Imba.mount <nav#hero -> <a href='/guides'> "Get started" <a.github href=linkToGitHub> "GitHub"var Imba = require('imba'), _1 = Imba.createElement; Imba.mount((t0 = (t0=_1('nav')).setId('hero').setTemplate(function() { var $ = this.$, t0; return Imba.static([ ($[0] || _1('a',$,0,t0).setHref('/guides').setText("Get started")).end(), ($[1] || _1('a',$,1,t0).flag('github').setText("GitHub")).setHref(this.linkToGitHub()).end() ],2,1); })).end());

Create complex web apps with ease!

Imba was born to make developing web applications fun again. It features a clean and readable syntax inspired by ruby, compiles to readable and performant JavaScript, and works inside the existing ecosystem.

Imba treats DOM elements as a first-class citizens. Your declarative views are compiled to a memoized dom, which is an order of magnitude faster than todays virtual dom implementations. We truly believe that it opens up for a new way of developing web applications.


The interactive screencasting platform is written in Imba, both frontend and backend.