Outside the Circle

Cindy Milstein

Collective Care Is Our Best Weapon against COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps around the world, statist and capitalist structures predictably continue to fail us in many ways. Underlying that failure is the stress on individual responses: stockpile, … Continue reading

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Roundtable: From “Another World is Possible” to the Possible End of the World, 1999–2019

The following conversation between myself, Aaron Lakoff, and Sharmeen Khan is from issue 21 of the Upping the Ante journal, and can be found for free online at https://uppingtheanti.org/journal/article/21-the-long-memory-is-the-most-radical-idea. +++ … Continue reading

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BAR Book Forum: Cindy Milstein’s “Paths toward Utopia”

The conversation below was published as part of Black Agenda Report’s Book Forum, edited by Roberto Sirvent, on January 29, 2020, and can be found online at https://blackagendareport.com/bar-book-forum-cindy-milsteins-paths-toward-utopia *** In … Continue reading

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Knitting with a Messy Ball of Yarn

Note: This piece was written for and is published in the 2020 edition of Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar, a joint fund-raising and educational project between outside organizers … Continue reading

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Ghost Stories: Rock, Paper, Ashes

Note: This piece originally appeared in my edited anthology Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief, published in fall 2017 by AK Press. I encourage you to get and read … Continue reading

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Mutual Fire Brigade

In mid-November 2018, smoke from the hellfires of so-called California drifted to my home base, so-called Michigan, as humans and nonhumans on the West Coast struggled to breath, struggled not … Continue reading

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Our Grief Is a Starting Point in the Fight against Fascism

The following essay appeared on Truthout on November 6, 2018, at https://truthout.org/articles/our-grief-is-a-starting-point-in-the-fight-against-fascism/. * * * Daily, and sometimes hourly, we are assaulted by the latest losses. It isn’t simply that time … Continue reading

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Tree of Life “Mourner’s Kaddish”: 7 Days of “Backward” Shiva

[These musings were written and posted on my Instagram, after sunset, for the seven days leading up to the one-year anniversary of the Tree Life synagogue murder, in which 11 … Continue reading

October 28, 2019 · Leave a comment

Call for Anthology Submissions: There Is Nothing So Whole as a Broken Heart: Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists

Call for Submissions to an Anthology Edited by Cindy Milstein Deadline EXTENDED to Sunday, October 6, 2019! “On nights like these when the moon’s face is obscured by darkness, much … Continue reading

August 23, 2019 · Leave a comment

Two Reviews of “Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief”

Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief, edited by Cindy Milstein (AK Press, 2017) *** Reviewed by Nadia de Vries, Mortality 24, no. 1 (2019): 116. How do we navigate the … Continue reading

July 30, 2019 · Leave a comment

What Did You See in the Flames of Notre-Dame?

Certain images become Rorschach tests. They capture what’s on the minds of society at a particular juncture in human history. Especially if we’re honest about what we see and feel … Continue reading

April 17, 2019 · Leave a comment