Cyberunions Episode 93: Tech workers can organize…?

Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section 1:00 Catch up 2:45 The final countdown 3:15 Help support the show 4:00 How to organize … a lot of work, practice, and patience 5:00 Tech organizing ideas from Solidarity and DSA 5:45 The revolution is not going to happen tomorrow 6:55 Always opportunities […]

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“We are living in an incredibly dangerous moment”—One in which tech sector and all need to stand in solidarity against all warmongers

It is a little outside of the norm to share a non-tech specific piece, but this article is important for all communities includeing tech. Please if you have not read this it is worth reading. The new issue of Jacobin, “Journey to the Dark Side,” is out now. Subscribe for the first time at a […]

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Let’s Make This a May Day to Remember—in the streets and online!

The remarkable “Day without Immigrants,” when tens of thousands walked out February 16, sprang from the grass roots with little coordination by unions or worker centers. But to their credit, many groups are now looking to build on that momentum with strikes and protests May 1. via Let’s Make This a May Day to Remember —

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How do tech work environments compare to this structure…is it the same, if not how?

Special Handout: Organized People Have Power March 31, 2017 / Labor Notes Staff if(isset($entity->premium) and $entity->premium == 1) { echo “Print Only”; } ?> via Special Handout: Organized People Have Power —

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A book review worth reading for challenging US political parties and bring committed progressive change

Book review by Ryan Haney, first published by Talking Union. Steve Early’s Refinery Town is a compelling read on multiple levels. It paints an interesting portrait of Richmond, CA (pop. 110,000), a Bay Area city that is home to a massive Chevron refinery. It also works as a journalistic deep dive into contemporary municipal politics, […]

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Cyberunions Episode 92: Alt ‘Rights’: What does labor look like in the age of Trump

Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update Section This is decidedly not Walton Matt coming in from Chicago Chicago teachers strike Site of Haymarket square, Mayday for the American listeners Is there a memorial for the workers in Haymarket square? Using new tech for this podcast connections planned to be free software Indiana became […]

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Cyberunions Episode 91: Announcing the Punch a Nazi Challenge, Take that Ice Bucket!

Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Update section Richard Spencer punch to the music of Born in the USA. Peoples Inauguration Friday night in Boston. Womens march Saturday in Boston over 175,000 people. Labor section ideas Framing the conditions. Davos — themes, new tech and rise of robots, globalization and retreat of globalization.  Typically not […]

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Cyberunions Podcast Episode 90: Identity politics lacks class

Download Ogg Ogg lite MP3 Torrent Intro (0:28) Swimming in the lake at 8 C/ 46 F The site will be moving and design changes to and it will be more mobile friendly Steel plant in Germany and worker perspective with a more internationalist perspective Reminds of Capital Moves: The RCA story  Passing of […]

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Cyberunions Episode 89 : This Podcast Kills Fascists

Download Ogg Ogg lite mp3 Torrent Intro 0:50 Walton is not in Scotland anymore… 1:20 Why would we ever bring this podcast back? 1:27 A terrible thing happened in the world 2:00 Beard scratching the mic 2:13 Shit is shitty on this side of the pond 2:37 Before jumping into the election how did Walton […]

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Cyberunions Podcast Episode 88 We’re Back!!

Downloads Ogg Ogg lite mp3 Torrent Updates Where have we been? What have we done? Where are we now? Walton is still in Glasgow and Stephen is *not* in Mexico Our careers and what is keeping us busy Labor Labourstart or Laborstart for the non-british english speakers UNI conference and the scope of the labor […]

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