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Mon Sep 14 2020 (Updated 09/22/20)
"These Are Climate Fires"
President Trump has said little about the wildfires raging in California, Oregon and Washington for weeks, other than to suggest poor forest management was primarily to blame. “These are climate fires,” says Timothy Ingalsbee, an Oregon-based wildland fire ecologist and former wildland firefighter. “Though some scientists hesitate to attribute a single event to climate change, these are exactly the conditions predicted by climatologists.”
Citing a pattern of consistent stonewalling, investigative journalists have taken the Oakland Police Department to court to force it to comply with state public records laws. Two petitions brought in Alameda County Superior Court claim the department routinely ignores public records requests, professing a commitment to transparency even as thousands of open Public Records Act requests languish in their system. One petition claims the department offers only an automatic response to thousands of requests — if it replies at all.
On September 4, five young activists from the city of Antioch and a former resident of the Mission District of San Francisco began a hunger strike with demands for local authorities to end racial injustice and police brutality. Despite ongoing protests, a petition signed by thousands, hundreds of public comments at City Council meetings, protests and an occupation of City Hall by several dozen activists, the Mayor, the Chief of Antioch Police, and council members have neither acknowledged nor taken action on protesters’ demands.
Sun Sep 6 2020 (Updated 09/14/20)
Resistance to Racist Cops in Tiburon
On August 21, Tiburon cops questioned the owners of Yema, a store on Main St. The officers insisted the merchant, who is Black, show proof that he really did belong inside the store he owns. One week later, 500 protesters marched to the police station in solidarity with the store owner and called for an end to racial profiling. Yema Khalif said he was working late when officers came to the door of his athletic store and assumed he, his co-owner, and a friend who are also Black, did not belong in the store.
On September 3, several hundred students gathered in front of the entrance to Mission High School for a "Defund the San Francisco Police" action. They showed up to demand that resources currently allocated to police be distributed back to the community for better schools and better mental health care services. Speakers honored survivors of police violence by calling for a recitation of names and said that that the Board of Supervisors needs to make more drastic cuts to the police budget than the relatively small measures currently proposed.
Fri Sep 4 2020 (Updated 09/05/20)
Defunding Towards a New Vision of Health and Safety
The police murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks and too many more, have mobilized unprecedented numbers of people to take to the streets and declare that Black Lives Matter. Black people are 300% more likely to be killed at the hands of police than white people. Black people have been 28% of those killed by police since 2013 despite being only 13% of the population. A central feature of the current uprisings is the call to defund police departments, a demand also taking root in Santa Cruz.
Tue Sep 1 2020
Undam the Klamath River
Four dams on the Klamath River have had devastating consequences for the environment, imperiled salmon, river communities and tribal people who have subsisted from salmon since time immemorial. For over 20 years stakeholders have worked together in an agreement that would remove the dams and restore the Klamath River in what would be the largest river restoration project in history. Most experts view dam removal as the lynchpin for solving the water crisis that plagues the drought-prone Klamath Basin.
On August 28, tribal members and local residents protested outside the Mendocino Forest Products (MFP) wood pellet plant in Calpella, near Ukiah, calling for suspension of the plant’s operations during the Covid pandemic, now compounded by recent fires and extremely poor air quality. Organizers say the protest is needed to bring attention to demands for public transparency on air pollution and fire safety issues presented by the plant’s operations to date and especially under present conditions.
On August 21, protesters met at Crissy field for a march across the Golden Gate Bridge. The march was to honor those who have died from coronavirus and police brutality, to fight for the living, and to demand Trump's resignation in solidarity with marches across the Brooklyn Bridge and other bridges in U.S. cities on the same day. In San Francisco, shield training readied protesters for police confrontation when they were not allowed to cross the iconic bridge's pedestrian walkway. Organizers called it a taste of what is to come.
Sat Aug 29 2020 (Updated 09/02/20)
The U.S. Mail is Not for Sale
Despite limited concessions by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy following public outcry against mail delaying tactics, community members and postal workers rallied to demand that Congress save the US Postal Service in protests across the US. Naturally the San Francisco Bay Area was no exception. Many here have long been concerned about privatization schemes. A national day of action on August 22 drew protests throughout the Bay Area.
Mon Aug 24 2020 (Updated 08/28/20)
Facebook Bans Multiple Anarchist and Antifascist Pages
On August 19, Facebook took down multiple pages they believe to be connected with and, among other anarchist and anti-fascist projects, officially on the pretext that they “support violence.” A joint statement issued in response says Facebook lumping anarchists and anti-fascists together with far-right militias, who explicitly support the state and especially the current administration, is a strategic move to muddy the issues.
Wed Aug 12 2020 (Updated 08/14/20)
Get Police Off Campus
In an interview originally broadcast August 6, John Malkin spoke with three professors at UC Santa Cruz who co-signed or supported a letter to the Chancellor calling for an end to police and ICE presence on campus. "Our country is witnessing the brutal effects of the entrenched racist history of policing, a history that goes back to 'slave patrols' and 'Indian patrols' and that continues to disproportionately target African Americans, Native Americans, Latinx Americans, and Asian Americans."
Wed Aug 12 2020 (Updated 08/14/20)
Protest Outside Chowchilla Women's Prison
On August 6, in front of the Chowchilla Women's Prison, protestors demanded those inside receive proper healthcare and medical treatment. They also demanded the release of medically vulnerable peoples, those with less than two years on their sentence, and individuals who have served more than twenty years. Prisoners spoke to protestors by cell phone about being locked down, and guards not wearing masks. Women inside asked for support in getting Governor Newsom to pass the bill that would grant many of these requests.
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09/14/20 Climate Change Takes Center Stage as the West Coast Burns and Burns frontpage | environment | health-housing | global-justice | north-bay | north-coast | california | santa-cruz09/06/20 Antioch Strikers Call for Immediate Termination of Officer Michael Mellone frontpage | police | race | east-bay09/06/20 OPD Regularly Ignores CPRA Requests, Issues Boilerplate Responses frontpage | police | media | east-bay | california | government09/06/20 Students March on Mission District Police Station, Demand Funds Be Redistributed frontpage | police | education | sf09/06/20 Town Announces Police Sergeant Will Resign After Racially Profiling Black Merchant frontpage | police | north-bay09/04/20 Movement to Defund the Police Takes Off in Santa Cruz frontpage | police | race | us | santa-cruz09/01/20 Dams on Klamath River Have Devastating Consequences frontpage | environment | north-coast08/31/20 Clean Air and Fire Safety Concerns at Mendocino Wood Pellet Plant frontpage | environment | health-housing | north-coast08/29/20 Uproar in the Bay Area After Postmaster General Acts to Impede Vote-by-Mail frontpage | health-housing | global-justice | sf | peninsula | north-bay | us08/29/20 Bridge Demo Organizers Call Confrontation with Police a Rehearsal for November 4 frontpage | police | race | health-housing | sf08/24/20 It’s Going Down and CrimethInc Deleted in False Equivalency with Militias and Qanon frontpage | police | global-justice | media | peninsula | california | us
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Abolition Orientation: Cops off Campus Edition UC Cops Off Campus Wed Sep 23rd 3:00pm
More Punches at the Poor on Today's Council Agenda Robert Norse (1 comment) Tue Sep 22nd 8:42am
Arrest at Extinction Rebellion Protest Leon Kunstenaar Mon Sep 21st 10:19pm
Stop The Murders! Justice For Foster Farms Workers, Their Families & The Community Central Valley vs Covid Coalition Sun Sep 20th 10:45am
Global March for Universal Basic Income 2020 Leon Kunstenaar Sat Sep 19th 8:32pm
Alicia Kuhl - Interview with Santa Cruz City Council Candidate John Malkin (2 comments) Sat Sep 19th 1:22pm
Peaceful Poetry Protest Save the FM Bookstore Group Fri Sep 18th 9:51pm
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