Anarchists and Students Burn Police Station in Jakarta Protests

Published September 24, 2019


In Jakarta, Indonesia protestors clashed with police while rising up against the changes to penal code (RKUHP) and the attacks on West Papua.

During the protests, a group burned a police post at the T-junction of Mulia Hotel, Senayan, Jakarta.

Indonesia Tagged Police Post Prior to Burning

Under the proposed changes to the law, spreading communism would be punishable by 7 years in prison, insulting the government could land a person 4 years in prison, the reach of the abortion ban would increase, fines and prison would be imposed for sex outside marriage or cohabitation (an attack on the LGBTQ community), homelessness would be fined, among other draconian measures.

West Papuan guerrillas have been fighting against the Indonesian police and military in West Papua for decades in a popular insurgent struggle to free West Papua from colonization. At least 35,000 West Papuans have been forced from their homes as colonial forces have attempted to suppress the revolutionary movement, killing villagers. An additional 6000 Indonesian police and military personnel were deployed to West Papua by early September.





From: Anarchists Worldwide