Monthly Archives: April 2011

The Brutal Logic of the Working Class

The working class possesses a clear and brutal logic on the issue of immigration. They know the more there are of ‘them’ competing for jobs the less the wages will be for ‘us’. It’s a survival instinct that has driven … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

Jamming people into the unemployment machine

Has anyone else noticed the flurry of news about unemployment in Australia? The unemployment rate dipped below 5%, and now Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott have both announced measures to get the long term unemployed back to work/stop dole bludging … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

Flexible and unemployed

The lack of a job, and insecure employment even when you can get it are hallmarks of our generation. Some of us are lucky to have permanent jobs but we’re kidding ourselves if we think this is a shared experience. … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

Imagining something better

Thomas Friedman wrote, in The Lexus and the Olive Tree, that there’s “free market vanilla and North Korea”. Personally, I thought we were taught as children that our imaginations are our limits. I guess there are really only two choices … Continue reading

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