Richard SeymourOvjeren akaunt


The Twittering Machine: Comm. ed. @ Salvage. Writing @ NYT, AJE, LRB etc. Patreon: Rep:

London, England
Vrijeme pridruživanja: srpanj 2008.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    20. tra 2019.
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  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 14 minuta
  3. The problem is not just Trump. He is a logo, a medium… We are not better than this | Richard Seymour on Patreon

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 4 sata

    Philadelphia turnout: stable in center city, but down significantly in largely black, working-class west and north Philly. Same trend as 2012 —> 2016. So much for Biden re-energizing burned out Obama voters

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  5. prije 5 sati

    I expect you'd find this data interesting.

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  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 6 sati

    492 new coronavirus deaths today - a 5 month high. We all made sacrifices to buy the government time, so they could set up infrastructure to suppress the virus. They squandered that time. And now people are dying.

  7. prije 5 sati

    According to Reuters, Trump outperforms his 2016 total where Covid deaths were highest. I have a piece coming out on Trumpism and death-denial, but this is a bit on the nose.

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  8. prije 5 sati
  9. prije 5 sati

    Extraordinary question for an historian to ask.

  10. prije 6 sati
  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 7 sati

    1/7 That the main "coalition" national groups which local groups put their faith in to make the call for mass direct actions today is still silent is a repeat of Florida in 2000. The strength of the Democratic Party Industrial Complex cannot be underestimated.

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  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 9 sati

    This probably has a lot to do with how someone can encourage people to inject bleach in the middle of a global pandemic and retain almost all of their vote..

  13. prije 9 sati

    The impressionistic analyses of whiteness, and especially the "white working class", are not just suspiciously vague. They exculpate, and act as apologia for, for real power.

  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 17 sati

    man... he called it WORD for WORD.

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  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 9 sati

    Turns out there were no "Biden Republicans." The whole drift to the right strategy was a 100% failure. GOP voters went more strongly for Trump in 2020 than in 2016.

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 19 sati

    Mike Davis: Anybody who knows American history knows at least 30% of America has been protofascist forever. and it's a huge mistake not to understand how deeply reactionary so much of the petty bourgeoise and middle strata in so many parts of the country is.

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  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 21 sat

    NEWS: Sarah McBride has become 1st trans State Senator in US History after winning State Senate seat in Delaware.

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  18. prije 12 sati
  19. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 13 sati

    88k black people who voted in 2012 stayed home in 2016 bc, according them, the Democratic Party didn’t offer real change. The Democratic party’s answer in 2020 to the “existential threat” of Trump? The “nothing will fundamentally change” candidate.

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  20. prije 14 sati

    Trump already has 65,601,708 votes. He's losing the popular vote, obviously, but this is almost 3m more votes than he got in 2016. And based on exit polls, he increased his vote share among every demographic group except white men.

  21. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 15 sati

    The Lincoln Project raised $67 million. Republican Voters Against Trump raised $10 million. 93% of Republicans voted for Trump in 2020, up from 90% in 2016.

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