Category Archives: Just how stuffed the world is today

An Indestructible Union (Part 3)

The membership is the Union, and the Union is the membership. This is why membership is usually one of the goals of initial conversations between workers, delegates and organisers looking to create a new Union in a workplace or industry … Continue reading

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Filed under ACTU, ALP, Just how stuffed the world is today, WorkChoices

Common Sense: workplace democracy

I never understood the way the world worked until I had to work. It was scooping out frozen yoghurt in the middle of the night in the bowels of a giant casino for youth wages, that I felt a deep anger … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world

My 10 Predictions for 2012 (sort of)

This is the time of year when overpaid windbags in the service of their corporate overlords make predictions for the coming year with less accuracy than a blindfolded and intoxicated orang-utan throwing darts. So, I thought I’d do the same … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

Kroger blasts pickets and #baiadastrike

I don’t know if you’ve seen the Herald Sun today (if you’re like me you probably don’t make a habit of reading it) but Kroger has come out blasting the #baiadastrike. It’s as if I was actually onto something with … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

Lessons from the #baiadastrike about the 1%

I don’t know when, if ever, I’ll be able to write about what happened on the ground at the Baiada strike in Laverton. However, the events over the last few weeks were the first time I’ve had any significant position … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world


I have not been able to post regularly lately as I’ve been extremely busy with Baiada Poultry in Laverton for my day (and now all night) job.  So I would like to apologise for not posting more regularly. On Friday … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

The Precariat: the new dangerous class

The Precariat is infuriatingly interesting. Its author Guy Standing, a Professor of Economic Security at the University of Bath, has set out to explain the rise of a new class, “the precariat”, and explore the social/political implications of this ‘class-in-the-making’. … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world

Don’t worry, it will get worse than you think…

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Well, I always like to start with the bad news first. Things are going to get worse than you think. I mean bad, really, really bad. The good news? All … Continue reading

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Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today

I like your old stuff better than your new stuff, so let’s #takewallstreet

I received a beautiful gift from my partner this week, a book called Posters for the People. It contains hundreds of prints of posters created by artists working in the Works Progress Administration, a cornerstone of President Roosevelt’s New Deal. … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world

Poetry as an argument for something different

Last weekend I was at the Queensland Poetry Festival, supporting Australia’s most talented poet, Chloe Wilson (disclaimer: I may be somewhat biased). Lean in a bit closer to the screen, I want to let you in on a little secret … Continue reading


Filed under Just how stuffed the world is today, The road map to another world