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Showing posts with label 40. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40. Show all posts

Saturday 13 April 2013

I Have Crow's Feet Around My Eyes

Harbour's can indeed be dangerous. The seagulls at Bridlington are pretty aggressive for a start.

Mrs Swiss and myself are off out in town today- late afternoon drinking- for my brother J's 40th birthday. Family occasion + alcohol = potential trouble, arguments at the least. Best behaviour. J is a big fan of The Fall, to put it mildly. This is Mogwai's cover of the Fall's mid-life classic Bill Is Dead (which I posted for my own 40th birthday post).

Bill Is Dead

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Z 40

A slight interruption in the Creation Records run. I'm the oldest of five brothers (there's two sisters as well. That makes eight. Count 'em. Nightmare sometimes I can tell you. Though not the ones who read this blog obviously). The next one down from me, Z, is forty today. He was into hip hop, graffiti and breakdancing from the start. He's still into it now (well, maybe not the breakdancing. And the judge put him straight about the graffiti), the oldest B-Boy in town. Why? Because it's like that, and that's the way it is.

Happy birthday Z.

Friday 28 October 2011

Friday Night Is... Music Hall Night

No rockabilly tonight. For one week only (probably) we are grooving to some music hall. Tomorrow Mrs Swiss is holding a party to celebrate her 40th birthday. She decided she didn't want to hire a room above a pub or the local rugby club and have me play records. Everyone else has done that. She's having an Edwardian tea party in the afternoon, with tea, cake and sandwiches, and period costume. Note, that's period costume not fancy dress. Mrs Swiss has hired a beautiful dress and hat. I am using the splendid chap in the photo as my model and am getting quite attached to the plus fours (hired), though not the golf club. Tedious game golf.

We've bought three cds of music hall which could get quite annoying over the course of the afternoon. In the evening we're going out for a few drinks in Sale. I'm still contemplating whether to keep the plus fours on.

Having cast my eye over the track listing to The Glory Of Music Hall cd, including songs such as She Was Poor But She Was Honest, It's the First Time I've Done That, The Biggest Aspidistra In The World, The Yodelling Goldfish, the Wives Of Commercial Travellers and Nobody Loves A Fairy When She's Forty I've gone for this George Jackley tune.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Happy 40th Mrs Swiss

Today Mrs Swiss turns 40. The musical aspects of this post might be better off here. She was into them from the start. In fact the first time she took me back to her rented house she had a Mark Owen poster on her bedroom wall. And this song is at least bearable.

Happy Birthday Mrs Swiss.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Happy 40th Birthday To Me & The Fall 'Bill Is Dead'

Today is my 40th birthday. I don't know how this has happened. One day I was 19/23/28/31 etc and suddenly I am 40.

My favourite Fall song. It seems to sum things up.

4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download Bill_Is_Dead.mp3