Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

Monthly archive

February 2009


Guadelupe is on one month strike! Wild Riots in one of most distant areas of European Union

Guadeloupe, a part of France colonization history in the Carribean sea, and a part of European Union, is paralised after one month of general strikethat started in January 20 as the focus of the riots has shifted awayfrom the immediate demands for better wages.The starting cause of the strike is inequality and raising of the prizes, and the people asking, nothing more than 200 euro pay increase for low-wage earners.In… …

Void Network News

In Solidarity to the students of New York University that occupied the building of the University to liberate space and time!

We are expressing our solidarity to the occupation of New York University…All you students, activists and friends from New York you have to know that we will fight here for all of you as you fight for us there …We are happy that you can liberate your time and space and you can fight to take back your basic rights as students of university and human beings…As you stay in… …


BabaGian / a great new painter

Void Networkproudly accomodates some of the paintings from the Greek painter BabaGian For more info navigate in: …


A convenient truth about climate change: why most of the major powers really want global warming by David Lempert and Hue Nhu Nguyen

A convenient truth about climate change: why most of the major powers really want global warming byDavid Lempert and Hue Nhu Nguyen 12/02/2009 If you read the international press, it is easy to be convinced that the international “debate” about global warming is about whether international organisations and country governments are able to “wake up” to alarming news about the future of the planet. But if you actually read between… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Liberation of central National Opera Hall in Athens Greece / Απελευθέρωση της Εθνικής Λυρικής Σκηνής της Ελλάδος

National Opera Hall / Viva La Revolucion! general assembly every night/ liberated public space thousands of people / art of collective life street poetry cinema show masaz workshop street ballet every night / liberated public space free dancing workshop music improvisation (piano, trumpet)and free modern dancing collective dreams, never ending talking graffity and creation of stencil workshop street poetry every afternoon / tai-chi meditation workshop void optical art street ballet… …


Gaza And Its Aftermath : Noam Chomsky interviewed by Assaf Kfoury February 09, 2009

people fromGAZA WILL NEVER FORGET CHRISTMAS 2008 and JANUARY 2009 : MASSACRE OF PALESTINIANS by israelian army with the help of U.S.A. and European Union we will never forget! Gaza And Its Aftermath Noam Chomsky interviewed by Assaf Kfoury February 09, 2009 By Noam Chomsky and Assaf Kfoury For more than three weeks, starting December 27th, Gaza and its 1.5 million people bore the brunt of a massive Israeli military… …


Up Against the Wall Motherfucker!: A Memoir of Anarchism in the ’60s By Osha Neumann

They called themselves the Motherfuckers; others called them a “street gang with an analysis.” Osha Neumann’s thoughtful, funny, and honest account of his part in ’60s counterculture is also an unflinching look at what all that rebellion of the past means today. The fast moving story follows the establishment of the Motherfuckers, who influenced the Yippies and members of SDS; makes vivid the art, music, and politics of the era;… …

Uncategorized/Void Network News

Occupation of Athens Central Opera Hall / Κατάληψη Εθνικής Λυρικής Σκηνής

Void Network in the last week participates in the occupation of the central National Opera Hall in Athens / Greece together with more than 600 artists, activists, anarchists, romantics and utopians… Central National Opera Hall is a place of the city characterized as the main center of the “high-arts”, the “royal arts”, the state-arts of the minister of culture, the culture of the bourgouasie…Continuing the insurrection of December, we become… …

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