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Vampire Blues

Whitby"I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air." From Dracula by Bram Stoker. Mina writes to Lucy before they visit to the town of Whitby together.

Following four months of lock down we recently took our first break and paid a short visit to Whitby, a town and coastline we know very well. So a good place to emerge from the controlled environment of our own making to the new Covid world.The seaside town of Whitby in North Yorkshire is split by the River Esk. The West Coast cliffs overlook a long stretch of sandy beach, whilst the East Cliff is home to the ruined Abbey which dominates the town and can be seem from miles around. 

The town of Whitby including the Gothic Abbey and the adjacent Church of St.Mary had a huge influence on the author Bram Stoker and his book 'Dracula'. Stoker wrote of the Abbey "It is the most noble of ruin, of immense size, and full of beautiful and romantic bits; ther…

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