Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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January 2009

Uncategorized/Void Network News

INSURRECTION | MOVEMENT | PLANS FOR THE FUTURE [ an Open Public Dialogue by Void Network and Iliosporoi (“Sunseeds” collective)]

ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΣΥΖΗΤΗΣΗΕΞΕΓΕΡΣΗ | ΚΙΝΗΜΑ |ΣΧΕΔΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΜΕΛΛΟΝΚΑΤΑΛΗΨΕΙΣ – ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΑ ΚΕΝΤΡΑΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΟ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟ ΧΩΡΟΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΑΚΟ ΑΣΥΛΟΕΦΗΜΕΡΕΣ ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΕΣ ΖΩΝΕΣΟΙΚΟΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΕΣΡΙΖΟΣΠΑΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΥΠΟΚΕΙΜΕΝΙΣΜΟΣΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΕλεύθερος Κοινωνικός ΧώροςNOSOTROSΘεμιστοκλέους 66 / ΕξάρχειαΠέμπτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2009έναρξη : 9μ.μ. ΚΑΛΕΣΜΑ: ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΕΞΕΓΕΡΣΗ ΣΤΟ ΚΙΝΗΜΑΚΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΛΛΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ Μια τραγική αφορμή. Ένας 15χρονος νεαρός νεκρός για το τίποτα από το όπλο αστυνομικού. Η οργή ξεχείλισε για το τελευταίο από τα δεκάδες «μεμονωμένα περιστατικά» ατιμώρητης και παράλογης Κρατικής… …


Hipsters: The Dead End of Western Civilization by Douglas Haddow

We’ve reached a point in our civilization where counterculture has mutated into a self-obsessed aesthetic vacuum. So while hipsterdom is the end product of all prior countercultures, it’s been stripped of its subversion and originality. (Cover story of Adbusters Issue #79.) Hipsters: The Dead End of Western Civilization by Douglas Haddow I‘m sipping a scummy pint of cloudy beer in the back of a trendy dive bar turned nightclub in… …



In the memory of Brad Will murdered in Oaxaca by Mexican police and government officials The Oaxacan People’s Insurrection for Dignity By Korinta Maldonado written in 13 November 2006 On the dawn of Friday, October 27, 2006, news about the assassination of the New York independent media reporter Brad Will by paramilitary forces in the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico reverberated throughout the world. This day marked the beginning of… …


CHICAGO 10 / Official Film Trailer

Mixing animation with archival footage, CHICAGO 10 explores the build-up to and unraveling of the Chicago Conspiracy Trial of 8 activists set up as scapegoats by The Government of the 1968 Democratic Convention demonstration against the Vietnam War. CHICAGO 10 is a parable of hope, courage and ultimate victory, the story of young Americans speaking out and taking a stand in the face of an oppressive and armed government. For… …


75000 people marched in London against the invasion of Israelians in Gaza

In 10 January 2009 around 75,000 people gathered in London to express their disgust at the barbaric invasion of Gaza by the Israeli military. Demonstrators marched to the Israeli embassy and were met by police who had clearly planned for a violent confrontation. Police in riot armour and Nato helmets were deployed from within the embassy after shoes were thrown at it and the situation quickly transforms into rioting a… …

Void Network News

HOW TO ORGANIZE AN INSURRECTION…[questions, thoughts and answers about the social inssurection in Greece in December 2008]

FOR THE MEMORY OF ALEXIS GRIGOROPOYLOS IN SOLIDARITY TO ALL THE PRISONERSOF DECEMBER 2008SOCIAL INSURRECTIONQuestions answered byVoid Network(Theory, Utopia, Empathy, Ephemeral Arts); posed by the CrimethInc. ex-Workers’ Collectivefrom U.S.A.for the benefit of global underground resistance How were the actions coordinated within cities? How about between cities? There are hundreds of small, totally closed affinity groups—groups based in longstanding friendship and 100% trust—and some bigger groups like the people from… …


Oakland on Fire Anarchists, Solidarity, and New Possibilities in the Oakland Rebellion By Kara N. Tina

“I’m sorry my car was burned but the issue is very upsetting.” -Ken Epstein, assistant editor of the Oakland Post, who was finishing an article about Grant’s death, watched from the 12th story of his office at 14th and Franklin streets as his 2002 Honda CR-V disintegrated in a roar of flames (Oakland Tribune)The murder of Oscar Grant by Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) police officer Johannes Mehserle early New… …


international dissent! meeting in strasbourg the 16-18th january 2009

translations, PDF and docs at : The revolts which are presently rising in Europe and the other parts of the world are a reaction to the global economic and social situation which deteriorates at an exponential rhythm. The impoverishment of resources also causes numerous conflicts. IMF have already asked the countries to get ready to face numerous uprisings due to the generalized recession, insisting on the importance to be… …



FREE THE SHMINISTIM – ISRAEL’S YOUNG CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. The Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories. December 18 marks the launch date of a global campaign to release them from jail. Join over 20,000 people and show your support by contacting the Israeli Minister of Defense using the form IN THIS LINK. 22,000 LETTERS AND… …


“The reproduction of Everyday Life” by Fredy Perlman

These are some fragments from the analysis “The reproduction of Everyday Life” written by Fredy Perlman in 1969. Reprinted in ‘Anything Can Happen’, October 1992, Phoenix Press, PO Box 824 London N1 9DL, which also contains Perlman’s ‘The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism’ Also printed as a book by Black and Red publications Fredy Perlman was a printer, musician, organizer, scholar, theorist, traveller, publisher, & anti-authoritarian activist. Born August 20,… …

Global movement

Videos and Photos from Palestine

info comes from the International Solidarity Movement gathered with the help of members from Anarchists Against The Wall Unedited footage: Sunday 28th December 2008 – pharmacy in Hi Alijnina, Rafah Shortly before 7:00am on Sunday 28th December, yet another Israeli missile strike hit the residential neighbourhood of Hi Alijnina in the southern Gaza town of Rafah , just 50 metres down the street from where I’m staying.… …


195 Children Died Since Operation began in Gaza

Gaza / Palestine News Network – Reports indicate that 13 Palestinians from the same family were killed when Israeli forces targeted an eastern Gaza City house. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights said this afternoon that Israeli forces in Gaza have killed 599 Palestinians. Dr. Hassanein of the Ministry of Health said today that Israeli forces have killed 195 Palestinian children since the operation began and injured 2,730 people with… …


Palestine doesn’t get to have a 9/11[Israel’s attacks against Palestinians in Gaza! The massacre continues]

Palestine doesn’t get to have a 9/11 by Justin Podur In September 2001, a group of terrorists from al Qaeda killed over three thousand Americans in New York. US friends and enemies alike condemned the attacks and the attackers. Debates that occurred were about how discriminate America should be in seeking revenge and justice. The horrors of 9/11 are invoked whenever questions arise about US occupations of Iraq or Afghanistan.… …

Global movement

Israel attacks Palestinians in Gaza! Massacre with more than 400 civilians, women and children dead

This an article written by MIFTAH/ The Plaestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy and we feel the obligation to publish it here as a part of our efforts to understand better the background of the massacre against Palestinians by the Israelian government There is no point in preparing an introduction to this article. Why waste words on compositional niceties when the only thing I can offer… …


This is an announcement from Void Network about the inssurection of December 2008 in Greece that includes the invitation to the people to expand the social, cultural and political activism in 2009 with thousands of initiatives, actions and situations [unfortunately the text is in Greek but a translation is under construction] ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΠΑΡΑ ΤΩΡΑ!(Περί των γεγονότων του Δεκεμβρίου 2008 και τον ερχομό του 2009.) Είναι πράγματι πρωτοφανή για τα… …

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