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We are grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Government must be part of the solution, but when it’s controlled by the 1%, it’s part of the problem. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Don’t stay home on election day. Vote Green.


Everything we do is based on our four pillars:


Our country's long wars and worldwide military presence are immoral and unsustainable. Our military budget must be cut dramatically.

The human cost of climate change is too high. We need to get off fossil fuels and on to renewable energy.

Falling wages and rising bills are hitting most of us, and the most vulnerable are hit the hardest. We demand a living wage and a real safety net.

We demand public financing of elections, open debates, and more representative voting systems.

...and our ten key values


Get Involved

People power is what we rely on! Sign up here to get on our mailing list and to volunteer. We will pass your information to your state party, as well as keep you informed about opportunities at the national level. Or contact your state party directly.


Latest Green Party News

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    Green Party Message for International Day of Peace: Support UN Call for Global Ceasefire, Repeal Authorization for Use of Military Force Act

    The Green Party observes the 39th anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Peace on September 21 by affirming support for the UN General Assembly Resolution 36/37 to “commit to peace above all difference.” The 1981 Resolution established the International Day of Peace with unanimous support. Green Party leaders condemn the perpetual state of war launched, with bitter irony, on the 19th anniversary of the Day of Peace Resolution with the passage of the post-9/11 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). Green Leaders also emphasized the party’s demand for the repeal of the AUMF, which has even greater urgency with the global crises of COVID-19 and climate disruption.
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    Greens demand ballot decision today

    (SYRACUSE, NY - September 14, 2020) The Green Party candidates for president and vice-president are demanding that the Wisconsin Supreme Court put them on the ballot today. "The court should have made a decision by now. We want a decision today to put us on the ballot. We want the absentee ballot process to proceed without further delay," said Howie Hawkins, the Green presidential candidate.
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    A Green New Deal for workers

    Workers in 2020 have a unique opportunity to vote to put two fellow workers in the White House. Howie is a recently retired Teamster and Angela is a dump truck driver. We know the economic realities that working people face in the United States. This Labor Day we call for a better class of people in the White House than the corporate crooks and flunkies that have been occupying it. The COVID pandemic and economic collapse have highlighted the race and class inequalities in our society. With more than 35 million jobs lost, millions have lost their employer-connected health insurance in the middle of a pandemic. COVID-19 deaths are disproportionately afflicting working-class people, particularly Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people. The case for universal healthcare through a publicly-funded Medicare for All has never been stronger.
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    Howie Hawkins accepts the nomination

    Howie Hawkins accepting the Green Party nomination for president at the 2020 virtual Presidential Nominating Convention.
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    Green Party Nominates Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker Presidential Ticket in Online Virtual Convention

    At approximately 4:00 p.m. ET on July 11, Greens chose Howie Hawkins and running mate Angela Walker to be the party's presidential and vice-presidential nominees. Hawkins was nominated after receiving a majority of votes in the first round of voting. He received 210 out of 355 total votes (59.15%) cast by Green delegates from across the U.S. A call to approve Angela Walker as the vice-presidential nominee was approved by a majority vote of 221. In their acceptance speeches, the nominees highlighted the connection between climate change and social justice and the importance of enacting a real Green New Deal.
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    George Floyd Response: Green Party US National Black Caucus Demands Accountability, Structural Changes to Save Black and Brown Lives From Police Brutality

    Green Party National Co-Chair Trahern Crews Part of Community Response in Minneapolis On Tuesday, May 25th Officer Derek Chauvin forced his knee on the neck of George Floyd for eight grueling, life-taking minutes until he died — as Officer Tou Thao looked on. Community members were present and recorded the horrific, traumatizing incident that has sparked protest and anger in the Black community across America.
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    Green Party Lawsuits Allege States Are Exploiting COVID-19 to Limit Voter Options

    The Green Party of the United States has announced lawsuits have been filed in Illinois and Georgia to stop Democratic- and Republican-run boards of elections from exploiting COVID-19, social distancing and shelter-in-place guidelines that prevent the Green Party from gathering petition signatures for candidates. The Green Party has been appealing to governors across the nation for emergency ballot access relief for candidates in the interest of public health and safety. Lawsuits in more states are being explored if officials do not respond.
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    Greens Denounce Administration and Congressional Failure to Address Pandemic Threat to Health, Economy

    Outrage as Administration Policy Will Sacrifice Lives to “Save” Economy WASHINGTON — As the United States reaches more confirmed cases of COVID-19 than any other single country and Congress prepares to pass a $2 trillion dollar economic relief package, Green Party leaders called for far greater measures on all fronts, stating that a temporary “band aid” will not provide adequate funding for health care and economic relief for those, especially the most vulnerable, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The package offers hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts for the airline industry and large corporations with relatively little for small businesses, minimal for individuals, and even less for low income families and individuals.
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    Green Party of Connecticut Says: "Close Military Plants for the Duration of Coronavirus Crisis"

    HARTFORD, CT – Governor Lamont has ordered the closing of tens of thousands of businesses around the state, effective Monday, March 23, 2020, as part of the response to the coronavirus crisis. Exempt from the order are Connecticut's military manufacturers. The Green Party of Connecticut calls on Governor Lamont to immediately order the closing of the more than one thousand military contractors and subcontractors in the state. While politicians say that keeping military contractors in operation is needed for "national security," the real defense of our communities from a global pandemic demands these plants be closed.
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Why I'm Green


When it comes to the interests of Latinx and other people of color, Greens have the best platform in American politics. State by state, Greens are advocating fairness, economic justice, and respect—for all Americans. In recent years many Black and Latinx activists have left Democratic or independent politics, to become Green candidates and party leaders. In my home state of Rhode Island, Greens are active in grassroots movements to end racial profiling and police brutality, protect immigrants' rights, end deportations, and achieve a path to citizenship.

I'm Green because from what I can see, the world's only real chance to survive, is through politics grounded in Ecology, Equality, Democracy, and Peace—in other words, Green politics. The mainstream parties are both controlled by big business, and can't help us now. In fact, they're working together against us. Isn't it time you joined the Greens?

~ Tony Affigne

Photo by Wendy Schreier

I'm Green because I can't take the lies and the conditions anymore. Homelessness while there are empty houses, prisons built while schools close, children being shot down on our streets by police, mothers losing their children to the state because they don't have water in their homes and can't afford the water bill. My friends and family cant afford to wait anymore to try and change the Democratic Party.

People who can wait are not familiar with our reality. The one party system is killing our people and it's high time we stand up and say something, and more importantly, change it. It can't change unless we break with the corporations' money and that's exactly what the Green Party is doing. It stands up to dirty money and puts forward the vision of the world we want to live in. We can't wait any more. Building our party now will help to ensure a future for all of our children and generations to come.

~ Cheri Honkala

John Legg Photography

I joined the Green Party because it is a party of, by, and for the people. It is staffed by volunteers and regular folks from all walks of life. It is funded entirely by average people giving small donations. It fights for universal healthcare, a Green New Deal, free higher education and other progressive policies that our country desperately needs. The Green Party is a party I can trust to take my concerns seriously and to follow through on its promises.

You may not know this from mainstream media coverage, but the Green Party is overwhelmingly popular among us Millennials. 71% of Millennials think we need a third party, and not just any third party will do.

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~ Ryan Wesdock