Take up the fight for socialism!

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality, the youth and student wing of the Socialist Equality Parties, unites students and youth for peace, social equality and the rights of the working class.

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2020 US elections

Joseph Kishore for US President & Norissa Santa Cruz for Vice President!

Socialist Equality Party

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World Socialist Web Site Perspectives

University of Michigan grad students reject administration offer, continue strike against unsafe conditions

“We have lit a match that could unite a global wave”

Striking graduate student instructors voted by more than 700 to 400 to reject the blackmail proposal from the administration and continue their strike to demand the shutdown of in-person learning amidst the pandemic.

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The Civil War Election

The US election, now less than two months away, is entering its final stages under conditions of unprecedented social, economic and political crisis.

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The working class must demand an end to the show trial of Julian Assange

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Youth and students: Oppose the deadly reopening of schools! Take a stand on the side of the teachers and the working class!

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Our Statement of Principles

The IYSSE has sections in multiple countries. Learn more about our principles in the countries closest to you:

The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) is an organization of students and youth around the world which insists that chronic social problems, including the danger of war, can be solved only through an end to capitalism. Society must be reorganized along international socialist lines—on the basis of social need, not private profit.

Join the IYSSE!

Take up the fight for socialism!

Read the IYSSE Statement of Principles for your country, and submit your contact information to join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.

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