellow Raincoats – Interviews with anarchists about Gillet Jaunes Movement [ENG, FRA, CAS, ITA, PT]

[Fanzine]: Antifeminismo y agresiones de genero en entornos antiautoritarios y espacios liberados [CAS-CAT-ENG]

“ANTIFEMINISMO Y AGRESIONES DE GÉNERO en entornos antiautoritarios y espacios liberados” es el título del fanzine que he terminado hace unos días. Y cómo reseño en la contraportada: “Este texto nace del deseo de responder a algunas de las cuestiones … Continue reading

Posted in Antisexismo, Castellano, Catalá, English, Fanzines, Gender violence | Comments Off on [Fanzine]: Antifeminismo y agresiones de genero en entornos antiautoritarios y espacios liberados [CAS-CAT-ENG]

[Fanzine]: Violenza di genere in ambienti antiautoritari e spazi liberati [ITA]

Scarica [versione lettura] Scarica [versione stampa] “Occorre un distinguo sul concetto stesso di Violenza. Questa stessa parola può essere utilizzata per indicare atteggiamenti opposti, uno con una spinta liberatoria, e l’altro con una spinta oppressiva. Vogliamo riappropiarci della violenza per … Continue reading

Posted in Fanzines, Gender violence, Italiano | Tagged , , | Comments Off on [Fanzine]: Violenza di genere in ambienti antiautoritari e spazi liberati [ITA]

[Fanzine] Granada: Ad Nauseam – Panfleto contra el ghetto político en Granada [2002-CAS]

AD NAUSEAM Panfleto contra el ghetto político en Granada .:no es nada personal (introducción):. “La verdad jode pero curte.” (Makinavaja) Lo que sigue se refiere a una dinámica colectiva, establecida en la ciudad de Granada por quienes se dicen enemigos del Capital, … Continue reading

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[Fanzine]: Against Anarcho-Liberalism and the curse of identity politics [ENG-CAS]

from: Anarchism in the UK is a joke. Once symbolising hard-fought struggles for freedom, the word has been stripped bare to make way for narrow-minded, separatist and hateful identity politics by middle class activists keen to protect their own … Continue reading

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[Fanzine]: LAVOMATIC, Laviamo i panni sporchi in pubblico – Spunti di riflessione sulle violenze di genere nel movimento antiautoritario [ITA]

Questo testo è un tentativo di affrontare concretamente la questione delle violenze sessiste di genere nella scena anarco-squat-libertaria. Per una maggiore responsabilizzazione nei rapporti personali, perché il personale è politico. Per riflettere sugli effetti della nostra costruzione sociale, sui rapporti … Continue reading

Posted in Fanzines, Gender violence, Italiano | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on [Fanzine]: LAVOMATIC, Laviamo i panni sporchi in pubblico – Spunti di riflessione sulle violenze di genere nel movimento antiautoritario [ITA]

[fanzine] WAWA3, historia pewnego aresztowania [PL]

via : grecjawogniu wspomnień czar

Posted in Carcel, Fanzines, Free the Warsaw 3, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Solidaridad | Tagged , | Comments Off on [fanzine] WAWA3, historia pewnego aresztowania [PL]

[Fanzine]: Ni fronteras ni banderas ‘zine 21

NI FRONTERAS NI BANDERAS ´ZINE* *¡¡* *YA EN LA CALLE* *!!* ****EN DISTRIBUCIÓN *(Distribuidoras: ¡contactad!)*:* *DIRECCIÓN POSTAL:* Apdo.: 7.030 C.P.: 31080 – Pamplona (NAVARRA) – ESTADO ESPAÑOL * <> // ** <>* *NUEVO Nº21* Tamaño A5. 36 páginas + Póster; … Continue reading

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[Fanzine]: Coño potens – Manual sobre su poder, su próstata y sus fluidos [CAS]

Coño potens Manual sobre su poder, su próstata y sus fluidos Fanzine sobre ejaculación femenina Coño Potens  

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Starting an Anarchist Black Cross – A Guide [ENG]

The Anarchist Black Cross is an international network of anarchist groups and individuals engaged in practical solidarity with prisoners and broader anti-repression struggles that started over 100 years ago. This zine is a resource for anyone wanting to start an … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, English, Fanzines | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Starting an Anarchist Black Cross – A Guide [ENG]

Fanzine: Exclusión – Ninguna coincidencia [CAS]

Sobre el ADN utilizado como prueba en juicios. “En los últimos años los avances científicos han tenido un impacto en el ám- bito de la prueba; la dactiloscopia, la balística, la grafística.. Son ejemplos de estos conocimientos y avances científicos … Continue reading

Posted in ADN, Carcel, Castellano, Fanzines, Repressión | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Fanzine: Exclusión – Ninguna coincidencia [CAS]

Violenza sessuale negli ambienti anarchici: Critiche e suggerimenti sui modi di affrontarla [ITA]

INTRODUZIONE A quelle persone anarchiche che passeranno davanti a questo opuscolo non degnandolo neanche di uno sguardo, che ne leggeranno il titolo distrattamente per passare subito ad altro, che penseranno che non le riguarda perché su queste cose hanno già … Continue reading

Posted in Fanzines, Gender violence, Italiano, Reflexión | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Violenza sessuale negli ambienti anarchici: Critiche e suggerimenti sui modi di affrontarla [ITA]

[Fanzine]: Free the Warsaw Three [IT-FR-EN-ES]

ITALIAN  : free the warsaw three IT FRENCH : fanzine_wawa3_fr ENGLISH : free-the-warsaw-three-eng SPANISH:  free the warsaw three ES

Posted in Castellano, English, Fanzines, Français, Italiano, Repressión | Comments Off on [Fanzine]: Free the Warsaw Three [IT-FR-EN-ES]

fanzine : on the out, about life after prison [ENG]

Fanzine from ABC Bristol about life after prison. ¨You’re holding in your hand what we hope to be the first edition of “On The Out”, a new pamphlet published by Bristol Anarchist Black Cross. This zine is a collection of … Continue reading

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[Fanzine]: How to cultivate EM ? [EN-PL]

WHAT ARE Effective Microorganisms (EM)? Effective microorganisms (EM) were developed in the early 1980s at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan by Professor Teruo Higa. He reported that a combination of approximately eighty different species of microorganisms are … Continue reading

Posted in English, Fanzines, Polski, Rural | Comments Off on [Fanzine]: How to cultivate EM ? [EN-PL]

FANZINE: Fenix nie powstał z popiołów [PL]

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ANTIFENIX poster [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [CZ] [RU]

Here is the newly updated poster. In this poster we bring news about appeal/higher court with Igor Shevcov and the first two days of the court hearing with the “Fenix five”. Besides that you can find information about the case, … Continue reading

Posted in Deutsch, English, Fanzines, Français | Tagged | Comments Off on ANTIFENIX poster [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [CZ] [RU]

[Fanzine] What is security culture – A guide to stay safe [ENG]

This is a reprint of a guide called “What is Security Culture?” published by the CrimethInc collective. As far as we know, it first appeared in their book Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook and then appeared in a slightly … Continue reading

Posted in English, Fanzines, Informática, Noticia | Tagged | Comments Off on [Fanzine] What is security culture – A guide to stay safe [ENG]