A New Wave of Unity Among Revolutionary Communists

A New Wave of Unity Among Revolutionary Communists

[From Arsenal-Express newsletter, a publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party (Canada). – Ed.]

It is with great pride and a deep sense of responsibility in front of the Canadian proletariat and the international communist movement that we announce the rallying of the Social Revolution Party (SRP) to the Parti communiste r̩volutionnaire РRevolutionary Communist Party (Canada).

The Social Revolution Party is an Ottawa-based communist group founded in 2009. Created two years earlier, the Revolutionary Communist Party is a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party that fights for a revolutionary change in Canada, for workers power and socialism, as part of the world revolution.

Following the historic anti-capitalist mobilization against the G20 Summit in June 2010 in Toronto, the Social Revolution Party came into contact with the RCP. During the fall, members of the SRP studied and discussed the program of the RCP. The comrades of the SRP also took part in the Second Canadian Revolutionary Congress organized by the RCP, which was held December 11, 2011 in Toronto. The RCP was then able see the quality of the revolutionary commitment of the SRP and its activists and their willingness to move forward on the path of communism and revolution. Despite being a young organization, members of the SRP already have a rich experience in organizing, especially among the working class.

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Expose the electoral circus and build the revolutionary forces

Expose the electoral circus and build the revolutionary forces

From the Central Committee, Revolutionary Initiative (Canada)
29 March 2011

This is not the path to revolution.
This is not the path to revolution.

With the upcoming Federal Elections in Canada, this document offers an assessment by the Central Committee of Revolutionary Initiative on the question of elections in the current international context and given the level of self-organization of the proletariat in Canada. It is organized into five main sections:

  1. The strategic decline of imperialism
  2. The crisis of bourgeois democracy
  3. The role of electoralism in keeping the proletariat demobilized as a class for itself
  4. The strategic position of the proletariat in Canada today: demobilization and disarray
  5. Electoral tactics and revolutionary strategy

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RCP (Canada): More on the question of waging revolutionary war in the imperialist countries

[Part of our ongoing series on revolutionary military strategy in imperialist countries.  Originally posted here.]

First published in Arsenal magazine, No. 5, May 2005. Arsenal is the voice of the RCP(OC).

“Policy is the starting-point of all the practical actions of a revolutionary party and manifests itself in the process and the end-result of that party’s actions. A revolutionary party is carrying out a policy whenever it takes any action. If it is not carrying out a correct policy, it is carrying out a wrong policy; if it is not carrying out a given policy consciously, it is doing so blindly. What we call experience is the process and the end-result of carrying out a policy. Only through the practice of the people, that is, through experience, can we verify whether a policy is correct or wrong and determine to what extent it is correct or wrong. But people’s practice, especially the practice of a revolutionary party and the revolutionary masses, cannot but be related to one policy or another. Therefore, before any action is taken, we must explain the policy, which we have formulated in the light of the given circumstances, to Party members and to the masses. Otherwise, Party members and the masses will depart from the guidance of our policy, act blindly and carry out a wrong policy.” – Mao Zedong, On the Policy Concerning Industry and Commerce, 1948

We are publishing these working notes that have been produced at the RCP(OC) Politburo’s request, in order to pursue the study of the protracted people’s war as a strategy for the imperialist countries. [1]

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On Elections: RCP (Canada)

[From Call For A New Class Struggle in Canada:]

1. A Canada-wide boycott campaign during the next federal elections:

Boycott the Elections! is a slogan that is anything but passive. Driven by the forces of the militant proletariat, led by activists working for revolution and for the destruction of the exploitative capitalist system, this slogan is a call to fight
against apathy and indifference, and against what will be an inevitable defeat otherwise.

This slogan is a call for unity among the proletariat, whether they be young, old, unemployed, immigrant or refugee.

This slogan is a call to unite with the most militant layers among the Native nations who refuse to recognize the Canadian Parliament, except than to be the organizer of their own oppression. This slogan when carried forward by the most conscious forces among the proletariat, can offer the proletariat a real political perspective: the actions of the revolutionary proletariat to transform society. This action must be first and foremost the expression of the rejection of bourgeois politics in a conscious and unified way. By organizing actions, through meetings and protests, through the massive distribution and publication of leaflets and newspapers throughout the country, these revolutionary actions
represent a real threat to the apparatus of domination of the bourgeoisie. They reveal and expose to the eyes of many the deeply unfair nature of this system ruled by a tiny minority.

There will be those that will criticize us who boycott by saying that we are playing the game of the rightists. Some forces on the left often use this argument: “One can try to rebalance bourgeois parliamentarism by calling for proportional representationâ€. In either case, whether it be twoheaded or three-headed, it remains the party of the bourgeoisie. What really matters is that in all cases, the same interests prevail, both in government and in opposition. Regardless of parliamentary representation, the nature of Parliament itself remains the same.

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RCP (Canada): Document for the Canadian Revolutionary Congress, Dec. 11 in Toronto

A pdf of this document is available here.


The proletarian movement we need

The following call is an invitation to all revolutionaries, activists, proletarians and all collectives or groups of the extreme-left in Canada who aspire to build a genuine proletarian movement. A movement that will oppose the bourgeoisie, the capitalists and their power; a movement that will push forward the class struggle on completely new foundations. It is an invitation to debate and discuss
the proposals contained in this declaration and establish some common perspectives for the purpose of unifying and mobilizing in Canada in the coming year. The call, initiated by the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCRRCP
Canada), will be discussed at the Canadian Revolutionary Congress to be held in Toronto on December 11th. All those interested in participating can register by writing to info@pcr-rcp.ca.


Capitalism is exploitation and misery. This simple truth reveals and highlights the instability of the whole system: the crisis gave way to new crises, sharp declines in expansions that seem limitless, short-term progressions followed by
spectacular falls.

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