More from the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and supporting organizations

Artwork by Kevin "Rashid" Johnson

More material from the Panther movement can be found here.

From Kevin “Rashid” Johnson (NABPP-PC):

Kill Yourself or Liberate Yourself

Rashid art – Black Women

Rashid art – dreamers arise

Rashid art – NABBP George Jackson

From the New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter:

NABPP-PC 10 PP pamphlet

Right On 19

Right On 20

wanted poster

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New Book by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter

Defying the Tomb

Defying the Tomb: Selected Prison Writings and Art of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson featuring exchanges with an Outlaw

Overview from the publisher:

Follow the author’s odyssey from lumpen drug dealer to prisoner, to revolutionary New Afrikan, a teacher and mentor, one of a new generation rising of prison intellectuals. This book consists primarily of letters between Rashid and Outlaw, another revolutionary New Afrikan prisoner, smuggled between the segregation wing and general population over a period of months. These comrades educate themselves – and us as well – on Marxism and Maoism, the Five-Percenters, Dialectical Materialism, Dead Prez, Capitalism, Racism, Imperialism, Class Struggle, Revolutionary Nationalism, New Afrikan Independence, Psychology, and a host of other subjects, as they grapple with how to promote revolutionary consciousness in the most hostile of environments.

Rashid has been in prison for twenty years – the past eighteen of which in segregation (solitary confinement). Shortly after this correspondence between himself and Outlaw, he and his comrade Shaka Sankofa Zulu founded the New Afrikan Black Panther Party–Prison Chapter. The NABPP-PC has since  developed branches in various prisons across the u$ empire and has its own newsletter, Right On!
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