The new home of property data

Join over 70,000 property professionals using Pricefinder

All in one place

Pricefinder collects property data from multiple sources so you don’t have to, including; property ownership, phone numbers, property zoning, title information, over 30 years of sales history and real-time auction results.

CMA Report in minutes

Stand out from your competitors with professional CMA reports in your own branding. Give your appraisals the competitive edge and win more listings.

Understand local markets

Customised mapping tools help you stay on top of the market in your local area. Assisting to prospect more efficiently and win more listings.

Customer engagement

Make your brand shine with professional and fully customised PDF reports to build strong brand awareness and customer engagement while increasing client and prospective client confidence.


Over 30 years of property data collected

Pricefinder is a leading property intelligence platform, delivering comprehensive property data and analytics that power businesses across Australia since 1989. With features that make it easy to navigate data and reporting, you’ll produce better insights and know more with Pricefinder.


Real Estate
& Valuers

Our comprehensive property reports include more data than any other provider, helping you win more appraisals and prospect more efficiently.


Buyers, Sellers
& Investors

By using the tools the professionals use, you can do you own research and keep across market dynamics, for better long-term planning and decisions.


& Government

Powered by APM, Pricefinder provide research and data to drive insights for risk management, powering logical decision-making and creating efficiency.


I find the quality of the data to be very good and up to date, I really enjoy the multitude of search criteria which allows for so much flexibility in both searching and creating reports. The ability to control which properties appear in reports and then the visual quality once those reports are produced is fantastic. The more I use the program the more I find out it’s capabilities and the more useful it becomes.Keep up the good work on this product.


We at Elders Real Estate Toowoomba are extremely happy with the service provided by Pricefinder. We find your site user friendly, informative, and up to date. Keep up the great work!


Pricefinder is our go-to resource for up to date market trends and property data. Captured through quick and easy reporting that includes fully branded comparative market analyses; this is our data solution for comprehensive market research and serves as a crucial element to gain business and achieve the best sales outcome for our clients.

Pricefinder is the source for all your property data needs

Unlock property data where you need it most

split section
  • Insights from 13 million properties nationally
  • Know more about your vendors
  • Streamline efficiencies
  • Educate your buyers and sellers
  • Prospecting tools to win business
  • Know more on the go with Pricefinder for iPhone

We at Elders Real Estate Toowoomba are extremely happy with the service provided by Pricefinder. We find your site user friendly, informative, and up to date. Keep up the great work!

Elders Toowoomba

Pricefinder has certainly helped with increasing my listings. Great tool for listing at the right price. Pricefinder has been a blessing to my business. Would recommend to anyone.

Richardson & Wrench Caboolture

Pricefinder is a valuable tool our agents and research team turn to daily. Thank you for your terrific service!

PRD Nationwide Head Office