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Bye bye static video! Our interactive screencasts lets you edit the teacher's code.

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About the platform

Scrimba is the next-generation platform for learning how to code. Our screencasts enable you to interact with the code directly in the player. This way, you'll have more fun and learn faster.

Our courses cover subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue, and more. They're all made with the goal of advancing your career. So pick a course and give your career a boost!

Hi! from the founders

Our goal is to create the best possible coding school at the lowest possible cost for students. If we succeed with this, it’ll give anyone who wants to become a software developer a realistic shot at succeeding. Regardless of where they live and the size of their wallets.

“To achieve this, we’ve created a new video format for code screencasts. We call it “scrims”.

This format is the backbone of our school. Not only because it results in a superior learning experience. But also because it enables us to iterate more quickly, to attract better teachers, to facilitate better peer-learning, to keep server costs low, and much more.


Sindre & Per

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