Leave Country , Employer to Worker Notice E-Service

Conditions and Regulations of (Changing the Employer/ Leave Country) Notice

  • There should be no restrictions against the new employer that would stop the change
  • There should be a notice submitted by the worker 30 days before the contract comes to an end if it is a fixed–term contract
  • If the contract is an open-ended contract, the worker should stay not less than five years in service and notice period would be as follows
    • 30 days, if the duration of service is five years
    • 60 days, if the duration of service is more than five years
  • Target sector (Private Sector)
  • Attached signed scanned copy of notice form - Download
  • All applications and approvals are subject to all terms and conditions announced by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs
  • If you come across any problems or technical issues , please contact the technical support at the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs:
    app-support@ADLSA.gov.qa 40288888

