Posts Tagged ‘Marco Bisesti’

Italy: Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino has been transferred to Rebibbia prison in Rome

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

via ilrovescio.info:

Anna Beniamino [sentenced in the « Scripta Manent » trial, whose appeal is currently taking place in Rome], has been transferred from Messina and is now in AS in Rebibbia prison.

To write to her the address is now:

Anna Beniamino
C.C di Roma Rebibbia
via Bartolo Longo 72
00156, Roma ,Italy

Actforfree notes:

And to write to the other anarchist comrades in the same case:

Marco Bisesti
C.C. di San Michele
Srada statale per Casale, 50/A
15121 – Alessandria (Italy)

Alfredo Cospito
Nicola Gai

Alessandro Mercogliano
Via Arginone, 327
44122 – Ferrara (Italy)

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy: Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti

Friday, March 13th, 2020


I don’t deny a certain monomania. I have often had to deal with repression. I have undergone it, faced it, badly tried to understand something of it. I wrote about it for years in magazines, if anything because it concerned me and other comrades personally. Ironically, I find myself doing the same thing now for some years, but as a prisoner and along with others in the same condition, concerning the investigation that led to my arrest and that of various other comrades, with five of us being sentenced. I’d happily do without being the centre of attention, but I want to keep all the comrades informed. I want it because a trial is the culmination of various experiences that it’s good to discuss again at times in order not to let them fall to the level of futile opinionism.

In the so called “Scripta Manent” trial all sorts of things were put together. In a year and a half of court hearings – not to mention the amount of documents submitted – personal biographies were obviously dealt with regarding the accused and not only – there were historical-cop digressions on anarchy, discussion of previous judicial proceedings against anarchists, armed practices – past and present – publishing and street experiences… “A sometimes inextricable tangle”, a judge opens in the premise of the sentence motivations report. It is already good news to know that anarchy is incomprehensible to women and men of law. But let’s see what they write at the end of the first grade trial. [Everything in inverted comas (“”) is taken from the sentence motivations report]. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Updates on the hunger strike of imprisoned anarchists for the closure of the AS2 section of L’Aquila (Italy)

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

The hunger strike for the closure of the AS2 section [“High Surveillance 2”] of the prison of L’Aquila continues [it was started by the anarchists Anna Beniamino and Silvia Ruggeri on 29 May, 2019].

The anarchists prisoners Salvatore Vespertino, Giovanni Ghezzi, Alfredo Cospito, Marco Bisesti and Luca Dolce also joined the hunger strike.

In our closeness, we will not publish or in any way give space to petitions, telegrams, faxes, mail bombings or any means of civil pressure aimed at emphasizing the current repressive situation; we consider these means not only useless but harmful, counterproductive and objectively enemies of anti-authoritarian thought and action, which unfold in a very different horizon.

Translated from here:

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Posted in Prison Struggle

About the sentences in “Scripta Manent” trial and update on comrade Marco Bisesti (Italy)

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

About the sentence in “Scripta Manent” trial:

On April 24, the Turin Assise Court issued the first instance sentence for the “Scripta Manent” trial (which followed the repressive operation for which five comrades had been arrested on September 6, 2016, and two others had received notification of pre-trial detention while they were already in prison for the attack against Roberto Adinolfi of May 7, 2012).

Alfredo was sentenced to 20 years, held responsible for the possession and transport of explosives in relation to the bomb in Parco Ducale near the Parma RIS (“scientific investigation department” of Carabinieri) of 24 October 2005 (acquitted of the crime of attack because “crime impossible” because the switch of the bomb was off), of the explosive envelope sent to the then mayor of Bologna Cofferati in 2 November 2005 (convicted of the bombing plus “possession and transportation of explosives”), of attacks with multiple explosive devices at the Carabinieri school of Fossano in June 2, 2006, and in the Crocetta district in Turin in 7 March 2007 (crime of “massacre aggravated by the fact that the goal would have been the police” and acquitted of the aggravating circumstance of political motivation), of sending explosive parcels to the then mayor of Turin (Chiamparino), to the editor of the newspaper “Torino Cronaca” (Giuseppe Fossati) and to COEMA Edilità (company involved in the restructuring of the CIE, “identification and expulsion center” for migrants) in July 2006. He is also indicated as promoter of the FAI (Federazione Anarchica Informale), recognized as a “subversive association with terrorism purposes”. The aggravating circumstance of transnationality has fallen. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy: Operation Scripta Manent Sentences

Thursday, April 25th, 2019


Anarchist comrades sentenced:

Alfredo Cospito to 20 years,
Anna Beniamino to 17 years,
Nicola Gai to 9 years,
Alessandro Mercogliano and Marco Bisesti to 5 years each.
The other accused were acquitted.



via actforfree:

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Posted in Prison Struggle

EN/ES/IT – Trial begins for Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

The trial will begin on November 16th in high security court in Turin prison.

The anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Danilo Cremonese, Nicola Gai will not be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, they will be subjected to a video-conference inside the High Surveillance 2 prison sections, where they are held.

The anarchist comrades Marco Bisesti, Valentina Speziale, Alessandro Mercogliano will be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, but they refuse to take part in the trial in solidarity with comrades subjected to video-conference.


via tracesoffire, autistici.


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Posted in Social Control