Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

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Global movement

Global movement

“This is Not a Country, This is a Mass Grave With a National Anthem”: Anti-Police Protests Rock Colombia

Colombia has seen massive anti-police protests in several cities in recent days after the cops in Bogotá killed a father of two. The uprising continues the growing opposition to the neoliberal onslaught against the working class and poor people, but is also part of the global protests in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. His name was Javier Humberto Ordóñez — the father of two young boys, ages…

David Graeber died suddenly at 59

We are shocked by the news- our friend and comrade David Graeber died suddenly in Venice. Graeber’s death was confirmed on the morning of September 3 by his wife, Nika Dubrovsky. Dubrovsky tweeted, “Yesterday the best person in a world, my husband and my friend David Graeber died in a hospital in Venice.” Graeber was the professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics and wrote the book Debt:…

Global movement

Do Americans Get That Trump is Instituting Martial Law?

Trump Wants to Use Martial Law to Terrorize Americans — and Steal the Next Election by Umair Haque _______________________ Yesterday, the Mayor of Portland was gassed by the secret police of storm troopers that Donald Trump has sent to occupy the city. Wait. What? Let’s read that sentence again. Yesterday, the Mayor of Portland was gassed by the secret police of storm troopers that Donald Trump has sent to occupy the city. If I wrote that sentence…

Global movement

US Corporations a Driving Force Behind ‘Unprecedented Wave’ of Global Land Privatization: Report

“Unfettered capitalism has brought us to this disaster. We must halt and reverse the privatization of the commons to protect and nurture these natural resources for future generations.” by Julia Conley, staff writer A study released Tuesday by the Oakland Institute details an “unprecedented wave of privatization of natural resources that is underway around the world”—one that is largely being driven by the United States and its allies. According to the progressive think tank’s report (pdf),…

Global movement

Ecology, Capitalism and The State

Modern civilization as we know it faces a number of major threats. Escalating economic inequality and an increasingly atomized society could lead to large-scale social breakdown. The depletion of natural resources is having a profound effect on the environment. As climate change continues to worsen, the ecosystems upon which human and non-human life depend are subjected to intolerable conditions. States across the globe have long since acquired the means by…

Global movement

George Floyd RIOTS- What have these protests accomplished so far?

5/26 – 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd 5/28 Univ of Minn cancels contract with police 5/28 3rd precinct police station neutralized by protestors 5/28 ATU Local 1005 refuses to bring police officers to protests, or transport arrested protesters 5/29 Activists commander hotel to provide shelter to homeless 5/29 Officer Chauvin who killed Floyd arrested 5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants in response to polices 3/12 5/30 US Embassies…

Global movement

Letter Of Resistance- The Magónista Women’s Commission / Popular Indigenous Council Of Oaxaca

A Report From Magónistas On The Impact Of COVID-19 In Mexico. We must bear in mind that no government,honest as it is, can decree the abolition of misery.It is the people themselves, the hungry,the disinherited, who have to abolish misery.– Ricardo Flores Magón (Regeneration, Nov. 19, 1910) Once again, the indigenous peoples are forgotten in the oblivion; There is not a single security measure by governments to protect us, and…

Global movement

Are Anarchists Socialists?

by Wayne Price **Many people regard anarchism and socialism as contradictory programs. This is based on the conception of “socialism” as state ownership of the economy. Yet historically, anarchists have regarded this program as “state socialism” or “authoritarian socialism.” They have rejected such views in favor of “anarchist-socialism” or “libertarian socialism.” This concept of anarchism as a variety of socialism remains important today in opposition to pro-capitalist “libertarianism” and to…

Global movement

Neither with the State, nor with the Idiots – Sotiris Licourghiotis

Translation: Rodanthe Scourtelli / Void Network Neither with the State, nor with the Idiots:  The Social Project of Reclaiming Public Sector.                                                                   (Thoughts triggered by the coronavirus crisis) The greek word “ιδιώτης” [private person, as opposed to one taking part in public affairs][1] translates into English as idiot. And if you are wondering how the mutation in the meaning of this word came about, you would be surprised to learn…

Events/Global movement

A message from Athens #Covid-19

Coronavirus and Mutual Aid- Nowadays we are living in a common History – Void Network / Athens We are facing a pernicious virus that terrifies the world. To comfort our anxiety, we say to ourselves, that if we take precautions, we will survive. In the meantime, we try to reduce the hours we watch television. In fact, watching the news has become an essential activity to get through the day.…

Global movement

Raoul Vaneigem: CORONAVIRUS (english & greek translation)

TRANSLATIONS: Eng / GR Challenging the danger posed by the coronavirus is surely absurd. But, on the other hand, isn’t it just as absurd that a disturbance in the habitual course of illnesses has become the object of such intense emotional exploitation and mobilizes the same arrogant incompetence that years ago kicked the cloud from Chernobyl out of France? Certainly, we know the facility with which the specter of the…

Global movement

Chile: Another End of the World is Possible- Original reporting from the uprising

Text & photos by Emilio Brava – Pachakuti: the Aymara term for a global transition, from Pacha (“the Earth” or the Space/Time we inhabit) and Kuti (“Change”). On the 500th anniversary of colonization in 1992, Aymaran spiritual leaders prophesied a new Pachakuti. During which, a period of forty years (1992-2032) would be a time of upheaval as the old world ends and the earth cycles back to the beginning. October 19th, 2019: In Santiago de Chile,…

Global movement

Raul Vaneigem: Here we are! At the beginning of everything!

17 November 2019 (The text published in french language at “A contretemps” at 17 November 2019). The sudden attacks of freedom on the suffocating capitalist hydra, constantly make the epicenter of the seismic disturbances fluctuate. The territories of the whole world affected by the system of private benefits are exposed to the outburst of insurrectional movements. Consciousness is forced to run after successive waves of events, reacting to constant, paradoxically predictable…

Global movement

SOLIDARITY DEMONSTRATION for migrants and spaces of struggle VICTORIA SQ. 2 Nov. 2019 Athens Greece

SOLIDARITY DEMONSTRATION FOR MIGRANTS AND SPACES OF STRUGGLE AGAINST THE STATE AND CAPITALIST DEVELOPMENT VICTORIA SQUARE NOVEMBER 2, 2019, starts at 12:00 Athens Greece _____________________________ If you are a migrant… Migrants are undervalued and attacked in all aspects of their lives. They follow the path of migration to escape war, poverty, and sometimes because of a desire for a better life. Wars are fomented by bosses and their states to…

Global movement

Moroccan Journalist’s Prison Sentence Increased on Appeal to 15 Years – by George Katsiaficas

At midnight on October 25, 2019, Tawfik Bouachrine, the editor-in-chief of newspaper Akhbar Al Yaoum (Today’s News), was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. A Casablanca appeals court sentenced him to three years longer than the term imposed by a lower court. Bouachrine was denied key evidence, his cell phone, which had been confiscated and would have cleared him from the charges. The appeals court announced its decision to increase his prison…

EXARCHIA: Solidarity to squats and all spaces of struggle- ASSEMBLY Announcement

The state and capital always attack the freedom of the social base, steal its labor and resources. In recent years we have experienced one of the most violent attacks through the massive impoverishment of people who are already oppressed and exploited. On the other hand, there has been widespread social resistance and solidarity. People have created a variety of self-organized spaces such as housing infrastructure, social medical centers, community kitchens, open parks and public spaces…

Global movement

It’s Not Just the Amazon — Massive Fires Are Burning All Over the World

While the Amazon burns, many other fires are burning across the world, some even larger and more widespread than those in the Amazon.   The fires in the Amazon have been among the top news stories in the world for the past week because it is such an iconic location that is so important to the global ecosystem. However, it is important to note that these events come at a…

Global movement

EXARCHIA area under police attack by the new right government in Greece

Exarchia area in Athens Greece under police occupation! Time to show your solidarity! The famous rebel and solidarity district of Athens is completely surrounded by huge police forces: many riot police buses (MAT), anti-Terrorism Police (OPKE), motor bike policemen (Dias), members of the secret police as well as a helicopter and several drones. Unique place in Europe for its high concentration of squats and other self-managed spaces, but also for its…

Global movement

Don’t Burn Trees to Fight Climate Change / Let Them Grow – By Bill McKibben

Οf all the solutions to climate change, ones that involve trees make people the happiest. Earlier this year, when a Swiss study announced that planting 1.2 trillion trees might cancel out a decade’s worth of carbon emissions, people swooned (at least on Twitter). And last month, when Ethiopian officials announced that twenty-three million of their citizens had planted three hundred and fifty million trees in a single day, the swooning intensified. Someone…

Global movement

Indigenous Anarchist Convergence 16-18/8/2019 – Flagstaff USA

Indigenous Anarchist Convergence Bookfair, discussions, workshops, & more. August 16-18, 2019 Táala Hooghan Infoshop Kinlani, Occupied Flagstaff, AZ Registration & more info: Schedule & workshop/discussion descriptions: We welcome Indigenous, Black, People of Color for this gathering. From the base of Dóókoosłiid we call for those also seeking a fulfilling life free from domination, coercion, & exploitation to gather around this fire. For those sickened by fascinations with dead…

Global movement

Protest turns to riot against the release of the murdering cop of 15 years old Alexis Grigoropoulos (video)

Video from the protest in Exarchia- Athens Greece, against the decision of minimizing life-imprisonment charges and the release of Epaminondas Korkoneas, the assassin policeman of Alexandros Grigoropoulos. The mass media in Greece tried to hide the amount of people that participated in the demonstration and the riots in WED.31/7/2019. “No Justice, No Peace” was the absolute essence of the protest -that few hours later turned into a fierce riot- on…

Global movement


Global Witness report highlights use of terrorism laws and aggressive legal attacks by powerful elites to crush protest. Global Witness’ annual report on attacks against land and environmental defenders reveals that 164 were killed in 2018 – on average more than three a week. Mining was the biggest industry driver, with a number of brutal attacks also linked to hydropower, agribusiness and logging projects. For the first time, the report highlights…

Global movement

BLACK VESTS- Paris Panthéon occupation Announcement: Fear has changed sides

On 12 July, hundreds of Gilets Noirs (black vests) occupied the Panthéon building in Paris – the mausoleum in which the French state keeps the remains of its most revered historic figures – to demand an end to the persecution, deportations and exploitation of migrants. Police violently raided the building and made 36 arrests. 17 people were released after further demonstrations, but the others have been taken to the Vincennes detention centre.…

Global movement

ΜΑΥΡΑ ΓΙΛΕΚΑ: Ανακοίνωση μετά την κατάληψη στο Πάνθεον

Σηκωθείτε ψόφιοι άνθρωποι! Σήμερα, εμείς, μετανάστες χωρίς χαρτιά, που ζούμε σε κέντρα κράτησης μεταναστών, κάτοικοι των δρόμων, εμείς καταλάβαμε το Πάνθεον! Είμαστε αυτοί που δεν έχουν χαρτιά, δεν έχουν φωνές, δεν έχουν πρόσωπα για την Γαλλική Δημοκρατία. Ήρθαμε εδώ, στον τάφο των μεγάλων ανδρών σας, για να διαμαρτυρηθούμε για τις δικές σας βλασφημίες. Τις προσβολές των μνημών των συντρόφων/ισσών μας, των πατεράδων μας και των μανάδων μας, των αδερφών μας…

Global movement

BLACK VESTS- France arrests 21 after hundreds of African migrants occupy Pantheon

Text by:NEWS WIRES France on Saturday detained 21 African migrants who surged into the Pantheon in Paris to push their claims for regularised status, police said.  The 21 will be held pending investigation into potentially “violating legislation on foreigners,” the local prefecture said. One demonstrator was also detained on a charge of violent behaviour against a police officer and was due to face a magistrate Sunday, the Paris prosecutor said. A small crowd gathered…


WE ARE AN IMAGE FROM THE FUTURE U.S.A TOUR 2010 creative cells of members of Void Network, writers, poets and cultural activists, traveling for 6 months all over U.S.A constructing open public situations featuring assemblies, talks, debates, open public dialogues, info-centers, multimedia shows, film festivals, poetry performances, sound systems, raves, art exhibitions, cross-platform collaborations based on the book We Are an Image from the Future The Greek Revolt of December 2008…

FREE CAMPING MOVEMENT- Οδηγός ελεύθερης και υπεύθυνης κατασκήνωσης- Guide for FREE and responsible Camping

. [text: GR/ENG] Όλες οι παραλίες, οι θάλασσες, τα βουνά, τα δάση, τα ποτάμια, οι ουρανοί αυτού του κόσμου ανήκουν σε όλους εμάς και όλοι μαζί θα διεκδικήσουμε παντού την ελευθερία να απολαμβάνουμε την ζωή χωρίς περιορισμούς και χωρίς απαγορεύσεις. Σκοπός του«Κινήματος Για Την Ελεύθερη Κατασκήνωση»είναι να διδάξουμε ο ένας τον άλλον την Αγάπη, τον Σεβασμό και την Προστασία  της Φύσης και να υπερασπιστούμε την απόλυτη Ελευθερία της διαβίωσης στην απέραντη αγκαλιά της…

Global movement

ARGENTINA: The Consequences of Mr Macri- by LUCIANA ZORZOLI

Mauricio Macri came into office promising to stem corruption and bring down inflation. But his austerity policies have left Argentina’s economy in shambles. Mauricio Macri–  the businessman-turned-politician about to complete his first term as Argentina’s president, is up for reelection later this year. But the economy is in shambles.The austerity policies his administration has implemented have given the lie to his coalition Cambiemos’s 2015 campaign promise to reach “poverty zero.”…

Ναζιστική επίθεση δέχθηκε ο Γιάννης Γιουλουντάς στον Πειραιά- Nazis attack Yannis Youlountas in Piraeus

Solidarity with anti-fascist Yannis Youlountas who was attacked on Tuesday 13/6/2019 in Piraeus by a group of ten Nazis because he was wearing the T-shirt of Free Social Space Favela! Yiannis is world known Greek-French philosopher, poet, writer and film director (Lets Not Live Like Slaves, I fight so i am, Love and Revolution).  Yannis Youlountas is still in the hospital recovering from the attack. Void Network invites all friends…

Global movement

Rozbrat: One of the oldest European squats in Poland calls for solidarity in face of eviction threat

Rozbrat, an anarchist squatted space in Poland, has called for solidarity in face of eviction threat. Rozbrat is located in the western Poland city of Poznan. The property was squatted in 1994 and since then it became an alternative politics and cultural centre. It also serves as a home for over 20 people, and is both temporary and permanent shelter for homeless people. The principal idea behind the space is…

Global movement

West Papua: The genocide continues

The word genocide is simple enough to understand, whether in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, Palestine, Pol Pot’s Cambodia or in West Papua. The stories and intent are the same, a policy to annihilate the people considered the enemy of those in authority. Describing the horrifying methods used in these countries to eliminate people by state-sponsored activity is mind-boggling. The genocidal activities of the colonial government of Indonesia against the people…

Global movement

Julian Assange Tortured with Psychotropic Drug

Retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski writes in an article posted at Lew Rockwell’s website that Julian Assange is receiving the same treatment as suspected terrorists while in captivity at “Her Majesty’s Prison Service” at Belmarsh.  The FBI, Pentagon, and CIA are “interviewing” Assange. Kwiatkowski writes: Interviewing is the wrong word.  I’d like to say doctoring him, because it would be more accurate, except that word implies some care for a positive outcome.  Chemical…

Global movement

March Against Racism- SUN. 5/5/2019 Limassol Cyprus

Void Network expresses solidarity for all comrades and friends fighting against fascism in Cyprus and invites all to participate in the march at 5/5/2019 at Limassol as also all other antiracist and antifa actions in Cyprus. Following the tragic events of the recent murders of 7 immigrant women in Cyprus we are calling for a March on Sunday 5th of May 14:00 starting from GSO Molos to the centre of…

Global movement

Reclaiming the narrative of the Algerian revolt- by Brahim Roubah

The outcome of the Algerian revolution should not be pre-determined by a (neo)liberal Euro-American global order. Listen to the people. The popular revolt in Algeria is nothing short of a forceful (re)statement of what it means to be human. An active alteration of a people’s state of being. Algerians who, for decades, were reduced to traumatized bystanders, have once again, shaken the dust off and grabbed the reins of history. …

Global movement

Announcing the formation of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan & Iran

This union is a free and voluntary agreement, and each individual or group will continue to operate independently in addition to being in the union. In the union, all anarchist tendencies, except for religious, pacifist and so called capitalist anarchists, have the potential to participate All persons and groups are required to sign any callout or announcement with the name of the union. If no collective agreement is reached, each individual…


It is a pleasure to invite you to  Russian Revolution: Theoretical approaches and open questions conference. The conference is organized by a committee of academics and activists and will take place in Athens Low School on 12-14 April 2019. The anniversary debate on the October Revolution usually remains trapped in the context of a sterile, dogmatic and often self-assertive gesture of the various ideological-political trends claiming or rejecting the October (or…

Global movement

Haiti: Prelude to a Revolution-Mass Protests, Like in France, Threaten Modern Oligarchic Structure

VOID NETWORK express solidarity to the people of Haiti in revolt. Their struggle is our struggle, their passion for freedom and end of inequality and exploitation resonates all around the world. SLAVES BREAK OFF YOUR CHAINS- WE ARE EVERYWHERE- WE ARE READY TO EXPLODE   Jovenel Moïse, the corrupt US backed president of Haiti, is faced with a rapidly spreading insurrection. The population had resoundingly rejected his claim to authority…

Global movement

On The Recent Attacks On the Portland LGBTQ+ Community

The following statement was submitted to It’s Going Down and addresses a series of ongoing attacks on queer and trans people in the Portland, Oregon area. The attacks come hot on the heels of an escalation of violence and rhetoric from far-Right groups in the area like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer. Follow the tweets for links to resources and upcoming events in response. Weeks after #ProudBoy “Tiny” Toese stated he…

Global movement

Americans weird relation with Mexico- by Anthony Bourdain

Americans love Mexican food. We consume nachos, tacos, burritos, tortas, enchiladas, tamales and anything resembling Mexican in enormous quantities. We love Mexican beverages, happily knocking back huge amounts of tequila, mezcal, and Mexican beer every year. We love Mexican people—we sure employ a lot of them. Despite our ridiculously hypocritical attitudes towards immigration, we demand that Mexicans cook a large percentage of the food we eat, grow the ingredients we…

Global movement

The Longest Walk: We Shall Continue 2019 / American Indian- Indigenous Peoples and Nations in action

The Longest Walk: We Shall Continue Media Release February 5th, 2019   The Longest Walk: We Shall Continue has been initiated to address the major threats to American Indian and Indigenous Peoples and Nations. This is a spiritual Walk for all Indigenous Peoples and our allies. In 1978, The Longest Walk came about as a way to confront eleven (11) anti-Indian bills in Congress. This included a bill that proposed…

Global movement

Venezuela’s Slow Coup Continues- by George Ciccariello-Maher

No other day is more emblematic for Venezuelans than January 23. It was on this day that Venezuelans rose up and overthrew the dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez in 1958. Thus, it was no surprise when the Venezuelan opposition chose January 23 to launch their most recent offensive, with the relatively unknown opposition benchwarmer Juan Guaido declaring himself president. The opposition’s desired message was clear: Nicolas Maduro is a dictator and “the…

Global movement

You Can’t Just Tweet Oppression Away- by Adam Michael Krause

It has become widely accepted that Internet-based social media has profoundly changed the nature and practice of social activism. We are told that Twitter and Facebook empower the powerless and make the act of confronting oppression easier and more efficient. The recent events in Iran, Egypt, and Madison, Wisconsin are trotted out as examples, while books like Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody provide the theoretical underpinning. The recent events throughout the Middle…

Global movement

900 FREE audio BOOKS Masterpieces – ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΑ 900 ηχητικά Βιβλία αριστουργήματα

Download hundreds of free audio books  to your MP3 player or computer. Below, you’ll find great works of fiction, poetry and non-fiction, by such authors as Kerouac, Kafka, Philip K. Dick, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Orwell, Nietzsche, Austen, Shakespeare, Asimov, Burroughs & more. Fiction & Literature Aesop – Aesop’s Fables – Free iTunes – Free MP3 – FREE from Anderson, Sherwood – Winesburg, Ohio – Free iTunes – Free MP3 Aristophanes – Lysistrata – Free iTunes – Free MP3 Zip File Asimov, Isaac – «Nightfall» – Free MP3 – FREE from Asimov,…

Global movement

How the FEDS failed to track thousands of separated children – by ISSIE LAPOWSKY

THEY KEPT THE kids in cages. And Excel spreadsheets. And more than 60 other government files and databases that made it nearly impossible to track the thousands of children who have been separated from their parents by the Trump administration while trying to enter the United States. This is according to a new report released Thursday by the Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of Inspector General, which finds that, since 2017, the Trump…

Global movement

The uncontacted tribes of Brazil face genocide under Jair Bolsonaro – by Fiona Watson

Brazil’s indigenous peoples, already targeted by loggers, face a powerful foe in the new president. We must protect them!   Οn 1 January, Jair Bolsonaro will be sworn in as Brazil’s 38th president. He has expressed open disdain for the indigenous peoples of Brazil, and it is no exaggeration to say that some of the world’s most unique and diverse tribes are facing annihilation. Genocide is defined by the UN as “the intent to destroy,…

VOID NETWORK- Signs of the times / Images from the future: Thoughts on the “yellow vests” and the revolt in France.

Almost two months after their emergence the yellow vests are still here! The movement started attracting international attention and more extensive coverage after the events that took place on Saturday 1/12. This was expectable, since no matter what our political judgment may turn out to be, we are faced with a nationwide revolt, which has not simply prompted thoughts for a state of emergency, but led to its informal implementation,…

Global movement

Τρέξε, κίτρινο γιλέκο, ο παλιός κόσμος είναι πίσω σου!- Yannis Youlountas

Αλλάζει πραγματικά μορφή το κίνημα των κίτρινων γιλέκων και απελευθερώνεται από την άκρα δεξιά που προσπαθούσε να το εκμεταλλευτεί από την αρχή; Υπό ποιές προϋποθέσεις μπορεί το κίνημα να εξαπλωθεί και να φέρει τη ρήξη με κάθε πολιτική αντιπροσώπευση; Και εάν τελικά έπεφτε ο Μακρόν, ποιός θα ήταν ο άσος στο μανίκι του κεφαλαίου και ποιός ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να τον εμποδίσουμε; ΤΡΕΞΕ, ΚΙΤΡΙΝΟ ΓΙΛΕΚΟ, Ο ΠΑΛΙΟΣ ΚΟΣΜΟΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ…

Global movement


TUMBLR WAS NEVER explicitly a space for porn, but, like most things on the internet, it is chock full of it anyway. Or at least it was. On Monday, to the shock of the millions of users who had used the microblogging site to consume and share porn GIFs, images, and videos, Tumblr banned the “adult content” that its CEO, David Karp, had defended five years prior. In the hours after the…

Global movement


L’eau Est La Vie camp is a floating pipeline resistance camp. Although we have no leaders, we value the voices of our indigenous, black, femme, and two spirit organizers. We fight in the bayous of Louisiana, Chata Houma Chittimacha Atakapaw territory, to stop the Bayou Bridge Pipeline, an Energy Transfer Partners project and the tail end of the Dakota Access Pipeline. BBP resistance is a continuation of our fight in…

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