


Dada was not a stable concept that could be reinitiated untransformed, nor was montage a static category...

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Adam Staley Groves: Pondering My 2020 Vote

Adam Staley Groves: Pondering My 2020 Vote

I actively supported Obama in 2008. I voted for him and I still feel it was the right thing to do. But I did not vote for Obama in 2012, or for Clinton in 2016. Why did I not vote?

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Asked for French Toast

Asked for French Toast

My father, Seymour Robbins, “Sim,” grew up in his parents’ Jewish deli in Stamford, Connecticut. They cooked all their own meats; corned beef, pastrami, and tongue, and all the side dishes; kugels, knishes, and salads...

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Soaring Above the Skylark

Soaring Above the Skylark

At the summit stood a stone Shinto gate framed by chestnut trees. I climbed the worn stone steps to find an overgrown shrine filled with moss-coated sculptures—images of Buddhist deities and elderly sages in flowing robes...

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Serious Kailyarding

Serious Kailyarding

During its wildly popular late-nineteenth-century pomp, Kailyard literature (so-named for a cabbage patch) was characterized by sentimental depictions of rural Scottish folk in all their close-knit charm...

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The beds turned dark brown, springy; they lifted from the earth…

The beds turned dark brown, springy; they lifted from the earth…

My shovel hit the earth with a ka-chunk. My friend and I were digging trenches to lay down a line of asparagus. We didn’t get far...

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When was salt and snow first used to produce ice cream?

When was salt and snow first used to produce ice cream?

The earliest form of ice cream seems to have been produced a little before Della Porta started freezing wine...

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Lilith: On Love, Living and Meritocracy

Lilith: On Love, Living and Meritocracy

My father once said, “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” It is taken from Love Story, a 1970 movie based on the novel of the same name...

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Susanna Crossman: Riding the Baking Edge #6

Susanna Crossman: Riding the Baking Edge #6

In the current climate of #BlackLivesMatter and the Coronavirus, how to write about bread? Interviewed, on Thursday June 9th, Angela Davis said...

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Andy and Dom by Alexander McGregor

Andy and Dom by Alexander McGregor

Prince Andrew and Dominic Cummings would likely not get along. Perhaps they might concord to share some garlic doughballs in Pizza Express...

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Ed Simon: John Donne and Social Isolation

Ed Simon: John Donne and Social Isolation

Late in 1623, the Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London fell ill with fever and had difficulty breathing. At 51 years of age, the poet and priest John Donne...

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Watching Mister Rogers by Eileen Hunt Botting

Watching Mister Rogers by Eileen Hunt Botting

Mister Rogers typically kept his distance, but when he did break quarantine he would strike against racism and other prejudice...

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Eli S. Evans: The Writer vs. the Pandemic III

Eli S. Evans: The Writer vs. the Pandemic III

Constant specter of illness and death, increasing likelihood of unemployment, nail in the coffin of the post-World War II order.

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Justice for Floyd

Justice for Floyd

Here we go again. Another black person killed by the US police. Another wave of multiracial resistance. Another cycle of race talk on the corporate media.

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Mask Sales Are Up

Mask Sales Are Up

It was 10 p.m. on a Tuesday, and I was watching footage of secret stockpiles of N95 masks

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Marian Janssen on Elizabeth Bishop

Marian Janssen on Elizabeth Bishop

Thomas Travisano paints a structured, sensitive portrait of Bishop. He is at his best when explaining her work, which he immaculately interweaves with her life.

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“Insurrection” and Black Citizens

“Insurrection” and Black Citizens

The very terminology—“black citizen”—was, of course, an oxymoron upon the birth of this very nation...

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“Excess Deaths” and British Political Culture

“Excess Deaths” and British Political Culture

The Financial Times reported today that the UK has the worst death rate from Covid-19 ‘among countries that produce comparable data’...

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