A Salute to the New People’s Army on its 45th Anniversary

Dear Comrades,

Revolutionary greetings from Revolutionary Initiative.  From our humble place of struggle to develop a revolutionary communist movement that can stand alongside yours in the history of people’s struggles against imperialism and for socialism, we join you in celebrating 45 years of people’s war in the Philippines.  We celebrate with you the courage, steadfastness and determination of the New People’s Army over the last 45 years and in the face of continuous repression from reactionary feudal, capitalist and imperialist enemies.

In spite of the spate of extra-judicial killings of leading activists and civilians over these past three months, including the arrest and trumped up charges meted out to Comrades Wilma Austria and Benito Tiamzon, who are protected peace negotiators for the National Democratic Front of the Philippines under the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees  (JASIG), we know that the reactionary servants to imperialism in the Philippines are merely revealing their growing desperation in the face of the surging people’s war.

On the 45th anniversary of the New People’s Army, we revolutionary communists who are agitating, organizing, and fighting within the borders set down by Canadian imperialism salute the great institution of the New People’s Army as a blazing star to guide the people’s struggles of the world.  We recognize it as the decisive instrument of the oppressed and exploited masses of the Philippines in their struggle for liberation.

We salute the red martyrs who lost their lives over these past 45 years of revolutionary armed struggle.  Their presence is stamped forever on the brighter future we are struggling to create.

Most of all, we salute the current commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army.  These women and men make great sacrifices to advance the decisive revolutionary strategy of protracted people’s war in the countryside of the Philippines.  We know that fighting the enemy militarily is only part of their job.  First and foremost these heroic revolutionaries serve the people and organize communities in the new democratic struggle along the road to socialism and communism.  Their commitment, their willingness to learn from and serve the people, their courage in the face of the enemy, is a guide to revolutionaries everywhere!

Victory to the people’s war in the Philippines!
Long live the New People’s Army!
Long live International Solidarity!

From the Central Committee of Revolutionary Initiative


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