Wednesday, December 4, 2019


That's's the eleventh straight year of demented,noisy,punk rock,and non traditional xmas music,from your favorite troupe of dimwits ,on the Sluggisha Tapes/Blogspot roster! I can't say enough about this awesome compilation,and all the great folks ,who came together,to make this possible! Mikey D. did the front cover art this year,and Gray Meatballs did the back cover,whilst G O D compiled this whole mess.Got some punk rock,some noise,some tardcore,some metal,some experimental,some hnw,and the lounge-y sounds of the world's most infamous crooner,and keeper of the old world,GROB!! This usually featured on radio and internet outlets ,nationwide,every year.Let's hope this year is no different!

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Sluggisha Tapes is 29 years old today! In 1990 started as a mailorder diy cassette label.For more details,drama,inside scoops,and dirt on the label,the bands,the people,the songs,the shows,and the longevity of the greatest unheard,underground,cult music label,ever ,get ready for "SLUGGISHA TAPES - The Book!" authored by yours truly,and published by Auspicious Apparatus Press,by my friend and book publisher,(amongst other talents),Todd Barselow,hopefully in time for Sluggisha's 30th Anniversary,next year,on this day!!Anyone who has stories to tell or pics for the book get with me at .thanks!

It is also the 11th Birthday of ,and other outlets on the web ,(just google "sluggisha"). Most links on the ol' blog are dead now,after uploading the full blog 3 times,and it's been deleted each time! I hope to rectify all links before "Sluggisha Tapes - The Book" comes out next year!In the meantime ,if you find something on this here blog that you wanna hear,shoot me a line at  and I can most likely send you a link or file,within a few days.Thanks for all your support over the years ,and many more to go!! Next up : SLUGGISHA'S XMASTRAVAGANZA #11

Saturday, December 15, 2018


It's that time of year again! The 10th volume of Sluggisha's Xmastravaganza is now available for download on bandcamp for free.I only get 200 free downloads a month so if any of you can pay a small fee of any amount,it will free up more free downloads,as I anticipate much more than 200 downloads,especially this month.My files at archive were all deleted,so most links on this blog are dead.I am seeking out a new file hoster or looking into starting a netlabel on archive,with nothing other than bands/projects on my label.So this year ,for the first time ever ,the Xmastravaganza is on bandcamp.The awesome cover art was done by Michael Elvidge ,who also did a song for the comp! Back cover pooped together by resident in-house artist ,Gray Meatballs.We ended up with 41 bands doing 56 carols of all shapes,sizes,and sounds.A good third of the bands here are of the noise variety,the rest are of every style/genre.Jingle Bells was the most submitted song with 9 versions,one in a medley,some barely recognizable as such,some very trad.,dad.I can't say too much more,other than,go listen,download,play on your radio show/podcast/xmas parties,make copies for friends/family,just go!We are usually featured on the Dricore show on WCSB ,Cleveland,Ohio ,on every Xmas show,hopefully this year will be no different! 
Also here is the full release on youtube,with all the flyer art!