In other words, those who were children when their parents divorced showed lower levels of oxytocin, known as the bonding hormone, compared to those whose parents remained married.

New study sheds light on controversial reason many modern relationships fail

There's more than one reason why marriage in the United States is down and why dating is all but dead, but a new study sheds light on one factor …
Sept. 17th, 2010: "Without the corrective supplied by religion, reason can fall prey to distortions, as when it is manipulated by ideology. Religion …More
Sept. 17th, 2010: "Without the corrective supplied by religion, reason can fall prey to distortions, as when it is manipulated by ideology. Religion ... is not a problem for legislators to solve, but a vital contributor to the national conversation."

Schismatic Germans: Cardinal Woelki Warns Against "German National Church"

The worst result of the German Synodal/Suicidal Way would be if it led to a split from the Church, Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki told KNA.de (17 September). He warned that "something like a …

Gänswein: Out of Hospital

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, 64, is leaving hospital on September 17, reports CatholicNewsAgency.com. He was hospitalized with kidney pain on September 11 and underwent various examinations. Reports …

Vatican tells Irish priest Flannery to sign fidelity oaths, or remain suspended

Rome — A popular Irish priest suspended from public ministry in 2012 primarily over his support for women's ordination is now being threatened by …

Rome’s Return To Ancient Paganism & the Antichrist’s OneNess Routine

TRADCATKNIGHT: Rome’s Return To Ancient Paganism & the Antichrist’s OneNess Routine By: Eric Gajewski As you know I have been saying the Antichrist will soon step out onto the world stage shortly …

Revealing disturbing LGBT propaganda in New Zealand’s new sex ed directive

September 16, 2020 (Family Life International NZ) — New Relationships and Sexuality Education Guidelines which push the gender diversity and inclusiv…

Twitter suspends Chinese virologist who says COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab

September 16, 2020 | 9:51am | Updated September 16, 2020 | 11:00am Twitter has suspended the account of a Chinese virologist who has claimed that …
“Why would the Chinese government intentionally create a virus like this?” Carlson said. Ask the Chinese Communist Party, Yan replied. “We cannot …More
“Why would the Chinese government intentionally create a virus like this?” Carlson said.
Ask the Chinese Communist Party, Yan replied.
“We cannot always understand their evil thinking. You have to come to ask them.”
De Profundis
Yan’s Twitter account, which had 60,000 followers, was suspended after only two days and three tweets, and just 48 hours after she and two colleagues…More
Yan’s Twitter account, which had 60,000 followers, was suspended after only two days and three tweets, and just 48 hours after she and two colleagues released a report stating the SARS-CoV-2 virus was man-made.
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F M Shyanguya
Israel is about to become the first nation to return to a full lockdown to slow a severe second wave of infections.

As coronavirus cases surge, Israel becomes first country to reintroduce nationwide lockdown

Israel is about to become the first nation to return to a full lockdown to slow a severe second wave of infections. Key points: Israel will impose …
F M Shyanguya
UChicago declares that English is racist Only ‘Black studies’ applicants will be acceptedMore
UChicago declares that English is racist
Only ‘Black studies’ applicants will be accepted

UChicago declares that English is racist | Spectator USA

Cockburn Only ‘Black studies’ applicants will be accepted The website for the University of Chicago’s English department, one of the highest-ranked …

Cardinal Müller: Synodal Way Is “Apostasy from the Faith"

The German Synodal/Suicidal Way aims "at a further secularisation of the Church," says Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller in an interview book to be published on 22 September: “They focus on topics with …
F M Shyanguya
Kardinal Woelki warnt vor Entstehen einer deutschen Nationalkirche (Google translate: Cardinal Woelki warns of the emergence of a German national …More
Kardinal Woelki warnt vor Entstehen einer deutschen Nationalkirche
(Google translate: Cardinal Woelki warns of the emergence of a German national church)
Pope Francis received Cardinal Marx this morning in a private audience.
Normand Thomas

89. God allows evil

God never uses the strong way like giving cancer to drive a person back to him. It’s impossible. He doesn’t need that. This is not his way. The body is fragile and sometimes there are complications. …
Normand Thomas

49. To be Jesus


Again: Yoga In the Church

The New York City Parish Francis Xavier organises Xavier Yoga on Tuesdays in September. The event can be joined via Zoom. The church is run by Jesuits. It is known for homosex "blessings" and a
So let me get this straight... it's too dangerous with the "pandemic" to attend church to worship God, but fine to go to yoga class? Held in the …More
So let me get this straight... it's too dangerous with the "pandemic" to attend church to worship God, but fine to go to yoga class? Held in the sanctuary no less! Forget the smoke of Satan, the evil has arrived!
I suppose that St. Francis Xavier does not recognize in those yoguits sons of St. Ignatius.
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Did Jesus really mean to found a Church?

23 Questions & answers about Jesus Christ, prepared by a team of catholic theologians of the University of Navarre. This is question 22: "Did Jesus really mean to found a Church?" QUESTIONS ABOUT…

Newspaper of the Italian Bishops Conference - Avvenire - defends "Cuties"

The Italian Bishops Conference has a daily national newspaper: Avvenire. Avvenire – the Italian Bishops Conference paper – has come out in defense …

No man can serve two masters

No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. St Matthew 6:24
Gesù è con noi

Bergoglio promotes ‘ecological conversion’ in meeting with left-wing environmental activists

Bergoglio's guests included an actress who advocates for abortion and has played lesbian 'love' scenes in her films and a former socialist minister’…

That Time Antipope Bergolio Wielded a Witch's Stang

2018. Yah, it was excused as a creative crucifix. Does it look like a crucifix? Nope. barnhardt.biz/…he-ritual-staff-of-witchcraft/

The Bishops Bail Out Biden | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Were the Republicans to run a Catholic for president who supported, say, segregation, the bishops wouldn’t hesitate to condemn that figure and warn …

Communion in the hand and fingers.

13th recuse of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity- destined to reside in the vacuum bag, then the rubbish tip for perhaps the next two years until decayed under a pile of rubbish and dirt. …
Sad very sad...
F M Shyanguya
“then the rubbish tip for perhaps the next two years until decayed under a pile of rubbish and dirt.” Bread can stay fresh for two years?! And who …More
“then the rubbish tip for perhaps the next two years until decayed under a pile of rubbish and dirt.”
Bread can stay fresh for two years?!
And who took the picture? So as to have it posted here to advance their own particular views over matters which the Church in her divinely given authority has established? Apart from this, what did the picture taker themselves do to prevent what you lament?
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