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Presentation on bbPress: Plugin Development Done Right

Published on October 18th, 2012 by mordauk

WordCamp Louisville was held last weekend in Louisville, Kentucky, and I was given to opportunity to present a talk on bbPress. The topic was pretty open and I was able to choose what I really wanted to talk about. As a developer who has done a lot of work with bbPress, both in using it […] Refresh

Published on July 19th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

It was July 13, 2010 that the rebirth of bbPress began, and on September 21, 2011 it was re-released entirely as a plugin for WordPress. By using custom post-types, taxonomies, and the rest of the existing WordPress codebase, bbPress immediately became the easiest forum software to integrate with your existing WordPress powered site. Since then, […]

bbPress 2.1 now available!

Published on July 8th, 2012 by John James Jacoby

Out now is bbPress 2.1! It comes with over 150 individual fixes and enhancements since 2.0, and is considered a safe update to any site running bbPress 2.0 or higher. Here are some 2.1 carrots to entice you to update: WordPress 3.4 compatibility Deprecate $bbp global, use bbpress() singleton Private forums now visible to registered […]

Bi-Weekly Dev Chats

Published on February 18th, 2011 by John James Jacoby

If you haven’t been keeping up with our progress over the past few months, you’re in for a treat. bbPress 1.0.3 is due out any day, as is 1.1 Release Candidate 1 which includes new features like email notification on follow-up posts and anonymous posting. There’s also a lot going on under the hood of the […]

My Bad

Published on December 17th, 2009 by Matt Mullenweg

I missed the IRC meetup. 🙁 Very sorry about this — I didn’t set an alarm and the time just breezed by. I set an alarm! Will see everyone next Wednesday. In other news, the poll results are starting to firm up. Winners? Integration with WordPress far and away, followed by anonymous posting, WYSIWYG, and […]

TalkPress and bbPress

Published on April 9th, 2009 by Sam Bauers

Many people have already noticed that Automattic has soft launched TalkPress. TalkPress was mentioned and explained some time ago in the bbPress forums, but there is no harm in restating our intentions here. It has been public for a while that Automattic was going to launch a hosted forum service based on bbPress and the […]

The future for bbPress

Published on January 25th, 2008 by Sam Bauers

Most of those who follow the tech-blog-o-sphere* will be aware of the recent financial news regarding Automattic, the company that more or less stewards bbPress’ production. For the rest of you here are some links that cover the story. Some people may be wondering what this news means for bbPress. Well, for a start this […]

bbPress “Roundtable” at WordCamp Melbourne

Published on November 12th, 2007 by Sam Bauers

I’ll be at WordCamp Melbourne this weekend to reprasent bbPress. It’s a good opportunity for both seasoned bbPress users and newbs to find out more about our favourite forum software. As the crowd will be mainly WordPressers, I’ll be focusing the discussion on integration with WordPress and a few of the more WordPress-centric plugins. Automattic […]

Meetup Aftermath

Published on June 13th, 2007 by Matt Mullenweg

The meetup yesterday was really enjoyable, lot’s of good ideas about how bbPress is going to evolve in the future. Doug Stewart has a pretty thorough write-up of the night, including the movie interlude afterward. Hopefully like R. Kelly, bbPress development will no longer be trapped in the closet.

bbPress Meetup

Published on June 8th, 2007 by Michael Adams (mdawaffe)

As Matt points out, he and I will be at San Francisco’s Chaat Cafe for the first (EV4R!) bbPress meetup on the evening of Monday, June 11th. I’m excited to meet Sam Bauers and Doug Stewart (who are the catalysts for the meetup) in person and all of the rest of you who can make […]

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