Posts Tagged ‘France’

An update from the No TAV campaign and thoughts on its relevance for Stop HS2 (Italy/UK)

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020

The No TAV campaign in northern Italy has been fighting an expensive, unneeded and corrupt high speed railway link for over three decades. The proposed mafia-linked freight train service from Turin to Lyon has been repeatedly exposed for its fantastical predictions and is slated by local people who see no reason to leave their homes for a white elephant. If you are already thinking about the similarities to HS2 here in England then you are in the right place. I will start by giving a very brief history of No TAV, then an update on recent events. In the second half, I will concentrate on what the Stop HS2 movement can learn from No TAV.

For those who have never heard of the No TAV movement, it is a campaign born thirty odd years ago to resist the construction of a 270 kilometre long high speed railway (Treno di Alta Velocita) between Turin (in Italy) and Lyon (in France). There is widespread opposition on both French and Italian soil, since the railway is a corrupt scheme proposing to transport freight based on fantasy figures and the people who live along the route see no benefit (the train won’t be stopping there). They argue that the already existing railway infrastructure should be improved instead. The resistance is greatest in the breathtakingly beautiful Val di Susa (Susa Valley), which stretches from Turin to the Alps for fifty kilometres. In summer, the valley is bright with colours, the blue sky and green grass bisected by the snow on the mountains. It has a unique environment, since one side sees the sun and the other does not. The train line would rip straight through it before entering a tunnel of 57.5 kilometres to France. This tunnel would be longer than the Chunnel and in fact would just squeeze in as the longest rail tunnel in the world, if it ever gets built. Local people are concerned that drilling into the mountains will disturb uranium and asbestos deposts, that mafia construction will lead to health hazards and that the overall economic case for TAV no longer stands up. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

France/Spain: Claudio Lavazza has been transferred to Spain

Monday, September 14th, 2020

via: Attaque

27th of August 2020

Claudio Lavazza has been transferred to Spain.
Here is his new address :

Claudio Lavazza
CP Teixeiro – modulo 11
carretera de Paradela s/n
15310 Teixeiro- Curtis
A Coruña (Espagne)

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rome: New police operation “Bialystok” and arrests (Italy)

Saturday, June 13th, 2020

12/6/20: Pending further information we learn from the regime press that this morning the judiciary in Rome carried out 7 arrests resulting in 5 people being taken to jail within a repressive operation named “Bialystok”.


Arrests in Rome [one arrest was made near Almerìa, Spain, and one in Saint Etienne, France, with the collaboration of police of those respective states]

The comrades Daniele, Nico, Francesca, Falla, Flavia, Claudio and Robi, have been arrested, perhaps for 270bis and instigation.

Named “operation Bialystock”, according to the newspapers seven comrades have been arrested with the accusation of association for the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order, act of terrorism with deadly devices and explosives, possession of and carrying explosive material, instigation to commit crimes against State personalities as well as fire and aggravated damage with the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order.

The investigations started after the explosive attack on the Roma San Giovanni carabinieri barracks on December 7 2017.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

About the Bialystok operation


The umpteenth anti-anarchist repressive operation began at dawn on 12/06/20 in the territories dominated by the Italian, French and Spanish states. In grand style, wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons, the guards searched several houses, seized the usual equipment and arrested 7 people, 5 of them are in jail and 2 under house arrest.

Nothing new under the starry sky.

The charges that the state moves against them are various, including the usual subversive conspiracy to commit terrorism as well as arson, incitement to commit crimes, etc., etc..

Now, it is not important to stay behind their judicial quibbles, but it is necessary to reiterate that direct action, mutual support, rejection of all hierarchy and all authorities and that the practice of solidarity are an expression of our anarchic tension.

We are not interested in entering into the logic of innocent / guilty, the individuals affected are our comrades and will have our closeness, solidarity and complicity.

Ros merde
To each their own.

An occupant of the Bencivenga Occupato

For the moment, the known addresses of the arrested comrades are:

Nico Aurigemma
C.C Rieti
Viale Maestri Del Lavoro, 2 – 02100 Vazia (RI)

Flavia Di Giannantonio
C.C Femminile Rebibbia
Via Bortolo Longo 92. Roma 00156

Claudio Zaccone
C.C Siracusa Via Monasteri, 20C.
Contrada Cavadonna
Siracusa 96100

via Round Robin, translated into English by Anarchists Worldwide

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Posted in Social Control

France: “The Worst Virus Ever… Authority…”

Monday, March 16th, 2020

About COVID-19, authoritarian delusions and the shitty world we live in…

The macabre death toll increases day by day, and in the imagination of each person takes place the sensation, at first vague then always a little stronger, of being more and more threatened by the Great Grim Reaper. For hundreds of millions of human beings, this imagining is certainly not new, that of death that can strike anyone, at any time. Just think of the damned of the earth sacrificed daily on the altar of power and profit: those who survive under State bombs, in the midst of endless wars over oil or mineral resources, those who coexist with invisible radioactivity caused by accidents or nuclear waste, those who cross the Sahel or the Mediterranean and are locked up in concentration camps for migrants, those who are reduced to pieces of flesh and bone by the misery and devastation caused by agro-industry and the extraction of raw materials…And even in the lands that we inhabit, in times not very long ago, we have known the terror of butcheries on an industrial scale, bombings, extermination camps… always created by the thirst for power and wealth of States and bosses, always faithfully set up by armies and police.

But no, today we are not talking about those desperate faces that we constantly try to keep away from our eyes and minds, nor about a history that is now past. Terror is beginning to spread in the cradle of the kingdom of commodities and social peace, and it is caused by a virus that can attack anyone – although of course, not everyone will have the same opportunities to cure themselves. And in a world where people are used to lying, where the use of figures and statistics are one of the main means of media manipulation, in a world where truth is constantly hidden, mutilated and transformed by the media, we can only try to put the pieces together, to formulate hypotheses, try to resist this mobilization of minds and ask the question: where are we going? (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Pau, France: Damien is back in prison

Sunday, March 8th, 2020


Anarchist comrade Damien Camélio is in prison. He is imprisoned in Pau prison, to serve a five-month sentence. He was convicted of violence against a police officer, due to an argument that took place in Saint Malo on July 31st, 2017.

Damien did not even know about this conviction: his signatures under the notifications of the date of trial, conviction and summons before the probation magistrate are false…

The comrade is in high spirits.
Solidarity means attack!

To write to him (Damien reads French and Spanish):

Damien Camélio

n° d’écrou : 28499
Maison d’Arrêt de Pau
14, rue Viard
64000 – Pau (France)

Translator’s note: Damien was arrested at the beginning of 2014 for three attacks signed ‘Groupe d’action directe internationaliste’ (against an army building in Tarbes, in the Pyrenees, against a prison in the same city and against a church of a sect close to the far-right, in Pau). He served two years in prison. He was re-arrested in December 2016, for damages (the windows of a supermarket, an employment office, the Chamber of Commerce and a Jaguar dealership), made during a spontaneous demonstration, in April 2016, during the movement against the ‘Loi travail’ [employment law], and served 8 months.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gières, France: Fire against a techno-scientific research laboratory

Friday, March 6th, 2020


The following text is entirely drawn from articles published by the media of the regime.
France3, Sunday 23rd February 2020

Fire has destroyed a building housing a research laboratory in the university area of Gières (Isère), a Grenoble suburb. Firefighters fought the flames during the night and are still in action this morning Sunday 23rd February 2020. A crisis unit was set up between 3 and 4am, as disaster struck in the 1,300-square metres building in rue de la Piscine.

«The fire is most likely to be of criminal origin because a door of the building seems to have been forced and the fire started in several points», announced Eric Vaillant, a public prosecutor from Grenoble.
The flames devastated 700 square metres of the first floor. The damage amounts to several hundred thousand euros, a great deal of research material has been destroyed but there were no casualties. According to the laboratory director «about 10 years’ work» has gone up in smoke. At the height of the intervention 43 firefighters and five firefighting hoses were mobilized. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Update about the week-long Anti-Prison event in Bure (France)

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

The anti-prison week is in less than a month! It will happen from 2 to 8 March 2020 in the old train station of Luméville, close to Bure, place of a struggle against a project of a center for burying nuclear waste. The idea is to take time to meet, between people and groups from different countries, have formal and informal times of discussions, workshops, movie screenings, readings. You can come to the week with your own proposals, with or without telling us in advance. Zine distros are also very welcome.

We received criticisms regarding the lack of topics related to racism in prison and state racism in the program of the week, considering the key role that racism play in penitentiary systems. We would like to make more space for these topics, so if you think you have something to contribute on these topics, please contact us.


We are currently contacting the groups that will take part in the week to know when each workshop or discussion will happen. This section will be updated regularly between now and the beginning of the week.


An update on the struggle in Bure, the Cigéo project, the events of the last few years. More info about specific presentations and workshops soon. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: Storms & Lightnings – An overview of attacks and sabotages in France in 2019

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

PDF: Storms & Lightnings

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Posted in Library

Paris, France: Against reform and its world, let us multiply the attacks!

Friday, February 7th, 2020


This morning [Friday, January 24, 2020], the inhabitants of the 18th arrondissement of Paris were able to see that the premises of the party Les Républicains [the main right-wing party, formerly “RPR” at the time of Jacques Chirac’s presidency and “UMP” at the time of Nicolas Sazkozy’s presidency] were stormed tonight: the window was shattered and the words “Juppé, Woerth, Delevoye, the same struggle” has been left [Alain Juppé was prime minister during Chirac’s presidency; Eric Woerth was minister of labour in Sarkozy’s presidency; Jean-Paul Delevoye, former RPS, former UMP, who now is a member in parliament of La République en Marche, the party of Emmanuel Macron, was the extender of the pension reform project; France in recent months has been agitated by opposition to this reform project.].

For decades, the French state has been imposing its neoliberal policies on us through the various parties in power. Whether it is the RPR in 1995, the UMP in 2010 or LREM in 2020, they all serve the same objective of the bourgeoisie to exploit us for longer and at a cheaper price.

The workers and the exploited are mobilizing en masse to oppose the Delevoye reform, the government’s response is complete disdain, and it counts on passing its law, no matter what the message of the square. In order to make it bend, in addition to the continuation of the mobilization and the general strike, let’s take it directly to those who are our enemies in the social war: political parties, ministries, capitalist institutions. This is an appeal to multiply actions of this kind!

Let’s show them that they are not at home, outside of the rich neighborhoods, and that never will a Republicains’ place be welcome in the 18th [the poorest area in the French capital].

Let us show them that if they destroy our lives, we will destroy their world, and actions of this kind will become more numerous and offensive.

Let us show them that we are not afraid to retaliate with attacks on their attacks!

Against “Paris en commun” [the coalition supporting the current syndicate, Anne Hidalgo, of the Socialist Party, at the March 2020 municipal councils], for a Paris transformed into a commune, thanks to STAVO* for this work!

* Section Travailleurs.ses Autonomes Venère Offensive.

[Note: In square brackets there are clarifications by the person who translated, useful to understand the context in which the action fits. The acronym “STAVO” means “Section Travailleurs.ses Autonomes Venère Offensive”, in English: “Angry and offensive self-employed workers section”].

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Posted in Direct Action

France: Everything is moving – Strikes, Blockades, Sabotage

Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

France. France. Strikes, blockades, sabotage, actions and demonstrations, France moves. Like a breath of giletjaunization.

Originally published by Nantes revoltée. Translated by Enough 14.

Compilation of resistance in progress

The rage is infinite. Every day, a blow, a strike, a revolt in the country. In order that the many initiatives do not fall into oblivion, and to give an account of the social situation, here is an attempt to compile the strikes and actions that have been taking place in France since December 5th:

RAILWAY: RATP (public transport in Paris, Enough 14) strikes for 45 consecutive days; Paris virtually paralysed during public holidays. Daily blockades of bus stations, often suppressed. A strike at the SNCF lasting several weeks, the like of which has never been seen before. Railway workers multiplying the actions all over the country. The strike was “interrupted” on January 20th to forcus on blockades. On December 5, the Paris-Lyon-Marseille TGV line was sabotaged. At the end of December, traffic on the lines in eastern France was considerably slowed down by bang signals. Several stations were attacked by protestors, particularly in Savenay, Bordeaux and Paris. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

France: Anti-Prison Days in Bure – 2nd to 8th March 2020

Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Hi, we are organizing an anti-prison week during the first week of March in Bure & around (place of struggle against a project of center for burying nuclear waste). (Link) + (info about Bure : bureburebure.info)

You are welcome to come and we would be happy if you wanted to propose a discussion/radio listening/or other about your activities. Topics we are interested in for this days are; state repressions and anarchists counter-strategies, women and LGBTQ in prison, migrants imprisonment and theoretical discussion around idea of prison abolition (or demolition) and anarchist idea of justice. Of course would be nice to here from you about your approach to all this topics but it isn’t our expectations. However we feel that topics around women, LGBTQ community and migrants are still enough to highlight in the anti-prison context, so if those topics are ones that you also consider in your daily ABCs work we would be happy to give you space to share it.

Below is a first draft of the program but it will change for sure cuz it’s strongly depend from answers of others groups: (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Paris, France: A summary of the trial against Claudio Lavazza

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

IT/EN (4th-8th of November 2019)

Claudio Lavazza, rebel, anarchist, bank robber and gentleman, who during the ‘70s in Italy participated in the struggle against State and Capital, arms in hand. Contrary to the sinkers of subversion of those years, he never exchanged the desire to overthrow everything for a political career. Nor has he resigned, nor sought refuge in other States, which could have granted him a controlled freedom. No, he kept fighting, against winds and tides.

After 16 years on the run, never renouncing to his anarchist coherence, nor to the joy of living as a free man, in 1996 he is arrested after a bank robbery in Cordoba, Spain, during which three comrades, including Claudio, will be seriously injured and two policewomen will lose their lives. Claudio will thus be locked up in the special regime F.I.E.S., and even in this deadly place he will continue his battle with firmness and perseverance.

After serving 22 years in the Spanish dungeons, in the summer of 2018 he is extradited – on loan, since his sentence in Spain is not yet finished – toward France, to face trial for a bank robbery at the expense of the National Bank of Saint-Nazaire, which took place in 1986. For this robbery, he was already sentenced, in absentia, to 30 years of prison.

If going to take money where there is plenty is always a possibility, as a refusal to the blackmail of work and exploitation, in order to seize the necessary means to carry out a struggle against the State, back then, in Saint-Nazaire, the tightrope robbers did not just touch any safe. They expropriated the State’s vault! Lightning of almost 26 million euros the pockets of those who oil the gears of power. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rennes, France: Vincenzo was released from prison

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019


On November 15, 2019, anarchist Vincenzo Vecchi was released from the prison of Rennes, in France. Vincenzo was arrested on August 8, this year, in France, thanks to the joint work of the French and Italian police, with the contribution of the Italian “anti-terrorism”. He was wanted and fugitive from 2012 following a final sentence of about 11 years and 6 months in prison for charges (specifically, the crime of “devastation and pillage”) concerning the days of revolt against the G8 in Genoa (July 2001). Two international arrest requests were issued against him by prosecutors in Genoa and Milan (the latter warrant linked to a sentence of four years in prison for participating in an anti-fascist demonstration against the “Fiamma Tricolore” political party in Milan, 2006).

During these months, the court of Rennes did not grant request of extradition against Vincenzo by the Italian state, judging the documents provided by the latter as insufficient or deficient. Finally, the court of appeal of Rennes, after having detected «irregularities» in the arrest warrant for the sentence issued for the days of Genoa (2001), have decided that he should be released from prison. On November 15 Vincenzo was released from prison and for the moment it should be possible fo him to stay in France.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Paris, France: Solidarity beyond borders – Greek diplomatic vehicle torched

Saturday, October 26th, 2019


On the night of October 21st [2019], a SUV car with a diplomatic plaque was burned, on rue Dumont d’Urville, behind the Greek embassy in Paris.

With this small action, we want to send a sign of solidarity to the anarchists in Greece, who fight against the State and Capital (legal and illegal) and to defend the occupied spaces.

For those who live and defend spaces of freedom.
For those who carry attacks against authority.

A thought also to the anarchists imprisoned there, in particular the two comrades imprisoned for a robbery in Thessaloniki or the members of the CCF [Conspiracy of Cells of Fire] still in jail.
Freedom for all!
Solidarity is the attack.


[Claim originally published in attaque.noblogs.org].

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Posted in Direct Action

European-wide bomb threats against Turkish Bank (Işbank)

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

Branches of Turkish banks was attacked

Berlin, London, Sofia, Amsterdam, Paris. In these cities was attacked branches of Turkish bank (Işbank). For actions we used manual from the Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB): “How to start evacuation”

Money from Turkish bank support terrorism of Turkish state. Turkish army killing civil people. For example, they killing a child named Sara Yusuf Hüseyin. Turkish army also killing revolutionary fighters in Rojava. We have to stop it!

Fight against Turkish bank is fight against terrorism!

Commando Sara Yusuf Hüseyin

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Posted in Direct Action