World Socialist Web Site


The World Socialist Web Site is a daily source of news and analysis published by the International Committee of the Fourth International.



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  1. 釘選的推文

    In the final installment of his series on Trotsky's final year, David North presents the significance of revolutionary leadership and the legacy of Trotsky in the 21st Century.

  2. 15 小時前

    With close to 20 million people in its path, Sally brought coastal flooding, record rainfall, high winds and mass power outages to a large swath of the northern Gulf Coast, stretching from southeast Louisiana to the west central coast of Florida.

  3. 16 小時前

    Stop the COVID coverup! What educators can do We are building a network of rank-and-file committees at schools and workplaces across the US to take control of the situation, stop the spread of and save lives. SAT SEPT 19, 3PM EDT

  4. 17 小時前

    Like the Trump administration, the Australian government is taking extraordinarily provocative actions against China, in violation of international law.

  5. 18 小時前

    As another killer cop goes free, protesters against the police killing of Ricardo Munoz in Lancaster, Pennsylvania remain in jail, with bail set at $1 million.

  6. 19 小時前

    Jose Maria Sison has not even attempted to refute the evidence presented by Dr. Joseph Scalice that the Communist Party of the supported the fascistic president Rodrigo Duterte in 2015-2016.

  7. 19 小時前

    Despite the incriminating evidence, the Democrats propose no actions to hold either Boeing or the FAA accountable for the deaths of 346 men, women and children.

  8. 20 小時前

    Ellsberg said that “with the Manning and Assange papers, I found my name being mentioned all the time as a very good person … to use me as a foil against these new revelations which were supposedly very different from mine.”

  9. 21 小時前

    The end of the strike occurred less than 24 hours after the American Federation of Teachers assumed control of negotiations and produced an agreement that was virtually identical to the one overwhelmingly rejected just a week ago

  10. 21 小時前

    While Trump and his political aides and advisers openly speak of civil war and martial law, the Democrats are largely ignoring and covering up the moves toward dictatorial forms of rule.

  11. 21 小時前

    “Herd immunity” has been the guiding principle of Trump’s response to the pandemic, underlying his efforts to downplay the virus, handicap testing and get workers back on the job as quickly as possible.

  12. 9月17日

    “We are not cattle and will not be sacrificed to protect the profits of the corporations and banks who have made a financial killing during the pandemic"

  13. 9月17日

    The inhumane treatment of the desperate people on Lesbos is the product of deliberate policies being pursued by the European Union and its member state

  14. 9月16日

    SDSU now has over 676 student cases of COVID-19 Previous article:

  15. 9月17日
  16. 9月16日

    San Diego State is blaming students for their unmitigated outbreak. knew their policies would put students in danger. They reopened anyways, putting profits over safety. Read here:

  17. 9月16日

    This report is a damning exposure of the immense hostility the university administration has for the and all its supporters. GEO will have a meeting to discuss a proposal tonight, to end the strike. Now is not the time to back down! Reject the sellout of the strike!

  18. 9月16日

    This is on par with someone telling they have to swim in shark infested waters. It has criminal implications. Time to build a campus-wide strike committee to defend the and workers! I'm with please DM if you can discuss more.

  19. 9月17日

    strikers! The AFT is using the court injunction as a threat to pressure you to agree to a sell-out contract! If grad students collective defied the injunction and rallied the support of other campus workers, it would take the struggle to an entirely new level!

  20. 9月17日

    In defiance of Congress and the Constitution, said he would not testify before a House committee on September 17.

  21. 9月17日

    Both expert witnesses shared the view that the prosecution of is politically motivated—which, if found to be true, would bar his extradition.



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