
Nino, a retiring mafia boss, is isolated from the world in a small attic. A family stumbles upon the mafia boss’hiding place trying to find a new house to squat without knowing that they have a cohabitant.
Nino, un boss della mafia che si accinge a ritirarsi, è isolato dal mondo in una piccola mansarda con un accesso segreto. Una famiglia alla ricerca di una casa occupa l’appartamento che comunica con il nascondiglio di Nino, senza sapere di avere un coinquilino dentro.

GOAL: 3000€
Raised so far: 3050€

2 thoughts on “

  1. Hey – thanks for the ‘follow’. During My Year Without A Career I have been volunteering at Film Festivals (like Raindance) and spent a lot of time watching low budget features and shorts. I’m always so impressed at how professional they look – that’s modern technology for you. Mura is much the same – but what you haveis a great idea too! I’ll follow and see how you do. Good luck! MYWAC

  2. Unique. I rather like the premise and want to see the finished product. Thank you for following my blog for as long as you have.

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