Nicolas Seriot


Swift, dataviz, infosec. Trail runner. Fascinated by broken software and process.

Pridružio/la se lipanj 2008.

@nst021 je blokiran/a

Jeste li sigurni da želite vidjeti te tweetove? Time nećete deblokirati korisnika @nst021.

  1. Prikvačeni tweet

    I love the GIF maps we used around 2000, eg. USGS or Mapquest ones. Do they have a name? Any archives available?

  2. I get annoyed when Mac malware authors are lazy AF :P You only infect if Little Snitch is not found? - jeez lame! OSX/Eleanor (from July)

  3. Choose the colors of this Christmas tree with IPv6 pings:

  4. is there a modern successor to NSShowAllDrawing?

  5. porn with Boston's subway system:

  6. Did you get notified by the AppStore about the Mario Run launch? – mjesto: Twitter HQ

  7. In 20 years of engineering I've never said, "thank goodness we hired someone who can reverse a b tree on a whiteboard while strangers watch"

  8. `mkdir /tmp/xcode_build_timings` if you want to see some interesting and extremely specific timing info.

  9. - What? This test doesn’t pass? *removes test* *🍷*

  10. iOS 10.1.x Remote memory corruption through certificate file CVE-2016-7626

  11. The Investigatory Powers Act allows the State to tell lies in court

  12. If a macOS App and its QuickLook plugin (inside bundle) embed the very same framework, does the frwk really have to be embedded *twice*?

  13. Instant, huge perf boost by adding "if new_state == old_state { return }" everywhere 👏 Version 0.2 sent to testers. DM your email to enroll.

  14. The switch from admin authorization to Apple code signing took the power out of the hands of users and also created a central failure point.

  15. Nicolas Seriot počeo/la je pratiti i
    • @codevisuals

      programming visuals to provoke the imagination - code, flowcharts, diagrams, slides, etc.

    • @Kikohs

      Data science and art @ LTS2, EPFL

  16. Tonight achievement: a QuickLook plugin... in Swift!

  17. The year in which America, faced with two bad options, asked "why not both?"

  18. Vulcanize is a pretty cool iMessage extension to write LaTeX in messages. Useful!

  19. 1st build sent to testers.

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