• What's New

    It's Time

    As we've mentioned in before, Move to Amend has really been hit hard by the economic downturn. Being a 501(c)4, we were not eligible for any relief from the CARES Act. 

    Unlike the majority of 501(c)4 nonprofits, however, we are almost entirely grassroots funded -- that means we rely on small donations from regular people. And because regular people fuel this movement, our financial support has taken a hit as well, because so many of us have had to tighten up our giving. As a result our staff laid itself off in April, and has been doing this work on a 100% volunteer basis.

    It's time to start bringing our hardworking staff back onto the payroll - beginning with staff who are living in states that are making it hardest for workers to survive. Please help us by becoming a Move to Amend sustainer today!

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  • We really need to talk about the weather - save the date, Oct. 1st

    Here's a not-so-fun fact:The wildfire season in California hasn't yet begun.

    Join us on October 1st -- it's time to analyze and strategize together for the future of our livable planet.

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  • A BIG announcement for Constitution Day

    “These are unprecedented times” is a phrase we hear often lately. But to us, that only means one thing -- we must meet these unprecedented times with unprecedented solutions. And the harsh reality is, folks: we’re not going to be able to vote our way out of this situation. We’ve got to have bigger ideas. 


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  • Join the Senate Letter-Writing Campaign!

    When our government's bailouts are going to major corporations -- including those that made large campaign contributions to Senators -- we know it is time to stop the corruption in our elections that enables this outrage. Not just during this crisis, but in every election.

    Move to Amend is proud to partner with Get Money Out - Maryland, New York American Promise Association, American Promise VA, Wyoming Promise: Free and Fair Elections, Wisconsin United to Amend, We the People Massachusetts, CCAN Action Fund for a nationwide Senate letter-writing campaign --  demanding that they support a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that would make clear that corporations are not people, and money is not free speech!

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  • Move to Amend's National Director at the People's Convention 2020


    On August 30, thousands of people from all walks of life gathered to discuss the state of the nation and forming a major new party in America! And our National Director, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap was one of the speakers at the People's Convention 2020! Watch the her speech above, and watch the full People's Convention here

    Also, check out these great clips we think you might find interesting. 

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  • Featured petition

    Motion to Amend ~ Sign the Petition

    Sign the Motion to Amend!

    475,355 SIGNATURES
    500,000 signatures

    We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

    Will you sign?

    or Text SIGN to +17076564019 to sign